MyEclipse 5.1.1 GA版本已经发布(MyEclipse 5.1.1 released)---支持Eclipse 3.2.2和Windows Vista

MyEclipse 5.1.1 GA版本已经发布(MyEclipse 5.1.1 released)---支持Eclipse 3.2.2和Windows Vista


  Genuitec发布了MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 5.0,更智能、更快捷、更简单和更便宜的J2EE工具的新版本的诞生。它的价格对于个人和企业开发人员来说都是非常有吸引力的。这是J2EE IDE市场一个重量级的选手。通过增加UML双向建模工具、WYSIWYG的JSP/Strutsdesigner、可视化的Hibernate/ORM工具、Spring和Web services支持,以及新的Oracle数据库开发,MyEclipse 5.0继续为业界提供全面的产品。

  Genuitec 总裁Maher Masri 说,“今天,MyEclipse已经提供了意料之外的价值。其中的每个功能在市场上单独的价格都比MyEclipse要高。但是,我们承诺为顾客提供全面并且可以买得起的解决方案。按照这个传统,我们的顾客将继续享受年度订购活动的好处,该活动提供了所有发布功能的入口以及伴随MyEclipse5.0一起的专业技术支持。”

  最近,MyEclipse 5.1 .1正式发布,包括集成版本(All-in-One)的安装 .

MyEclipse 5.1.1 GA版本目前与Eclipse 3.2.2和Windows Vista完全兼容,在Windows平台上可以包括对Eclipse和JRE的完全安装。当然也可以下载单独的MyEclipse 5.1.1 版本来支持已经安装的Eclipse 3.2.2。

MyEclipse 5.1.1 GA版本已经发布,且目前可以下载。MyEclipse 5.1.1 GA版本目前与Eclipse 3.2.2和Windows Vista完全兼容,在Windows平台上可以包括对Eclipse和JRE的完全安装。当然也可以下载单独的MyEclipse 5.1.1 版本来支持已经安装的Eclipse 3.2.2。

MyEclipse 5.1.1 GA新特性包括:
◆完全兼容Eclipse 3.2.2
◆升级MyEclipse-WebTools,增强了对Eclipse WTP 1.5.3版本的支持,并且带有许多MyEclipse上的提高和bug的修复。例如:增加了JSP工具识别外部标签库对一个工程的支持,像用导出类库来依赖java工程。

如果你已经安装了MyEclipse 5.1.0 GA,你可以通过站点来更新到MyEclipse 5.1.1 GA,通过选择Help->Software Updates -> Find and Install... >来进行更新。如果更新没有发现,请按照向导:Window ->Preferences -> Install/Update ->Valid Updates 来有选择性的更新到5.1.1GA。

当然可以在同一台机器上同时安装MyEclipse 5.1.0 GA版本和先前的版本,这样并不会产生冲突(3.1.2适合MyEclipse 4.1.1,3.2 适合MyEclipse 5.0GA, 3.2.2 适合 MyEclipse 5.1.1GA)。如果你对从其他站点上安装额外的工具感兴趣,推荐的安装顺序是:Eclipse 3.2.2 SDK, 然后MyEclipse 5.1.1GA,Matisse4MyEclipse ,最后是其他工具。


Feature Highlights

The MyEclipse 5.1.1 release includes enhancements and bug fixes for the MyEclipse environment over the previous 5.0 GA release, including:

  • Eclipse 3.2.2 compatibility
  • Windows Vista compatibility
  • All-in-One Installer, including MyEclipse 5.1.1, Eclipse 3.2.2 & Java 5 JRE
  • 130+ bug fixes
  • Wizard to create Web Service Client from any WSDL file, local or remote (URL)
  • Upgraded Web Services XFire to latest release (1.2.2)
  • Matisse4MyEclipse now supports custom user forms, custom controls, improved usability
  • Integration of Spring IDE 1.3.6
  • Supports user deployment of prepackaged EJBs along with MyEclipse enterprise projects
  • Improved Sybase SQL syntax support
  • Improved stability issues of Visual Web Designer on Linux
  • Improved validation framework performance; JSP now 7x faster and includes the ability to exclude resources from validation
  • Enhanced Hibernate HQL Editor supports multi-project configuration
  • Optimized application redeployment feature that provides reload effect and virutally eliminates common appserver Jar locking issues
  • Web 2.0 Browser now with HTTPS support
  • NewTomcat 6  Server Connector
  • MyEclipse now fully I18N enabled
  • And more!


Performance of modifying large forms fixed

Now editing large and complex forms in Matisse4MyEclipse is just as fast as editing small forms. Even forms with 100s of Swing controls on it no longer have sluggish performance.


Custom Components

Matisse4MyEclipse now supports the use of custom Swing components, for example, like the SwingLabs JX components.


Refreshing Forms with Custom Components

Previously it was necessary to restart MyEclipse to refresh custom components in forms to see any changes. Now all you need to do is simply close and reopen any forms to see any changes to custom components.

Web Services

XFire 1.2.2

The XFire Web Service libraries shipped with MyEclipse have been upgraded from version 1.1.2 to version 1.2.2. XFire 1.2.2 incorporates several new features, enhancements and fixes since version 1.1.2.
Existing Web Service projects will be automatically upgraded to use the new libraries.

New Web Service Client Wizard
Convenient actions allow you to create a new Web Service client or a new Web Service directly from a WSDL file.

Creating a New Web Service Client from a WSDL file

Creating a New Web Service from a WSDL file

MyEclipse Tomcat 6  Server Connector
MyEclipse 5.1 introduces a new application server connector for the recently released Tomcat 6 application server. Tomcat 6 provides supports for the Servlet 2.5  and JSP 2.1 specifications. The connector is configurable and supports Eclipse launch configurations.

Using the MyEclipse Tomcat 6 Server Connector you can start, stop, restart and reconfigure a Tomcat 6 application server instance directly from within MyEclipse.

The connector is fully integrated to allow you to debug JSF, JSPs and Java code. The following screenshot illustrates a live JSF debug session directly on the Tomcat 6 application server.

Optimized redeployment/reload of exploded applications
The MyEclipse application deployment agent has been optimized to provide high performance redeployment and reloading of projects deployed in exploded archive mode. The redeployment action now only resynchronizes files that have been modified in the MyEclipse workspace to the application server. A final action of the redeployer is to to touch the deployment descriptor files and any WebLogic Server REDEPLOY file in the deployment. This final action exploits a feature of many applications servers that will automatically reload a deployed application whose deployment descriptor timestamp has changed since it was first deployed.
This innovative feature coupled with the 'hot-sync' deployer that performs continuous real-time synchronization of changed resources in a MyEclipse project to all of its exploded deployment forms makes the MyEclipse application server connector a leader in the field of J2EE developer productivity tools.


HQL Editor now multi-project aware

The HQL editor will now automatically load classes and resources from dependent projects if required, allowing you to easily use the HQL editor to query a Hibernate application which may be spread across any number of projects.

Web 2.0 Browser 

HTTPS Support

The Web 2.0 Browser now supports HTTPS enabled web pages and allows you to launch and debug web applications in both HTTP and HTTPS protocols. 

Web 2.0 Browser

HTTP AUTH Basic Authentication Supported

When a web page requires basic HTTP authentication, a dialog prompt for username and password is now displayed when using the Web 2.0 Browser.  Now you can use the Web 2.0 Browser to debug web applications that use HTTP AUTH authentication. 

Spring IDE 1.3.6 Integration
MyEclipse 5.1GA integrates SpringIDE 1.3.6, bringing in new features, enhancements and fixes for our Spring toolset. The integration allows users to seamlessly use SpringIDE in a MyEclipse environment with MyEclipse projects, complementing MyEclipse-specific Spring features.
The new Project Explorer integration in SpringIDE 1.3.6

Enhanced Validation Management 
The MyEclipse Validation framework has been enhanced with the ability to specify which project resources should be excluded during validation.  The main configuration UI can be accessed through the MyEclipse Project propery page under MyEclipse > Validation > Excluded Resources.
After you select which resources to exclude, by default all resources will be revalidated to honor the new exclusion filter.  This option can be configured on the preference page shown below.

New Validation Actions

For any individual project resource, you can exclude it from validation by using the Exclude From Validation context menu action in the MyEclipse menu.  Executing this action will add the selected file to the list of excluded resources for the project that can be further configured using the MyEclipse > Validation > Excluded Resources project property page.

The Excluded Resources project property page can also be accessed using the Manage Validation... context menu action from the MyEclipse menu.

MyEclipse Internationalization (I18N) Effort
MyEclipse 5.1 has been fully I18N enabled and language pack development has begun. Future releases will include language packs for Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese.

MyEclipse Innovations

The innovation and application of Eclipse technology is Genuitec's sole business. With well over 2 million downloads,  MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench (now with Web Services support) has grown to be the most popular and successful Eclipse-based JEE IDE. Our history of blending the best of open source with commercial-grade developed tools has created a long chain of Eclipse technology innovation that includes:

  • First JSR-045 compliant source-level JSP debugger for Eclipse
  • First public article explaining that Eclipse could be used as a rich-client platform in early 2002
  • First commercial RCP applications shipped on Eclipse 2.0, well before the Eclipse 3.0 RCP
  • First and most comprehensive suite of application server connectors for Eclipse
  • First 'hot sync' JEE application deployer to enable continuous web development without server restarts
  • First native JavaScript debugger for Eclipse
  • First Web 2.0 / AJAX feature-set for Eclipse
  • Most database connectors supported on Eclipse
  • First IDE to fully support Hibernate / Spring integration
  • First full featured image editor for Eclipse
  • First Eclipse IDE to offer a low-cost, all-inclusive subscription pricing model
  • The most comprehensive set of Eclipse Plugins available

2007年的开发活动( 2007 development activites ):

  1.Simplified interface for creating and managing projects. Offering a new dialogue-based console and UI for creating and managing projects, frameworks, and capabilities lifecycle.

  2.Offering a number of light weight RCP applications for non-workspace file editing. The list of Simple + Nimble APplications (SNAPs) include:

   •Visual Web Designer for HTML/JSP development/editing
   •Database Explorer
   •Image editor with screen capture
   •UML development
   •Others based on user demands

   3.Reduce the Enterprise Workbench footprint and allow on-demand availability of features to avoid large downloads with each release.

   4.Continue to support emerging open standards such as Struts 2.0, JSF facelets, EJB 3.0, Portlets,....

   5.Offering localized versions of MyEclipse for the Japanese, German, French and Spanish Markets.

   6.Continue to improve documentation, tutorials, guides, pod casts,...

   7.Offer an all-in-one install option allowing developers to have a completely configured and standard environment (including Web, Application and Database servers) out of the box.

   MyEclipse 5.5应该在2007年第一季度末发布( MyEclipse 5.5 should be available by end of Q1 2007 )。

   MyEclipse 6.0应该在2007年第三季度末发布( MyEclipse 6.0应该在2007年第三季度末发布 )。

你可能感兴趣的:(MyEclipse 5.1.1 GA版本已经发布(MyEclipse 5.1.1 released)---支持Eclipse 3.2.2和Windows Vista)