How To Create ASM Diskgroups using NFS/NAS Files


 ASM is completely supported on NAS (e.g. NFS filesystem on NetApps).


1)  As Oracle OS user, create the disk devices on your NFS directory:

oracle>dd if=/dev/zero of=/oracle/asm/disks/nfsdisk2 bs=8192 count=100000
100000+0 records in
100000+0 records out

oracle>dd if=/dev/zero of=/oracle/asm/disks/nfsdisk1 bs=8192 count=100000
100000+0 records in
100000+0 records out

oracle>ls -l
total 3201600
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba 819200000 Aug 11 14:10 nfsdisk1
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba 819200000 Aug 11 14:09 nfsdisk2

2)  Connect to your ASM instance and set the NFS directory in the discovery path:

SQL> alter system set asm_diskstring = '/oracle/asm/disks/*' scope=both;

System altered.

SQL> show parameter asm

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
asm_diskgroups string
asm_diskstring string /oracle/asm/disks/*
asm_power_limit integer 11

Note: If spfile is not being used then you will need to update the pfile (init+ASM.ora) with the next values to preserve the changes during the shutdown/startup:

asm_diskstring = '/oracle/asm/disks/*'

Where: “/oracle/asm/disks/*” is the NFS directory associated with the NAS disk devices.

3)  Verify the NFS disks are now discovered thru the v$asm_disk view:

SQL> select path from v$asm_disk;


4)  Finally, create the diskgroup on the NFS disks:

SQL> create diskgroup test external redundancy disk

Diskgroup created.






From Oracle



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