; $Id: dminbox.e,v 5.4 2002/06/01 02:51:45 xtang Exp $
; dmInbox class errors
.facility DM_INBOX
.severity WARNING
NO_ROWS "No results were returned from the GetEvents statement."
;CAUSE: Your GetEvents method has returned an empty result set.
;ACTION: No action is required.
EVENT_LOC SS "Unable to validate or create the event log location as specified using directory (%s). Operating System Error: (%s)"
;CAUSE: Failed to create the event log directory, during the initialization.
;ACTION: Examine the docbase directory structure and look for possible
; security access problems.
PINIT10 S "Error dropping the table %s"
;CAUSE: DB Error.
;ACTION: manually remove table
EVENT_NOLOC S "The server events location is currently undefined. There is no location object for the events area (%s)."
;CAUSE: An attempt was made to use the events area (presumably to post an event
; to a client), but the server was unable to initialize the events subsystem
; due to there being no definition for the server events location. There
; should be a dm_location object in the docbase with an object_name which
; matches the value of the server config object events_location attribute.
; Until this location object is defined events cannot be used.
;ACTION: Have the sysadmin define an events location.
.severity ERROR
CANT_GETEVENTS1 S "GetEvents failed because of the following: '%s'."
;CAUSE: GetEvents failed because of the specified database failure.
;ACTION: Correct the database operation or talk to your System Administrator.
CANT_FIND_OBJ SS "Could not find the object to queue the event '%s' for id %s"
;CAUSE: The object identified by the id could not be found for that event.
;ACTION: Check the id to make sure that it is a valid sysobject.
ONLY_SYSADMIN_SU SS "Only a sysadmin or super user can perform %s operation on %s inbox item."
;CAUSE: An non-privileged user tried to destroy any inbox item or save another user
; inbox item.
;ACTION: None.
INIT4 SS "Unable to validate or create the event log location as specified using directory (%s). Operating System Error: (%s)"
;CAUSE: Failed to create the event log directory, during the initialization.
;ACTION: Examine the docbase directory structure and look for possible
; security access problems.
NOEVENTS "An error was encountered initializing the server shared Events area which prevents registering inbox events to any session clients."
;CAUSE: An attempt was made to use the events area (presumably to post an event
; to a client), but the server was unable to initialize the events subsystem.
; Previous error messages should indicate the specific reason for the failure.
;ACTION: Have the sysadmin resolve the events problem and restart the server.
EVENT_FILE_CREATE SS "Error creating the event notification file (%s) used to indicate to a session that an inbox event has occurred. Operating system error (%s)."
;CAUSE: The file used for event notification could not be created.
;ACTION: Check for existence of the events location directory and for check
; permissions in it.
CANT_GETINBOX S "GET_INBOX failed because of the following: '%s'."
;CAUSE: GET_INBOX failed because of the specified database failure.
;ACTION: Correct the database operation or talk to your System Administrator.
QUERY_EXECUTION_FAILURE SS "The dmi_queue_item object upgrade encountered an error while trying to execute the following query: %s. Database error was %s."
; CAUSE: Query execution failed.
; ACTION: Check the error message from the database in order to determine the
; cause of the query failure.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the query that was being executed.
; The second parameter is the resulting error from the database.
.severity FATAL
INIT1 "The dmi_queue_item type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
INIT2 II "Version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;CAUSE: The version stamp that the dmi_queue_item object software expected was
; different than the actual version stamp in the database.
;ACTION: You must upgrade your DocuServer database to conform to the
; software that you are running. If your software and data are
; consistent, then report this error, and other recent errors on your session,
; to your Documentum Site Representative.
INIT3 "The type manager returned an error storing the dmi_queue_item type."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Look at the error logged by the type manager.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; representative.
INIT4 S "Unable to validate or create the event log location as specified using directory (%s). This error message is obsolete (see TroyO)"
;CAUSE: Failed to create the event log directory, during the initialization.
;ACTION: Examine the docbase directory structure and look for possible
; security access problems.
INIT5 SS "Failure to create view %s: database error was: %s"
;CAUSE: Failure to create a database view for queues
;ACTION: Report this message to your Documentum Site representative
INIT6 I "The dmi_queue_item type could not be converted %d."
;CAUSE: Failure to convert dmi_queue_item cookie generator.
;ACTION: Report this message to your Documentum Site representative.
INIT7 "The dmi_queue_item type could not be altered."
;CAUSE: Failure to alter dmi_queue_item type.
;ACTION: Report this message to your Documentum Site representative.
INIT8 L "The dmi_queue_item type could not be converted to version %d."
; The type initialization steps for the dmi_queue_item type failed because
; the type could not be upgraded to the current server version.
; %1d - The version the server was attempting to upgrade to.
;CAUSE: It is likely that a type/table alter command failed.
;ACTION: Check for other related errors in the server log. Also check the
; RDBMS error logs for database errors.
; Report this message to your Documentum Site representative.
INT1 S "The following database query %s could not be executed."
;CAUSE: Inconsistency between the server and the sysobject type.
;ACTION: Look at the error logged by the database.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representative.
PINIT4 "Could not remove the registry type"
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Look at the error logged by the type manager.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
PINIT5 "Could not create the new registry type"
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Look at the error logged by the type manager.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
PINIT6 "Could not access the registry data"
;CAUSE: DB Error
;ACTION: Check the RDBMS
PINIT7 "Could not save the new registry entry"
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: check the RDBMS.
PINIT8 "Error creating the temporary registry table"
;CAUSE: DB Error.
;ACTION: check the RDBMS.
PINIT9 SS "Error renaming the table %s to %s"
;CAUSE: DB Error.
;ACTION: check the RDBMS.