extreme scale util class
The util class to get the object that exists in object grid.
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.fmr.pzn.bo.TagProfileData;
import com.fmr.pzn.bo.UserProfile;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.BackingMap;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.ClientClusterContext;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.ConnectException;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.ObjectGrid;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.ObjectGridManager;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.ObjectGridManagerFactory;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.ObjectGridRuntimeException;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.ObjectMap;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.Session;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.UndefinedMapException;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.security.config.ClientSecurityConfiguration;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.security.config.ClientSecurityConfigurationFactory;
* To retrieve tag from XS.
public class XSUtil {
private static String connectionString = null ;
private static String gridName = null ;
private static String mapName = null ;
private static String uniqueId = null ;
private static ObjectGrid grid = null ;
* @param args
* @throws Exception
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
connectionString = " AAAtest1.fmr.com:17000,AAAtest1.fmr.com:17001 " ;
gridName = " volatileGrid " ;
// gridName = "Grid";
mapName = "XXX Map " ;
uniqueId = " 0001 000001811 " ;
grid = getGrid(connectionString, gridName, " configs/pzn-int/ogClient.properties " );
// System.out.println("**********Start to delete entry**********");
// deleteEntry(grid, mapName, uniqueId);
// System.out.println("**********Start to create entry**********");
// createEntry(grid, mapName, uniqueId);
System.out.println( " **********Start to query entry********** " );
queryEntry(grid, mapName, uniqueId);
* @param connectionString
* @param gridName
* @param csConfigFile
* @return
* @throws Exception
* @throws ConnectException
public static ObjectGrid getGrid(String connectionString, String gridName,
String csConfigFile) throws Exception, ConnectException {
if (connectionString != null && connectionString.length() > 0
&& connectionString.indexOf( " : " ) > 0 ) {
if (grid == null ) {
ClientClusterContext ccc = null ;
ObjectGridManager ogManager = null ;
try {
ogManager = ObjectGridManagerFactory.getObjectGridManager();
System.out.println( " >>> ObjectGridManager obtained, " + ogManager);
// uncomment these lines to unable ORB/SSL tracing
// ogManager.setTraceFileName("logs/client.log");
// ogManager.setTraceSpecification("ObjectGrid*=all=enabled:ORBRas=all=enabled:SASRas=all=enabled:com.ibm.ws.security.*=all=enabled");
// ccc = ogManager.connect(connectionString, null, null);
ClientSecurityConfiguration clientSecurityConfig = null ;
if (csConfigFile != null ) {
clientSecurityConfig = ClientSecurityConfigurationFactory.getClientSecurityConfiguration(csConfigFile);
ccc = ogManager.connect(connectionString, clientSecurityConfig, new File(
" objectGridClient.xml " ).toURI().toURL());
System.err.println( " >>> ClientClusterContext obtained, " + ccc);
System.err.println( " >>> Cluster name is " + ccc.getClusterName());
} catch (ConnectException e) {
System.out.printf( " Connection error: %s\n " , e.getCause());
throw new ConnectException(e);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.printf( " \nXSInit: Exception while getting the grid: %s\n " , e.getCause());
// Retrieve the ObjectGrid client connection and return it.
try {
grid = ogManager.getObjectGrid(ccc, gridName);
System.out.println( " >>> Grid ' " + gridName + " ' obtained, " + grid);
} catch (ObjectGridRuntimeException e) {
.printf( " \nXSInit: Exception while accessing the grid: '%s'. Check the validity of the grid name.\n " ,
} else {
System.out.println( " Connection string format should be host:port[,host:port] " );
return grid;
public static void createEntry(ObjectGrid grid, String mapName,
String uniqueId) throws Exception {
// Get Backing Map
BackingMap bm = grid.getMap(mapName);
if (bm == null ) {
" Map '%s' does not exist on this grid. Exiting
System.exit( 1 );
// Get a session
Session sess = grid.getSession();
// Get the ObjectMap
ObjectMap map1 = null ;
try {
map1 = sess.getMap(mapName);
} catch (UndefinedMapException e){
" Map '%s' does not exist on this grid. Exiting
System.exit( 1 );
UserProfile myUserProfile = null ;
myUserProfile = (UserProfile) map1.get(uniqueId);
if (myUserProfile == null ) {
String probeKey = uniqueId;
// UUID.randomUUID().toString();
.printf( " \nPLACING UserProfile OBJECT IN THE GRID with key as follows:[%s]\n " ,
myUserProfile = getUserProfile(probeKey, 5 );
map1.insert(probeKey, myUserProfile);
myUserProfile = (UserProfile) map1.get(probeKey);
if (myUserProfile == null ) {
" \nCall support. Cannot allocate probe object in the following system: "
+ " \nHost/port: '%s' " + " \nGrid : '%s' "
+ " \nMap : '%s'\n " , connectionString,
grid.getName(), map1.getName());
public static void queryEntry(ObjectGrid grid, String mapName,
String uniqueId) throws Exception {
UserProfile myUserProfile = null ;
Session sess = grid.getSession();
ObjectMap map1 = null ;
try {
map1 = sess.getMap(mapName);
} catch (UndefinedMapException e){
" Map '%s' does not exist on this grid. Exiting
System.exit( 1 );
List < UserProfile > upList = new ArrayList < UserProfile > ();
String[] mids = null ;
if (uniqueId.indexOf( " , " ) >= 0 ) {
mids = uniqueId.split( " , " );
} else {
mids = new String[] { uniqueId };
for (String mid : mids) {
myUserProfile = (UserProfile) map1.get(mid);
if (myUserProfile == null ) {
.printf( " \nOops
UserProfile with the MID '%s' has NOT been found in the following system:
+ " \nHost/port: '%s' "
+ " \nGrid : '%s' "
+ " \nMap : '%s'\n " , mid, connectionString,
grid.getName(), map1.getName());
} else {
" \nUserProfile object with the MID '%s' has been found at "
+ " \nHost/port: '%s' " + " \nGrid : '%s' "
+ " \nMap : '%s'\n " ,
myUserProfile.getUniqueId(), connectionString,
grid.getName(), map1.getName());
System.out.printf( " \nObject content is as follows:\n%s\n " ,
public static void deleteEntry(ObjectGrid grid, String mapName,
String uniqueId) throws Exception {
// Get Backing Map
BackingMap bm = grid.getMap(mapName);
if (bm == null ) {
" Map '%s' does not exist on this grid. Exiting
System.exit( 1 );
// Get a session
Session sess = grid.getSession();
// Get the ObjectMap
ObjectMap map1 = null ;
try {
map1 = sess.getMap(mapName);
} catch (UndefinedMapException e)
" Map '%s' does not exist on this grid. Exiting
System.exit( 1 );
String[] mids = null ;
if (uniqueId.indexOf( " , " ) >= 0 ) {
mids = uniqueId.split( " , " );
} else {
mids = new String[] { uniqueId };
for (String mid : mids) {
if ( ! map1.containsKey(mid)) {
.printf( " \nNOTHING HAS BEEN REMOVED-OBJECT WAS NOT FOUND\nUserProfile with the MID '%s' has not been found in the following system: "
+ " \nHost/port: '%s' "
+ " \nGrid : '%s' "
+ " \nMap : '%s'\n " , mid, connectionString,
grid.getName(), map1.getName());
} else {
// lets remove this object
if ( ! map1.containsKey(mid)) {
" \nUserProfile object with the MID '%s' has been REMOVED AS REQUISTED from "
+ " \nHost/port: '%s' " + " \nGrid : '%s' "
+ " \nMap : '%s'\n " , mid,
connectionString, grid.getName(), map1.getName());
} else {
" \nERROR: Cannot remove object with the MID '%s' from "
+ " \nHost/port: '%s' " + " \nGrid : '%s' "
+ " \nMap : '%s'\n " , mid,
connectionString, grid.getName(), map1.getName());
private static UserProfile getUserProfile(String uniqueId, int numTags) {
UserProfile up = new UserProfile();
up.setCustomerType( " C " );
up.setRealmName( " PI " );
up.setSegmentName( " AO " );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numTags; i ++ ) {
TagProfileData tpd = getTagProfileData(i);
return up;
private static TagProfileData getTagProfileData( int i) {
TagProfileData tpd = new TagProfileData();
tpd.setCategoryName( " Sales " );
tpd.setCustInterest( 7 );
tpd.setLastEventDate( new java.util.Date());
tpd.setLastMaintenanceDate( new java.util.Date());
tpd.setSuppressionExpDate( new java.util.Date());
tpd.setSuppressionInd( 0 );
tpd.setTagCreationDate( new java.util.Date());
tpd.setType( " Action " );
if (i == 0 ) {
tpd.setTagId( " 30 " );
tpd.setTagName( " AbandonedBundleEBNA " );
tpd.setSubCategory( " Brokerage " );
if (i == 1 ) {
tpd.setTagId( " 28 " );
tpd.setTagName( " AOAbandonedEBNA " );
tpd.setSubCategory( " Brokerage " );
if (i == 2 ) {
tpd.setTagId( " 29 " );
tpd.setTagName( " AOAbandoned529 " );
tpd.setSubCategory( " Education " );
if (i == 3 ) {
tpd.setTagId( " 31 " );
tpd.setTagName( " AOAbandonedRetirement " );
tpd.setSubCategory( " Retirement " );
if (i >= 4 ) {
tpd.setTagId( " 32 " );
tpd.setTagName( " AOAbandonedRollover " );
tpd.setSubCategory( " Retirement " );
tpd.setTagPriority( 4 /* tagPriority */ );
tpd.setTagScore( 12345.67F /* tagScore */ );
tpd.setTagSource( " eDB " );
return tpd;
private static String dumpUserProfile(UserProfile up) {
if (up == null )
return " UserProfile is null " ;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// ("UserProfile \n");
sb.append( " Customer Type :[ "
+ (up.getCustomerType() != null ? up.getCustomerType() : " null " )
+ " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Realm Name :[ " + up.getRealmName() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " SegmentName :[ " + up.getSegmentName() + " ]\n " );
// sb.append("Reason :[" + up + "]\n");
if ( null != up.getTagProfileDataList()) {
sb.append( " Number of Tags :[ " + up.getTagProfileDataList().size()
+ " ]\n " );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < up.getTagProfileDataList().size(); i ++ ) {
sb.append( " Tag # " + i + " :\n " );
sb.append( " \n " );
return sb.toString();
private static String dumpTagProfileData(TagProfileData tpd) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (tpd == null )
return " TagProfileData is null " ;
// (" Tag Profile Data:\n");
sb.append( " Tag Id :[ " + tpd.getTagId() + " ]\n " );
if (System.getProperty( " xs.c " ) != null ) {
sb.append( " Tag Name :[AOAbandonedTheFidelityAccount]\n " );
} else {
sb.append( " Tag Name :[ " + tpd.getTagName() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Category Name :[ " + tpd.getCategoryName() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Sub Category Name :[ " + tpd.getSubCategory() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Business type :[ " + tpd.getType() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Reason :[ " + tpd.getReason() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Cust Interest :[ " + tpd.getCustInterest() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Last Event Date :[ " + tpd.getLastEventDate() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Last Maintenance Date:[ " + tpd.getLastMaintenanceDate()
+ " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Suppression Exp Date :[ " + tpd.getSuppressionExpDate()
+ " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Suppression Ind :[ " + tpd.getSuppressionInd() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Tag CreationDate :[ " + tpd.getTagCreationDate() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Tag Priority :[ " + tpd.getTagPriority() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Tag Score :[ " + tpd.getTagScore() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Tag Source :[ " + tpd.getTagSource() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " \n " );
return sb.toString();
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.fmr.pzn.bo.TagProfileData;
import com.fmr.pzn.bo.UserProfile;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.BackingMap;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.ClientClusterContext;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.ConnectException;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.ObjectGrid;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.ObjectGridManager;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.ObjectGridManagerFactory;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.ObjectGridRuntimeException;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.ObjectMap;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.Session;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.UndefinedMapException;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.security.config.ClientSecurityConfiguration;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.security.config.ClientSecurityConfigurationFactory;
* To retrieve tag from XS.
public class XSUtil {
private static String connectionString = null ;
private static String gridName = null ;
private static String mapName = null ;
private static String uniqueId = null ;
private static ObjectGrid grid = null ;
* @param args
* @throws Exception
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
connectionString = " AAAtest1.fmr.com:17000,AAAtest1.fmr.com:17001 " ;
gridName = " volatileGrid " ;
// gridName = "Grid";
mapName = "XXX Map " ;
uniqueId = " 0001 000001811 " ;
grid = getGrid(connectionString, gridName, " configs/pzn-int/ogClient.properties " );
// System.out.println("**********Start to delete entry**********");
// deleteEntry(grid, mapName, uniqueId);
// System.out.println("**********Start to create entry**********");
// createEntry(grid, mapName, uniqueId);
System.out.println( " **********Start to query entry********** " );
queryEntry(grid, mapName, uniqueId);
* @param connectionString
* @param gridName
* @param csConfigFile
* @return
* @throws Exception
* @throws ConnectException
public static ObjectGrid getGrid(String connectionString, String gridName,
String csConfigFile) throws Exception, ConnectException {
if (connectionString != null && connectionString.length() > 0
&& connectionString.indexOf( " : " ) > 0 ) {
if (grid == null ) {
ClientClusterContext ccc = null ;
ObjectGridManager ogManager = null ;
try {
ogManager = ObjectGridManagerFactory.getObjectGridManager();
System.out.println( " >>> ObjectGridManager obtained, " + ogManager);
// uncomment these lines to unable ORB/SSL tracing
// ogManager.setTraceFileName("logs/client.log");
// ogManager.setTraceSpecification("ObjectGrid*=all=enabled:ORBRas=all=enabled:SASRas=all=enabled:com.ibm.ws.security.*=all=enabled");
// ccc = ogManager.connect(connectionString, null, null);
ClientSecurityConfiguration clientSecurityConfig = null ;
if (csConfigFile != null ) {
clientSecurityConfig = ClientSecurityConfigurationFactory.getClientSecurityConfiguration(csConfigFile);
ccc = ogManager.connect(connectionString, clientSecurityConfig, new File(
" objectGridClient.xml " ).toURI().toURL());
System.err.println( " >>> ClientClusterContext obtained, " + ccc);
System.err.println( " >>> Cluster name is " + ccc.getClusterName());
} catch (ConnectException e) {
System.out.printf( " Connection error: %s\n " , e.getCause());
throw new ConnectException(e);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.printf( " \nXSInit: Exception while getting the grid: %s\n " , e.getCause());
// Retrieve the ObjectGrid client connection and return it.
try {
grid = ogManager.getObjectGrid(ccc, gridName);
System.out.println( " >>> Grid ' " + gridName + " ' obtained, " + grid);
} catch (ObjectGridRuntimeException e) {
.printf( " \nXSInit: Exception while accessing the grid: '%s'. Check the validity of the grid name.\n " ,
} else {
System.out.println( " Connection string format should be host:port[,host:port] " );
return grid;
public static void createEntry(ObjectGrid grid, String mapName,
String uniqueId) throws Exception {
// Get Backing Map
BackingMap bm = grid.getMap(mapName);
if (bm == null ) {
" Map '%s' does not exist on this grid. Exiting

System.exit( 1 );
// Get a session
Session sess = grid.getSession();
// Get the ObjectMap
ObjectMap map1 = null ;
try {
map1 = sess.getMap(mapName);
} catch (UndefinedMapException e){
" Map '%s' does not exist on this grid. Exiting

System.exit( 1 );
UserProfile myUserProfile = null ;
myUserProfile = (UserProfile) map1.get(uniqueId);
if (myUserProfile == null ) {
String probeKey = uniqueId;
// UUID.randomUUID().toString();
.printf( " \nPLACING UserProfile OBJECT IN THE GRID with key as follows:[%s]\n " ,
myUserProfile = getUserProfile(probeKey, 5 );
map1.insert(probeKey, myUserProfile);
myUserProfile = (UserProfile) map1.get(probeKey);
if (myUserProfile == null ) {
" \nCall support. Cannot allocate probe object in the following system: "
+ " \nHost/port: '%s' " + " \nGrid : '%s' "
+ " \nMap : '%s'\n " , connectionString,
grid.getName(), map1.getName());
public static void queryEntry(ObjectGrid grid, String mapName,
String uniqueId) throws Exception {
UserProfile myUserProfile = null ;
Session sess = grid.getSession();
ObjectMap map1 = null ;
try {
map1 = sess.getMap(mapName);
} catch (UndefinedMapException e){
" Map '%s' does not exist on this grid. Exiting

System.exit( 1 );
List < UserProfile > upList = new ArrayList < UserProfile > ();
String[] mids = null ;
if (uniqueId.indexOf( " , " ) >= 0 ) {
mids = uniqueId.split( " , " );
} else {
mids = new String[] { uniqueId };
for (String mid : mids) {
myUserProfile = (UserProfile) map1.get(mid);
if (myUserProfile == null ) {
.printf( " \nOops

+ " \nHost/port: '%s' "
+ " \nGrid : '%s' "
+ " \nMap : '%s'\n " , mid, connectionString,
grid.getName(), map1.getName());
} else {
" \nUserProfile object with the MID '%s' has been found at "
+ " \nHost/port: '%s' " + " \nGrid : '%s' "
+ " \nMap : '%s'\n " ,
myUserProfile.getUniqueId(), connectionString,
grid.getName(), map1.getName());
System.out.printf( " \nObject content is as follows:\n%s\n " ,
public static void deleteEntry(ObjectGrid grid, String mapName,
String uniqueId) throws Exception {
// Get Backing Map
BackingMap bm = grid.getMap(mapName);
if (bm == null ) {
" Map '%s' does not exist on this grid. Exiting

System.exit( 1 );
// Get a session
Session sess = grid.getSession();
// Get the ObjectMap
ObjectMap map1 = null ;
try {
map1 = sess.getMap(mapName);
} catch (UndefinedMapException e)
" Map '%s' does not exist on this grid. Exiting

System.exit( 1 );
String[] mids = null ;
if (uniqueId.indexOf( " , " ) >= 0 ) {
mids = uniqueId.split( " , " );
} else {
mids = new String[] { uniqueId };
for (String mid : mids) {
if ( ! map1.containsKey(mid)) {
.printf( " \nNOTHING HAS BEEN REMOVED-OBJECT WAS NOT FOUND\nUserProfile with the MID '%s' has not been found in the following system: "
+ " \nHost/port: '%s' "
+ " \nGrid : '%s' "
+ " \nMap : '%s'\n " , mid, connectionString,
grid.getName(), map1.getName());
} else {
// lets remove this object
if ( ! map1.containsKey(mid)) {
" \nUserProfile object with the MID '%s' has been REMOVED AS REQUISTED from "
+ " \nHost/port: '%s' " + " \nGrid : '%s' "
+ " \nMap : '%s'\n " , mid,
connectionString, grid.getName(), map1.getName());
} else {
" \nERROR: Cannot remove object with the MID '%s' from "
+ " \nHost/port: '%s' " + " \nGrid : '%s' "
+ " \nMap : '%s'\n " , mid,
connectionString, grid.getName(), map1.getName());
private static UserProfile getUserProfile(String uniqueId, int numTags) {
UserProfile up = new UserProfile();
up.setCustomerType( " C " );
up.setRealmName( " PI " );
up.setSegmentName( " AO " );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numTags; i ++ ) {
TagProfileData tpd = getTagProfileData(i);
return up;
private static TagProfileData getTagProfileData( int i) {
TagProfileData tpd = new TagProfileData();
tpd.setCategoryName( " Sales " );
tpd.setCustInterest( 7 );
tpd.setLastEventDate( new java.util.Date());
tpd.setLastMaintenanceDate( new java.util.Date());
tpd.setSuppressionExpDate( new java.util.Date());
tpd.setSuppressionInd( 0 );
tpd.setTagCreationDate( new java.util.Date());
tpd.setType( " Action " );
if (i == 0 ) {
tpd.setTagId( " 30 " );
tpd.setTagName( " AbandonedBundleEBNA " );
tpd.setSubCategory( " Brokerage " );
if (i == 1 ) {
tpd.setTagId( " 28 " );
tpd.setTagName( " AOAbandonedEBNA " );
tpd.setSubCategory( " Brokerage " );
if (i == 2 ) {
tpd.setTagId( " 29 " );
tpd.setTagName( " AOAbandoned529 " );
tpd.setSubCategory( " Education " );
if (i == 3 ) {
tpd.setTagId( " 31 " );
tpd.setTagName( " AOAbandonedRetirement " );
tpd.setSubCategory( " Retirement " );
if (i >= 4 ) {
tpd.setTagId( " 32 " );
tpd.setTagName( " AOAbandonedRollover " );
tpd.setSubCategory( " Retirement " );
tpd.setTagPriority( 4 /* tagPriority */ );
tpd.setTagScore( 12345.67F /* tagScore */ );
tpd.setTagSource( " eDB " );
return tpd;
private static String dumpUserProfile(UserProfile up) {
if (up == null )
return " UserProfile is null " ;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// ("UserProfile \n");
sb.append( " Customer Type :[ "
+ (up.getCustomerType() != null ? up.getCustomerType() : " null " )
+ " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Realm Name :[ " + up.getRealmName() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " SegmentName :[ " + up.getSegmentName() + " ]\n " );
// sb.append("Reason :[" + up + "]\n");
if ( null != up.getTagProfileDataList()) {
sb.append( " Number of Tags :[ " + up.getTagProfileDataList().size()
+ " ]\n " );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < up.getTagProfileDataList().size(); i ++ ) {
sb.append( " Tag # " + i + " :\n " );
sb.append( " \n " );
return sb.toString();
private static String dumpTagProfileData(TagProfileData tpd) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (tpd == null )
return " TagProfileData is null " ;
// (" Tag Profile Data:\n");
sb.append( " Tag Id :[ " + tpd.getTagId() + " ]\n " );
if (System.getProperty( " xs.c " ) != null ) {
sb.append( " Tag Name :[AOAbandonedTheFidelityAccount]\n " );
} else {
sb.append( " Tag Name :[ " + tpd.getTagName() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Category Name :[ " + tpd.getCategoryName() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Sub Category Name :[ " + tpd.getSubCategory() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Business type :[ " + tpd.getType() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Reason :[ " + tpd.getReason() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Cust Interest :[ " + tpd.getCustInterest() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Last Event Date :[ " + tpd.getLastEventDate() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Last Maintenance Date:[ " + tpd.getLastMaintenanceDate()
+ " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Suppression Exp Date :[ " + tpd.getSuppressionExpDate()
+ " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Suppression Ind :[ " + tpd.getSuppressionInd() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Tag CreationDate :[ " + tpd.getTagCreationDate() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Tag Priority :[ " + tpd.getTagPriority() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Tag Score :[ " + tpd.getTagScore() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " Tag Source :[ " + tpd.getTagSource() + " ]\n " );
sb.append( " \n " );
return sb.toString();
The ogClient.properties
# To enable client authentication, set the following two entries to
# Required. To disable client authentication, set both to Never.
# When SSL is disabled this file is not used at all.
credentialAuthentication = Never
clientCertificateAuthentication = Never
securityEnabled = true
transportType = SSL - Required
alias = clientkey
contextProvider = IBMJSSE2
protocol = SSL
keyStoreType = JKS
keyStore = configs / pzn - acp / wxs - client.jks
keyStorePassword = XXX
trustStoreType = JKS
trustStore = configs / pzn - acp / wxs - client.jks
trustStorePassword = XXX
authenticationRetryCount = 3
# Required. To disable client authentication, set both to Never.
# When SSL is disabled this file is not used at all.
credentialAuthentication = Never
clientCertificateAuthentication = Never
securityEnabled = true
transportType = SSL - Required
alias = clientkey
contextProvider = IBMJSSE2
protocol = SSL
keyStoreType = JKS
keyStore = configs / pzn - acp / wxs - client.jks
keyStorePassword = XXX
trustStoreType = JKS
trustStore = configs / pzn - acp / wxs - client.jks
trustStorePassword = XXX
authenticationRetryCount = 3
example of objectGridClient.xml
xml version
< objectGridConfig xmlns:xsi = " http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance "
xsi:schemaLocation = " http://ibm.com/ws/objectgrid/config ../objectGrid.xsd "
xmlns = " http://ibm.com/ws/objectgrid/config " >
< objectGrids >
< objectGrid name = " Grid " >
< bean id = " TransactionCallback " className = "" />
</ objectGrid >
< objectGrid name = " volatileGrid " >
< bean id = " TransactionCallback " className = "" />
</ objectGrid >
</ objectGrids >
</ objectGridConfig >
Server side;
< objectGridConfig xmlns:xsi = " http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance "
xsi:schemaLocation = " http://ibm.com/ws/objectgrid/config ../objectGrid.xsd "
xmlns = " http://ibm.com/ws/objectgrid/config " >
< objectGrids >
< objectGrid name = " Grid " >
< bean id = " TransactionCallback " className = "" />
</ objectGrid >
< objectGrid name = " volatileGrid " >
< bean id = " TransactionCallback " className = "" />
</ objectGrid >
</ objectGrids >
</ objectGridConfig >
Server side;
xml version
< objectGridConfig xmlns:xsi = " http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance "
xsi:schemaLocation = " http://ibm.com/ws/objectgrid/config ../objectGrid.xsd "
xmlns = " http://ibm.com/ws/objectgrid/config " >
< objectGrids >
< objectGrid name = " Grid " txTimeout = " 10 " >
< bean className = " com.fmr.pzn.xs.grid.ItemArbiter " id = " CollisionArbiter " >
</ bean >
< bean id = " TransactionCallback " className = " com.ibm.issf.atjolin.wxsreloadgov.ReloadGovernorTransactionCallback " >
< property name = " estTimeToReload " type = " long " value = " 3 " />
< property name = " slowdownFactor " type = " long " value = " 2000 " />
</ bean >
< backingMap name = " TagData " lockStrategy = " PESSIMISTIC " copyMode = " COPY_TO_BYTES " />
< backingMap name = " PznMap " lockStrategy = " PESSIMISTIC " copyMode = " COPY_TO_BYTES " />
</ objectGrid >
</ objectGrids >
< backingMapPluginCollections >
</ backingMapPluginCollections >
</ objectGridConfig >
< objectGridConfig xmlns:xsi = " http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance "
xsi:schemaLocation = " http://ibm.com/ws/objectgrid/config ../objectGrid.xsd "
xmlns = " http://ibm.com/ws/objectgrid/config " >
< objectGrids >
< objectGrid name = " Grid " txTimeout = " 10 " >
< bean className = " com.fmr.pzn.xs.grid.ItemArbiter " id = " CollisionArbiter " >
</ bean >
< bean id = " TransactionCallback " className = " com.ibm.issf.atjolin.wxsreloadgov.ReloadGovernorTransactionCallback " >
< property name = " estTimeToReload " type = " long " value = " 3 " />
< property name = " slowdownFactor " type = " long " value = " 2000 " />
</ bean >
< backingMap name = " TagData " lockStrategy = " PESSIMISTIC " copyMode = " COPY_TO_BYTES " />
< backingMap name = " PznMap " lockStrategy = " PESSIMISTIC " copyMode = " COPY_TO_BYTES " />
</ objectGrid >
</ objectGrids >
< backingMapPluginCollections >
</ backingMapPluginCollections >
</ objectGridConfig >
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;
import com.fmr.pzn.bo.UserProfile;
import com.fmr.pzn.db.DBTableWrapper;
import com.fmr.pzn.db.DSWrapper;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.KeyNotFoundException;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.ObjectGrid;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.ObjectGridException;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.ObjectMap;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.revision.CollisionArbiter;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.revision.CollisionData;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.revision.RevisionElement;
/** **************************************************************************** */
/* Class Name: ItemArbiter */
/* */
/* Description: This class is responsible for determining "winners" of */
/* collisions between multiple Item objects. The class implements the */
/* CollisionArbiter interface to do that. There are two methods on the */
/* interface - arbitrateCollision and initialize. */
/* */
/** **************************************************************************** */
public final class ItemArbiter implements CollisionArbiter {
private OracleDataSource ds = null ;
/** **************************************************************************** */
/* Method Name: arbitrateCollision */
/* */
/* Description: This method gets control from WXS following a collision of */
/* Item objects (one from each domain). The method looks */
/* at the update source of the object to do determine which object */
/* should be kept. Please see the design documentation for more */
/* details. */
/* */
/* Input: */
* CollisionData - This object gives us access to both parties of a
* collision
/* (Existing and Colliding), the key of the Existing object, */
/* and the map name. */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* Resolution.KEEP - WXS is to keep the Existing object */
/* Resolution.OVERRIDE - WXS is to keep the Colliding object */
/* Resolution.REVISE - The arbiter has decided to create a custom object */
/* and write it to the grid. */
/** **************************************************************************** */
public Resolution arbitrateCollision(CollisionData collisiondata) {
ObjectMap map = null ;
String collisionKey = null ;
Object rowCollisionKey = null ;
Resolution resolution = Resolution.KEEP;
System.out.println( " Arbiter: Processing Collision
if (collisiondata != null ) {
RevisionElement newDataElement = collisiondata.getCollision();
RevisionElement existingElement = collisiondata.getExisting();
rowCollisionKey = collisiondata.getKey();
collisionKey = collisiondata.getKey().toString();
map = collisiondata.getMap();
// collisionSession = collisiondata.getSession();
// check to see if either are null or not of the expected instance
// type
if (newDataElement == null || newDataElement.getValue() == null ) {
resolution = Resolution.OVERRIDE;
System.out.println( String.format(
" Arbiter: Collision detected for key [%s], "
+ " Incoming element OVERRIDES " , collisionKey));
} else if (existingElement == null
|| existingElement.getValue() == null ) {
resolution = Resolution.KEEP;
System.out.println( String.format(
" Arbiter: Collision detected for key [%s], "
+ " Existing element is KEPT " , collisionKey));
} else {
// Main branch
// UserProfile newUP = (UserProfile) newDataElement.getValue();
// UserProfile existingUP = (UserProfile) existingElement
// .getValue();
String domainForNewElement = newDataElement.getDomainName();
String domainForExistingElement = existingElement
String message = String
.format( " Arbiter: Collision detected for key [%s]. "
+ " Domains for existing obj: %s, for incoming obj: %s " ,
collisionKey, domainForExistingElement,
System.out.println( message);
if (ds == null ) {
" Arbiter: Data Source failed to initialize. Default policy - keep existing object " );
return Resolution.KEEP;
UserProfile userProfileFromDB = retriveObjectFromSystemOfRecord(rowCollisionKey);
// Check if we really got the object
// if not - return
if (userProfileFromDB == null ) {
message = String
.format( " Arbiter: Cannot retrive object from the data base. Data Source is not set. Object for key [%s] has been kept as is in the grid.\n " ,
System.out.println( message);
return Resolution.KEEP;
// Insert/update object in the map
try {
if (map.containsKey(rowCollisionKey)) {
map.update(rowCollisionKey, userProfileFromDB);
message = String
.format( " Arbiter: Object for key [%s] retrived from DB and replaced data in the grid.\n " ,
} else {
// this should not be happening
map.insert(rowCollisionKey, userProfileFromDB);
message = String
.format( " Arbiter: WARNING: Object from db for key [%s] has been inserted in the grid.\n " ,
// below means object has been revised programmatically
resolution = Resolution.REVISE;
System.out.println( message);
} catch (KeyNotFoundException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
message = String
.format( " Arbiter: Key not found while processing collision for key [%s]. Existing object kept. Exception message is %s.\n " ,
collisionKey, e.getMessage());
System.out.println( message);
} catch (ObjectGridException e) {
message = String
.format( " Arbiter: Object Grid exception while processing collision for key [%s]. Existing object kept. Exception message is %s.\n " ,
collisionKey, e.getMessage());
System.out.println( message);
} // end Main branch
} // if collisionData is null
return resolution;
* Retrieves object from the database . While doing this carefully tries
* to establish connection as it may become stale
* @param collisionKey
* @return
public UserProfile retriveObjectFromSystemOfRecord(Object collisionKey) {
if (ds == null )
return null ;
UserProfile up = new UserProfile();
Connection con = null ;
PreparedStatement stmt = null ;
String message = null ;
// try get connection
boolean success = true ;
try {
con = ds.getConnection();
stmt = con.prepareStatement( " select 1 from dual " );
stmt = null ;
success = true ;
// System.out.println( "Arbiter: First attempt to select from dual executed fine.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println( " Arbiter: select from dual failed " );
success = false ;
} finally {
if (stmt != null )
try {
} catch (SQLException e1) {}
if ( ! success && (con != null )) {
try {
con = null ;
} catch (SQLException e) {
con = null ;
" Arbiter: First attempt to get connection failed. Will try again
} // if !success
// if there were an error lets refresh cache
if ( ! success)
try {
} catch (SQLException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
" Arbiter: refresh cache attempt failed with exception: "
+ e1.getMessage());
// if connection still null try again
if (con == null ) {
try {
con = ds.getConnection();
stmt = con.prepareStatement( " select 1 from dual " );
stmt = null ;
System.out.println( " Arbiter: Second attempt to select from dual executed fine. " );
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println( " Arbiter: select from dual failed " );
} finally {
if (stmt != null )
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
} // if con null
if (con == null ) {
// we are giving up
// log error & leave, return null
message = String
.format( " Arbiter: ERROR. Cannot get Connection to process Object for key [%s]. Existing object kept. \n " ,
System.out.println( message);
return null ;
up = DBTableWrapper.getUserProfile(con, collisionKey.toString());
// important! return connection to pool
if (con != null )
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {}
return up;
/** **************************************************************************** */
/* Method Name: initialize */
/* */
* Description: This method gets invoked when the containers come up. It
* could be used for any purpose necessary at start up time. /* We use it to
* cache Oracle Data Source in this OG container
/* */
/** **************************************************************************** */
public void initialize(ObjectGrid grid) {
" Arbiter: Init Collision Arbiter. Gettting Oracle Data Source
try {
ds = DSWrapper.getInstance();
} catch (SQLException e) {
" Arbiter: Cannot initialize data source. SQLException : "
+ e.getMessage());
ds = null ;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;
import com.fmr.pzn.bo.UserProfile;
import com.fmr.pzn.db.DBTableWrapper;
import com.fmr.pzn.db.DSWrapper;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.KeyNotFoundException;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.ObjectGrid;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.ObjectGridException;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.ObjectMap;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.revision.CollisionArbiter;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.revision.CollisionData;
import com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.revision.RevisionElement;
/** **************************************************************************** */
/* Class Name: ItemArbiter */
/* */
/* Description: This class is responsible for determining "winners" of */
/* collisions between multiple Item objects. The class implements the */
/* CollisionArbiter interface to do that. There are two methods on the */
/* interface - arbitrateCollision and initialize. */
/* */
/** **************************************************************************** */
public final class ItemArbiter implements CollisionArbiter {
private OracleDataSource ds = null ;
/** **************************************************************************** */
/* Method Name: arbitrateCollision */
/* */
/* Description: This method gets control from WXS following a collision of */
/* Item objects (one from each domain). The method looks */
/* at the update source of the object to do determine which object */
/* should be kept. Please see the design documentation for more */
/* details. */
/* */
/* Input: */
* CollisionData - This object gives us access to both parties of a
* collision
/* (Existing and Colliding), the key of the Existing object, */
/* and the map name. */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* Resolution.KEEP - WXS is to keep the Existing object */
/* Resolution.OVERRIDE - WXS is to keep the Colliding object */
/* Resolution.REVISE - The arbiter has decided to create a custom object */
/* and write it to the grid. */
/** **************************************************************************** */
public Resolution arbitrateCollision(CollisionData collisiondata) {
ObjectMap map = null ;
String collisionKey = null ;
Object rowCollisionKey = null ;
Resolution resolution = Resolution.KEEP;
System.out.println( " Arbiter: Processing Collision

if (collisiondata != null ) {
RevisionElement newDataElement = collisiondata.getCollision();
RevisionElement existingElement = collisiondata.getExisting();
rowCollisionKey = collisiondata.getKey();
collisionKey = collisiondata.getKey().toString();
map = collisiondata.getMap();
// collisionSession = collisiondata.getSession();
// check to see if either are null or not of the expected instance
// type
if (newDataElement == null || newDataElement.getValue() == null ) {
resolution = Resolution.OVERRIDE;
System.out.println( String.format(
" Arbiter: Collision detected for key [%s], "
+ " Incoming element OVERRIDES " , collisionKey));
} else if (existingElement == null
|| existingElement.getValue() == null ) {
resolution = Resolution.KEEP;
System.out.println( String.format(
" Arbiter: Collision detected for key [%s], "
+ " Existing element is KEPT " , collisionKey));
} else {
// Main branch
// UserProfile newUP = (UserProfile) newDataElement.getValue();
// UserProfile existingUP = (UserProfile) existingElement
// .getValue();
String domainForNewElement = newDataElement.getDomainName();
String domainForExistingElement = existingElement
String message = String
.format( " Arbiter: Collision detected for key [%s]. "
+ " Domains for existing obj: %s, for incoming obj: %s " ,
collisionKey, domainForExistingElement,
System.out.println( message);
if (ds == null ) {
" Arbiter: Data Source failed to initialize. Default policy - keep existing object " );
return Resolution.KEEP;
UserProfile userProfileFromDB = retriveObjectFromSystemOfRecord(rowCollisionKey);
// Check if we really got the object
// if not - return
if (userProfileFromDB == null ) {
message = String
.format( " Arbiter: Cannot retrive object from the data base. Data Source is not set. Object for key [%s] has been kept as is in the grid.\n " ,
System.out.println( message);
return Resolution.KEEP;
// Insert/update object in the map
try {
if (map.containsKey(rowCollisionKey)) {
map.update(rowCollisionKey, userProfileFromDB);
message = String
.format( " Arbiter: Object for key [%s] retrived from DB and replaced data in the grid.\n " ,
} else {
// this should not be happening
map.insert(rowCollisionKey, userProfileFromDB);
message = String
.format( " Arbiter: WARNING: Object from db for key [%s] has been inserted in the grid.\n " ,
// below means object has been revised programmatically
resolution = Resolution.REVISE;
System.out.println( message);
} catch (KeyNotFoundException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
message = String
.format( " Arbiter: Key not found while processing collision for key [%s]. Existing object kept. Exception message is %s.\n " ,
collisionKey, e.getMessage());
System.out.println( message);
} catch (ObjectGridException e) {
message = String
.format( " Arbiter: Object Grid exception while processing collision for key [%s]. Existing object kept. Exception message is %s.\n " ,
collisionKey, e.getMessage());
System.out.println( message);
} // end Main branch
} // if collisionData is null
return resolution;
* Retrieves object from the database . While doing this carefully tries
* to establish connection as it may become stale
* @param collisionKey
* @return
public UserProfile retriveObjectFromSystemOfRecord(Object collisionKey) {
if (ds == null )
return null ;
UserProfile up = new UserProfile();
Connection con = null ;
PreparedStatement stmt = null ;
String message = null ;
// try get connection
boolean success = true ;
try {
con = ds.getConnection();
stmt = con.prepareStatement( " select 1 from dual " );
stmt = null ;
success = true ;
// System.out.println( "Arbiter: First attempt to select from dual executed fine.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println( " Arbiter: select from dual failed " );
success = false ;
} finally {
if (stmt != null )
try {
} catch (SQLException e1) {}
if ( ! success && (con != null )) {
try {
con = null ;
} catch (SQLException e) {
con = null ;
" Arbiter: First attempt to get connection failed. Will try again

} // if !success
// if there were an error lets refresh cache
if ( ! success)
try {
} catch (SQLException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
" Arbiter: refresh cache attempt failed with exception: "
+ e1.getMessage());
// if connection still null try again
if (con == null ) {
try {
con = ds.getConnection();
stmt = con.prepareStatement( " select 1 from dual " );
stmt = null ;
System.out.println( " Arbiter: Second attempt to select from dual executed fine. " );
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println( " Arbiter: select from dual failed " );
} finally {
if (stmt != null )
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
} // if con null
if (con == null ) {
// we are giving up
// log error & leave, return null
message = String
.format( " Arbiter: ERROR. Cannot get Connection to process Object for key [%s]. Existing object kept. \n " ,
System.out.println( message);
return null ;
up = DBTableWrapper.getUserProfile(con, collisionKey.toString());
// important! return connection to pool
if (con != null )
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {}
return up;
/** **************************************************************************** */
/* Method Name: initialize */
/* */
* Description: This method gets invoked when the containers come up. It
* could be used for any purpose necessary at start up time. /* We use it to
* cache Oracle Data Source in this OG container
/* */
/** **************************************************************************** */
public void initialize(ObjectGrid grid) {
" Arbiter: Init Collision Arbiter. Gettting Oracle Data Source

try {
ds = DSWrapper.getInstance();
} catch (SQLException e) {
" Arbiter: Cannot initialize data source. SQLException : "
+ e.getMessage());
ds = null ;