1、首先在窗体加载时让第一、二个组合条件和第二、三 行的查询条件框不能用:
Private Sub Form_Load() '选中一整行 flexgrid1.SelectionMode = flexSelectionByRow flexgrid1.FocusRect = flexFocusNone flexgrid1.HighLight = flexHighlightWithFocus cmboziduan2.Enabled = False cmbocaozuofu2.Enabled = False txtinquire2.Enabled = False ' cmbozuhe1.Enabled = False cmboziduan3.Enabled = False cmbocaozuofu3.Enabled = False txtinquire3.Enabled = False cmbozuhe2.Enabled = False End Sub
Private Sub cmbozuhe1_Click() If Not (cmbozuhe1.Text = "") Then '当第一个组合关系不为空的时候 '第二行的条件可用 cmboziduan2.Enabled = True cmbocaozuofu2.Enabled = True txtinquire2.Enabled = True cmbozuhe2.Enabled = True Else cmboziduan2.Enabled = False cmbocaozuofu2.Enabled = False txtinquire2.Enabled = False End If End Sub
Private Sub cmbozuhe2_Click() If Not (cmbozuhe2.Text = "") Then '当第二个组合关系不为空的时候 '第三行的条件可用 cmboziduan3.Enabled = True cmbocaozuofu3.Enabled = True txtinquire3.Enabled = True Else cmboziduan3.Enabled = False cmbocaozuofu3.Enabled = False txtinquire3.Enabled = False End If End Sub
Private Sub cmdinquire_Click() '如果第一行输入内容有空,提示信息 If Trim(cmboziduan1.Text) = "" Or Trim(cmbocaozuofu1.Text) = "" Or Trim(txtinquire1.Text) = "" Then MsgBox "请输入完整的查询条件!", "提示" Exit Sub End If '当第一行条件不为空的时候 '取数据 txtSQL = "select * from student_Info where " txtSQL = txtSQL & field(cmboziduan1.Text) & Trim(cmbocaozuofu1.Text) & "'" & Trim(txtinquire1.Text) & "'" ' txtSQL = txtSQL & field(cmboziduan1.Text) & Trim(cmbocaozuofu1.Text) & "'" & Trim(txtinquire1.Text) & "'" If Trim(cmbozuhe1.Text) <> "" Then '当组合条件1不为空时 '判断第二行的条件是否为空 If Trim(cmboziduan2.Text) = "" Or Trim(cmbocaozuofu2.Text) = "" Or Trim(txtinquire2.Text) = "" Then MsgBox "您选择了第一个组合条件,请填写完整第二行查询条件再进行查询!" Exit Sub Else '查询第一、二行条件 txtSQL = txtSQL & field(cmbozuhe1.Text) & " " & field(cmboziduan2.Text) & cmbocaozuofu2.Text & "'" & Trim(txtinquire2.Text) & "'" End If End If '当第二个组合关系不为空时 If Trim(cmbozuhe2.Text) <> "" Then If Trim(cmboziduan3.Text) = "" Or Trim(cmbocaozuofu3.Text) = "" Or Trim(txtinquire3.Text) = "" Then MsgBox "您选择了第二个组合关系,请填写完整第三行的查询条件再进行查询!" Exit Sub Else '查询第一、二、三行的条件 txtSQL = txtSQL & field(cmbozuhe2.Text) & " " & field(cmboziduan3.Text) & cmbocaozuofu3.Text & "'" & Trim(txtinquire3.Text) & "'" End If End If Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, Msgtext) With flexgrid1 .Rows = 1 .ColWidth(9) = 2000 .ColWidth(11) = 2000 .ColWidth(12) = 4000 .ColWidth(0) = 2000 .ColWidth(2) = 2000 .ColWidth(5) = 2000 .ColWidth(6) = 2000 .TextMatrix(0, 0) = "学号" .TextMatrix(0, 1) = "姓名" .TextMatrix(0, 2) = "卡号" .TextMatrix(0, 3) = "金额" .TextMatrix(0, 4) = "性别" .TextMatrix(0, 5) = "年级" .TextMatrix(0, 6) = "班级" .TextMatrix(0, 7) = "系别" .TextMatrix(0, 8) = "状态" .TextMatrix(0, 9) = "日期" .TextMatrix(0, 10) = "时间" .TextMatrix(0, 11) = "类型" .TextMatrix(0, 12) = "备注" '' Do While Not mrc.EOF .Rows = .Rows + 1 .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 0) = mrc!studentNo .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 1) = mrc!studentName .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 2) = mrc!cardno .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 3) = mrc!cash .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 4) = mrc!sex .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 5) = mrc!grade .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 6) = mrc!Class .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 7) = mrc!department .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 8) = mrc!Status .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 9) = mrc!Date .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 10) = mrc!Time .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 11) = mrc!Type .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 12) = mrc!explain mrc.MoveNext Loop mrc.Close End With If flexgrid1.Rows = 1 Then MsgBox "没有此记录,请重新输入查询信息!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "警告" Exit Sub End If End Sub
Public Function field(strfilename As String) As String Select Case strfilename Case "学号" field = "studentNo" Case "姓名" field = "studentName" Case "卡号" field = "cardno" Case "系别" field = "department" Case "年级" field = "grade" Case "班级" field = "class" Case "性别" field = "sex" Case "与" field = "and" Case "或" field = "or" Case "状态" field = "status" Case "备注" field = "explain" Case "日期" field = "date" Case "时间" field = "time" Case "金额" field = "cash" Case "类型" field = "type" End Select End Function