
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;

class CostComparator implements Comparator {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
return ((Double) o1).compareTo((Double) o2);

public boolean equals(Object o) {
return super.equals(o);

public class CacheManager {
public static int LRU = 0;

public static int LFU = 1;

public static int MIX = 2;

private HashMap cacheHashMap = new HashMap();

private int CACHE_CAPACITY = 100;

private int TRESHOLD = 90;

private int purgeAlgorithm;

private long hitCount = 0;

private long missCount = 0;

public CacheManager(int purgeAlgorithm, int cacheCapacity, int treshold) {
this.purgeAlgorithm = purgeAlgorithm;
CACHE_CAPACITY = cacheCapacity;
TRESHOLD = treshold;

public CacheManager(int purgeAlgorithm) {
this.purgeAlgorithm = purgeAlgorithm;

public synchronized Object getCache(String identifier) {
CachedObject cachedObject = (CachedObject) cacheHashMap.get(identifier);
Object obj = null;

if (cachedObject == null) {
} else if (cachedObject.isExpired()) {
} else {
cachedObject.setLastAccessTime(new Date());
obj = cachedObject.getObject();
return obj;

public synchronized void invalidate(String identifier) {

public long getHitCount() {
return hitCount;

public long getMissCount() {
return missCount;

public long getCurrentCacheSize() {
return cacheHashMap.size();

public synchronized void putCache(Object object, String id,
int minutesToLive) {
CachedObject cachedObject = new CachedObject(object, id, minutesToLive);
if (cacheHashMap.size() == CACHE_CAPACITY) {
cacheHashMap.put(id, cachedObject);

public synchronized void sweep() {
TreeMap costTreeMap = new TreeMap(new CostComparator());
for (Iterator i = cacheHashMap.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) i.next();
CachedObject cachedObject = (CachedObject) entry.getValue();
if (cachedObject.isExpired()) {
} else {
double cost = 0.0;
switch (purgeAlgorithm) {
case 0:
cost = cachedObject.getLFUCost();
case 1:
cost = cachedObject.getLRUCost();
cost = cachedObject.getMixCost();
costTreeMap.put(new Double(cost), entry.getKey());

// delete to treshold
for (int i = cacheHashMap.size(); i > TRESHOLD; i--) {
Object kk = costTreeMap.firstKey();
Object k = costTreeMap.get(kk);

public void clearCache() {
hitCount = 0;
missCount = 0;

public static String createKey(String[] keys) {
StringBuffer newKey = new StringBuffer("");
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
return newKey.toString();

// Application: Company Applcation
// Author : Cao guangxin
// File : DAOCacheManager.java
// Copyright 2006 RelationInfo Software
// Writed at Wed Apr 12 08:58:55 CST 2006
// writed by Eclipse SDK
// Visit http://www.37signals.cn

package net.cn37signals.company.dao;

import java.text.MessageFormat;

import net.cn37signals.company.util.CacheManager;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

public class DAOCacheManager {
private static Log log = LogFactory.getFactory().getInstance("DAOCacheManager");
private static CacheManager cacheManager = new CacheManager(CacheManager.MIX);

public static Object getCache(String identifier) {
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
Object[] o = {new Long(cacheManager.getHitCount()), new Long(cacheManager.getMissCount())};
log.info(MessageFormat.format(" [DAOCacheManager] getCache: {0} hits, {1} misses", o));
return cacheManager.getCache(identifier);

public static void putCache(Object object, String id, int minutesToLive) {
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
log.info(" [DAOCacheManager] putCache");
cacheManager.putCache(object, id, minutesToLive);

public static void invalidate(String id) {

// Application: Company Applcation
// Author : Cao guangxin
// File : CachedObject.java
// Copyright 2006 RelationInfo Software
// Writed at Wed Apr 12 08:58:55 CST 2006
// writed by Eclipse SDK
// Visit http://www.37signals.cn

package net.cn37signals.company.util;

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

public class CachedObject {

public Object object = null;
private Date dateofExpiration = null;
private String identifier = null;
private Date lastAccessTime = new Date();
private long numAccess = 1;
private int size;

// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

public CachedObject(Object obj, String id, int minutesToLive) {
this.object = obj;
this.identifier = id;

size = objectSize(obj);
lastAccessTime = new Date();
// minutesToLive of 0 means it lives on indefinitely.
if (minutesToLive != 0) {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(cal.MINUTE, minutesToLive);
dateofExpiration = cal.getTime();

public void setLastAccessTime(Date lastAccessTime) {
this.lastAccessTime = lastAccessTime;

public boolean isExpired() {
// Remember if the minutes to live is zero then it lives forever!
if (dateofExpiration != null && dateofExpiration.before(new Date())) {
return true;
return false;

public String getIdentifier() {
return identifier;

public Object getObject() {
return object;

public Date getDateofExpiration() {
return (this.dateofExpiration);

public Date getLastAccessTime() {
return (this.lastAccessTime);

public long getNumAccess() {
return (this.numAccess);

public long getSize() {
return (this.size);

public double getMixCost() {
long milis = new Date().getTime() - lastAccessTime.getTime();
if(milis == 0) {
milis = 1;
return (double)numAccess / (double)milis / (double)size;

public double getLRUCost() {
long milis = new Date().getTime() - lastAccessTime.getTime();
if(milis == 0) {
milis = 1;
return 1.0/(double)milis;

public double getLFUCost() {
return (double) numAccess;

public void incNumAccess() {

public boolean equals(Object o2) {
try {
String key2 = ((CachedObject) o2).getIdentifier();
return identifier.equals(key2);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;

private static int objectSize(Object o) {
try {
int size = ((List) o).size();
return size + 1;
} catch (Exception e) {
return 1;

public List list(int offset, int limit) throws SQLException {
String[] objKeys = {"Users", "list", String.valueOf(offset), String.valueOf(limit)};
String objKey = CacheManager.createKey(objKeys);
ArrayList list = (ArrayList) DAOCacheManager.getCache(objKey);
if (list != null)
return list;
DAOCacheManager.putCache(list, objKey, 1);
return list;
