;       Partition Facility errors
;**     Documentum Content Server
;**     Confidential Property of EMC Corporation
;**     (c) Copyright Documentum, Inc., 2007 - 2010
;**     All rights reserved.

; This facility is for the data partition tracing. The trace information goes to the session log.

.severity TRACE

.severity WARNING

.severity ERROR
UNKNOWN_OPERATION S "Operation %s is not recognized for GENERATE_PARTITION_SCHEME_SQL apply method."
; CAUSE: An unknown operation is passed for the GENERATE_PARTITION_SCHEME_SQL apply method.
; ACTION: Valid operations are db_partition, add_partition, exchange_partition.
; PARAMETER: Subcommand that is passed to the apply method.

INVALID_ARGUMENTS SS "You can not specify both %s and %s for GENERATE_PARTITION_SCHEME_SQL apply method."
;CAUSE: You have specified both exclusive parameters such as TYPE_NAME and TABLE_NAME, TYPE_NAME and OWNER_NAME in the GENERATE_PARTITION_SCHEME_SQL apply method.
;ACTION: Should only specify one of them.

INCORRECT_ARGUMENT SS "You cannot specify parameter %s for operation %s of GENERATE_PARTITION_SCHEME_SQL apply method."
;PARAMETERS: parameter name and operation name.
;CAUSE: You have specified incorrect parameters for an operation of the GENERATE_PARTITION_SCHEME_SQL apply method.
;ACTION: Remove the unexpected parameters.
NO_PARTITION_COLUMN_IN_REGTABLE  S "Table %s does not have i_partition column."
;PARAMETERS: Table name or type name.
; CAUSE: You have tried to execute data partition related method on a table without the i_partition column.
; ACTION: You need to have i_partition column in order to execute data partition related method on a table.
TYPE_ALREADY_PARTITIONED S "Type %s is already partitioned."
;CAUSE: You tried to partition a type that is already partitioned.
;ACTION: You can only partition a nonpartitioned type.
REGTABLE_ALREADY_PARTITIONED S "Table %s is already partitioned."
;CAUSE: You tried to partition a table that is already partitioned.
;ACTION: You can only partition a nonpartitioned table.
TYPE_NOT_PARTITIONED S "Type %s is not partitioned."
;PARAMETERS: Type name.
;CAUSE: You tried apply partition operations or tried querying a type that is not yet partitioned.
;ACTION: You can only apply partition operations or query a partitioned type.
REGTABLE_NOT_PARTITIONED S "Table %s is not partitioned."
;PARAMETERS: Table name.
;CAUSE: You tried apply partition operations to a table that is not yet partitioned.
;ACTION: You can only apply partition operations to a partitioned table.
MUST_BE_SUPERMOST_TYPE SS "Operation %s for the GENERATE_PARTITION_SCHEME_SQL apply method can only be applied to super-most type, but type %s is not one."
;PARAMETERS: Operation name and type name.
;CAUSE: You may have provided a subtype for the DB_PARTITION/ADD_PARTITION operation in the GENERATE_PARTITION_SCHEME_SQL apply method.
;ACTION: Only provide a supermost type for these operations.
MISSING_TABLE_OR_TYPE S "Operation %s for the GENERATE_PARTITION_SCHEME_SQL apply method requires a table/type."
;PARAMETER: Table name or type name.
;CAUSE: You did not provide a table name or type name which is requireed for the operation.
;ACTION: Add a table name or type name in the command to apply the operation.
SUBTYPE_CANNT_ENABLE_PARTITION S "You can only enable partition for a super type. Type %s is not a super type."
;PARAMETER: Type name.
;CAUSE: You tried to execute "alter type ... enable partition" DQL query against a subtype. This is not allowed.
;ACTION: You can only execute this statement against a super type.
DOCBASE_NOT_PARTITIONED "The docbase is not partitioned."
;CAUSE:  You have tried to generate a script to partition an individual type but the docbase is not partitioned yet.
;ACTION: You need to partition the docbase first.
ACL_CANNOT_UPDATE_PARTITION S "You cannot update i_partition internal attribute for external dm_acl object %s."
;PARAMETER: object name of the dm_acl object.
;CAUSE:  You have tried to update the internal attribute i_partition of an external dm_acl object.
;ACTION: Don't try to do this. It is not allowed.
MISSING_TABLESPACE S "Value of TABLESPACE parameter cannot be empty for operation %s of the GENERATE_PARTITION_SCHEME_SQL apply method."
;PARAMETER: Operation name.
;CAUSE:  You tried to execute the db_partition/add_partition operation of the GENERATE_PARTITION_SCHEME_SQL apply method without giving tablespace parameter.
;ACTION: You need to specify the tablespace parameter.
ALL_PARTITIONED "All partitionable types are already partitioned."
;CAUSE:  You tried to execute the db_partition operation of the GENERATE_PARTITION_SCHEME_SQL apply method, but all partitionable types have already been partitioned.
CANT_PARTITION_TYPE_TABLE SS "Table %s is an internal table for type %s."
;PARAMETER:     Table name & type name.
;CAUSE:  You have attempted to apply partition functions to internal
;                 tables created for documentum type.
;ACTION: You should partition the type, instead of its internal tables.