Node / v8 1gb memory limit?

Node / v8 1gb memory limit?
(From google group: [email protected])

From:  Bert Belder <>
Date:  Tue, 24 Aug 2010 15:29:25 -0700 (PDT)
Local:  Tues, Aug 24 2010 6:29 pm
Subject:  Node / v8 1gb memory limit?

For some reason my node application never uses more than 1 GB of
memory. When node's memory usage approaches 1GB long freezes start to
happen (I presume due to garbage collection), and after a while node
either dies with an out of memory error or freezes indefinitely.

I'm running 64-bit Ubuntu with around 3GB of physical memory free and
a ton of swap space available, so there's plenty left when this
problem occurs.

The only way to cross the 1GB boundary seems to be allocating big
buffers. However memory consumption is not a goal in itself :-) and in
my application using buffers is not an option.

Is the 1GB barrier something built-in to node or V8?
Do other people have similar experiences?

- Bert


From:  Timothy Caswell <>
Date:  Tue, 24 Aug 2010 15:31:33 -0700
Local:  Tues, Aug 24 2010 6:31 pm
Subject:  Re: [nodejs] Node / v8 1gb memory limit?

I've seen the same thing.  Like you said, buffers can eat tons of ram.  I've had an app using 13gb of buffer space and keep on trucking.  I too would like to know the limits here.

From:  Vitali Lovich <>
Date:  Tue, 24 Aug 2010 15:49:53 -0700
Local:  Tues, Aug 24 2010 6:49 pm
Subject:  Re: [nodejs] Node / v8 1gb memory limit?

I suspect that's a question for the v8 folk.  I think the best way may be to
create a simple v8 test case that allocates 1gb+ of an array.

