Understanding transaction pitfalls in Java Platform

Understanding transaction pitfalls in Java Platform
This message is a summary based on a very good article (http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-ts1.html?S_TACT=105AGX02&S_CMP=EDU) and focusing on common mistakes when implementing transactions in the Java platform. The original article is aimed to discuss Transaction Strategy. Here, we just want to discuss the common mistakes on transaction management.

Why we need Transaction?

The most common reason for using transactions in an application is to maintain a high degree of data integrity and consistency. Transactions improve the quality, integrity, and consistency of your data and make your applications more robust. Implementation of successful transaction processing in Java applications is not a trivial exercise, and it's about design as much as about coding. Although most of this article's code examples use the Spring Framework (version 2.5), the transaction concepts are the same as for the EJB 3.0 specification.

O/R Mapping Transaction pitfalls

Pitfall1: ORM-based frameworks (such as hibernate, TopLink or JPA) require a transaction in order to trigger the synchronization between the object cache and the database. It is through a transaction commit that the SQL code is generated and the database affected by the desired action (that is, insert, update, delete). Without a transaction there is no trigger for the ORM to generate SQL code and persist the changes, so the method simply ends — no exceptions, no updates. If you are using an ORM-based framework, you must use transactions. You can no longer rely on the database to manage the connections and commit the work.
public   class  TradingServiceImpl {
= " trading " ) EntityManager em;
public   long  insertTrade(TradeData trade)  throws  Exception {
return  trade.getTradeId();

Solution:: the method insertTrade must have transactional setting, such as @Transactional annotation, or codes, or AOP-like configurations.

Spring Framework @Transactional annotation pitfalls

Pitfall2: When using the @Transactional annotation in Spring, you must add the following line to your Spring configuration file:
< tx:annotation - driven transaction - manager = " transactionManager " >
</ tx:annotation - driven >
Without it, the @Transactional annotation is ignored, resulting in no transaction being used in your code. NOTE: when using the @Transactional annotation by itself without any parameters, the propagation mode is set to REQUIRED, the read-only flag is set to false, the transaction isolation level is set to the database default (usually READ_COMMITTED), and the transaction will not roll back on a checked exception.

@Transactional read-only flag pitfalls

Pitfall3: the improper use of the read-only flag on the Spring @Transactional annotation.
The read-only flag is somewhat meaningless when you use it for JDBC-based Java persistence and causes additional overhead when an unnecessary transaction is started.

3.2: when you use an ORM-based framework, the read-only flag is quite useless and in most cases is ignored.

Example 1:
@Transactional(readOnly  =   true , propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS)

public  Long insertTrade(TradeData trade)  throws  Exception {

// JDBC Code

When the insertTrade() method executes, does it:
  1. Throw a read-only connection exception
  2. Correctly insert the trade order and commit the data
  3. Do nothing because the propagation level is set to SUPPORTS
The correct answer is 2. The trade order is correctly inserted into the database, even though the read-only flag is set to true and the transaction propagation set to SUPPORTS. But how can that be? No transaction is started because of the SUPPORTS propagation mode, so the method effectively uses a local (database) transaction. The read-only flag is applied only if a transaction is started. In this case, no transaction was started, so the read-only flag is ignored.

Example 2:
@Transactional(readOnly  =   true , propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)

public   long  insertTrade(TradeData trade)  throws  Exception {

// JDBC code

When executed, does the insertTrade() method:
  1. Throw a read-only connection exception
  2. Correctly insert the trade order and commit the data
  3. Do nothing because the read-only flag is set to true
The correct answer is 2. An exception will be thrown, indicating that you are trying to perform an update operation on a read-only connection. Because a transaction is started (REQUIRED), the connection is set to read-only. Sure enough, when you try to execute the SQL statement, you get an exception telling you that the connection is a read-only connection.

So, the summary is the read-only flag is that you need to start a transaction in order to use it.. However, why would you need a transaction if you are only reading data? The answer is that you don't.

@Transactional(readOnly  =   true , propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)

public   long  insertTrade(TradeData trade)  throws  Exception {


return  trade.getTradeId();

Does the insertTrade() method:
  1. Throw a read-only connection exception
  2. Correctly insert the trade order and commit the data
  3. Do nothing because the readOnly flag is set to true
 In some cases the answer is 3, but in most cases (particularly when using JPA) the answer is 2. When you are generating a key on an insert, the ORM framework will go to the database to obtain the key and subsequently perform the insert. For some vendors, such as Hibernate, the flush mode will be set to MANUAL, and no insert will occur for inserts with non-generated keys.

 However, other vendors, like TopLink, will always perform inserts and updates when the read-only flag is set to true. Although this is both vendor and version specific, the point here is that you cannot be guaranteed that the insert or update will not occur when the read-only flag is set, particularly when using JPA as it is vendor-agnostic.

@Transactional(readOnly  =   true )

public  TradeData getTrade( long  tradeId)  throws  Exception {

return  em.find(TradeData. class , tradeId); 
Does the getTrade() method:
  1. Start a transaction, get the trade order, then commit the transaction
  2. Get the trade order without starting a transaction 
The correct answer here is 1. A transaction is started and committed. Don't forget: the default propagation mode for the @Transactional annotation is REQUIRED. This means that a transaction is started when in fact one is not required.

REQUIRES_NEW transaction attribute pitfalls

The REQUIRES_NEW transaction attribute always starts a new transaction when the method is started, whether or not an existing transaction is present.

Pitfall 4:
When you use the REQUIRES_NEW transaction attribute, if an existing transaction context is present, the current transaction is suspended and a new transaction started. Once that method ends, the new transaction commits and the original transaction resumes.

The main point here is always to use either the MANDATORY or REQUIRED attribute instead of REQUIRES_NEW unless you have a reason to use it.

Transaction rollback pitfalls

Pitfall 5:Run-time exceptions (that is, unchecked exceptions) automatically force the entire logical unit of work to roll back, but checked exceptions do not.

  1.  In the Spring Framework you specify this through the rollbackFor parameter in the @Transactional annotation
  2. The @TransactionAttribute annotation found in the EJB 3.0 specification does not include directives to specify the rollback behavior. Rather, you must use the SessionContext.setRollbackOnly() method to mark the transaction for rollback.

Read-Only Transaction Pitfall

At certain times you may want to start a transaction for a database read operation for example, when isolating your read operations for consistency or setting a specific transaction isolation level for the read operation. However, these situations are rare in business applications, and
Pitfall 6: unless you're faced with one, you should avoid starting a transaction for database read operations, as they are unnecessary and can lead to database deadlocks, poor performance, and poor throughput.

 However, most of framework enables the default transaction support for all methods.


Many pitfalls are associated with implementing transaction support in the Java platform (including some less common ones that I haven't discussed here). The biggest issue with most of them is that no compiler warnings or run-time errors tell you that the transaction implementation is incorrect.

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