Toeic 喜报

Toeic 喜报

2006 9 11 星期一

Toeic 喜报

实话说,我挺在意这次的考试的,所以从上周五晚上开始,我已经忍不住不时地查分了。但一直到今天早上,才如愿看到了分数,当这个分数出现的时候,我正在办公室里,虽然很兴奋,但也只是低声喊了声 yes !挥舞了下拳头。

495 ,听力满分, 430 ,阅读部分丢了所有丢掉的分,总分 925 ,比我预期的 800 +要高了不少,心里真的很开心。我发 msn 告诉了 hsp ,发短信告诉了 gf ,发 qq 让杰华也去查分,中午还打了电话告诉家人。这份开心应该和我最要好的朋友和家人分享,也希望这份好运可以带给将要考 toeic 的朋友。




Monday, September 11, 2006

A victory of Toeic

To be honest, I really care about this test, I can’t help querying the result on internet since the evening of last Friday, but it was not until this morning, I got the score. I was in the office on the very moment, although I am very excited, I can just shout the “yes!” in a low voice, and swung my fists.

495, full marks for listening, 430, the reading section lost all the points that I lost, total score:925. far better than I expected, which was approximately 800. I AM REALLY GLAD. I sent msn to inform Hsp, I sent a sms to inform my girl friend, I sent a qq msg to Penny, telling him to look up his own results, and, I also telephoned my family in noon. I wanted to share the joy with my best friend and my family, I wish this good luck will help my friend who will be taking part in this test soon.

I had talked about how to review in the notes two weeks ago, and that is almost all. There is only one thing to mention, about the success of listening section, prereading the question is the key to grasping the import idea of the conversations. When you finished the question faster, you get more time for the next prereading, it forms a virtuous circle. If unlucky you screwed up in one question, just leave it alone, and forget it. Don’t get entangled on it, otherwise you will fall into the opposite, a vicious circle.

Keep on making endeavor to more achievement!

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