Moving and Copying Datasets.

Moving and Copying Datasets.

The Move/Copy Utility  ISPF Panel(3.3) creates a copy of a dataset, or moves the members of one Partitioned-Dataset(PDS) to another Library.

To copy a Dataset, enter c option on the Command-Line. Enter the Source or 'From Dataset-name' to copy. Like-wise, enter m option to move datasets.

  Menu  RefList  Utilities  Help                                              
                              Move/Copy Utility                               
Option ===> C                                                                
C  Copy data set or member(s)          CP Copy and print                     
M  Move data set or member(s)          MP Move and print                     
Specify "From" Data Set below, then press Enter key                           
From ISPF Library:                                                            
   Project . . .               (--- Options C and CP only         ---)        
   Group . . . .         . . .         . . .         . . .                 
   Type  . . . .                                                              
   Member  . . .                  (Blank or pattern for member list,          
                                   "*" for all members)                       
From Other Partitioned or Sequential Data Set:                                
   Data Set Name . . . 'AGY0157.MONTHLY.SALES.REPORT'                         
   Volume Serial . . .            (If not cataloged)                          
Data Set Password  . .            (If password protected) 

While copying a Library, use the Wild-Card Symbol(*), to imply, all members have to be copied.
  Menu  RefList  Utilities  Help                                              
                              Move/Copy Utility                               
Option ===> C                                                                
C  Copy data set or member(s)          CP Copy and print                     
M  Move data set or member(s)          MP Move and print                     
Specify "From" Data Set below, then press Enter key                           
From ISPF Library:                                                            
   Project . . .               (--- Options C and CP only         ---)        
   Group . . . .         . . .         . . .         . . .                 
   Type  . . . .                                                              
   Member  . . .                  (Blank or pattern for member list,          
                                   "*" for all members)                       
From Other Partitioned or Sequential Data Set:                                
   Data Set Name . . . 'AGY0157.DEMO.JCLLIB(*)'                         
   Volume Serial . . .            (If not cataloged)                          
Data Set Password  . .            (If password protected) 

To copy selected members of a Library, use Member-Mask, for example to copy all member-names beginning with C, the mask is C*. 
  Menu  RefList  Utilities  Help                                              
                              Move/Copy Utility                               
Option ===> C                                                                
C  Copy data set or member(s)          CP Copy and print                     
M  Move data set or member(s)          MP Move and print                     
Specify "From" Data Set below, then press Enter key                           
From ISPF Library:                                                            
   Project . . .               (--- Options C and CP only         ---)        
   Group . . . .         . . .         . . .         . . .                 
   Type  . . . .                                                              
   Member  . . .                  (Blank or pattern for member list,          
                                   "*" for all members)                       
From Other Partitioned or Sequential Data Set:                                
   Data Set Name . . . 'AGY0157.DEMO.JCLLIB(C*)'                         
   Volume Serial . . .            (If not cataloged)                          
Data Set Password  . .            (If password protected) 

Enter the Target or Destination 'To Data-set' for copying.
  Menu  RefList  Utilities  Help                                              
COPY     From AGY0157.DEMO.JCLLIB                                             
Command ===>                                                                  
Specify "To" Data Set Below                                                   
To ISPF Library:                 Options:                                     
   Project  . .                     Enter "/" to select option                
   Group  . . .                     /  Replace like-named members             
   Type . . . .                     /  Process member aliases                 
To Other Partitioned or Sequential Data Set:                                  
   Data Set Name . . . 'AGY0157.DEMO.JCLLIB.COPY'                             
   Volume Serial . . .           (If not cataloged)                           
Data Set Password  . .           (If password protected)                      
To Data Set Options:                                                          
   Sequential Disposition        Pack Option         SCLM Setting             
   1  1. Mod                     3  1. Yes           3  1. SCLM               
      2. Old                        2. No               2. Non-SCLM           
                                    3. Default          3. As is          

Entering a Member-Mask, will prompt you to pick the members you would like to copy from a List-of-Members. Enter S to select members.
  Menu  Functions  Utilities  Help                                            
COPY        AGY0157.DEMO.JCLLIB   TO AGY0157.DEMO.JCLLIB.CO Row 00001 of 00004
Command ===>                                                 Scroll ===> CSR 
   Name     Prompt          Size    Created           Changed            ID   
S COMPILE                     15   2009/12/04   2010/10/14 20:36:22    AGY0157
. COMPJCL                      5   2010/03/07   2010/03/07 08:03:06    AGY0157
S COPY                        11   2010/01/24   2010/07/27 03:04:28    CENT01 
S COPYPS                      13   2010/01/19   2010/06/15 06:06:30    SATEN  

The Copy-Utility displays a Panel, when the Target-dsn does not exist. This is new. For many years, when ISPF users wanted to copy a file – PDS or Sequential, the target file had to already exist.
  Menu  Functions  Utilities  Help                                            
------------------------------------------------------------------. --
C |                       Allocate Target Data Set                        |   
C | Command ===>                                                          |   
  |                                                                       |   
S | Specified data set AGY0157.DEMO.JCLLIB.COPY                           |   
  | does not exist.                                                       |   
T | If you wish to allocate this data set, select one of the options      |   
  | below.                                                                |   
  |                                                                       |   
  | Allocation Options:                                                   |   
  |   1. Allocate using the attributes of:                                |   
T |       AGY0157.DEMO.JCLLIB                                             |   
  |    2. Specify allocation attributes                                   |   
  |                                                                       |   
  | /  Use existing SMS attributes for option 1                           |   
D |                                                                       |   
  | Instructions:                                                         |   
T |   Press ENTER to allocate data set.                                   |   
  |   Enter CANCEL or END to cancel allocation.                           |   
      2. Old                        2. No               2. Non-SCLM           
                                    3. Default          3.                                                                                  


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