(a)spring 的aop
package com.shop.jn.aop; import java.util.Timer; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint; import com.common.entity.user.interf.GenericUser; import com.common.util.LoginUtil; import com.common.util.SystemHWUtil; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action; import com.shop.jn.common.MyTask; import com.shop.jn.listener.UploadedFilesServletContextListener; public class LoginTimesAop { private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); private int timesFail = 0; private Timer timer = new Timer(); private MyTask task = null; /*** * 因连续登录失败的次数达到上限,而锁定:规定时间内无法登录 */ private boolean isLocked = false; private String classSimpleName = this.getClass().getSimpleName(); public LoginTimesAop() { super(); logger.info("aop:constructor."); } public void before3(GenericUser user) { System.out.println("user:" + user.getUsername()); logger.info("aop:before3"); } // public void monitor(String username, String passwd) { // timesFail++; // logger.info("aop:-------------------------------------"); // logger.info("username:" + username + " , password:" + passwd); // System.out.println("username:" + username + " , password:" + passwd); // System.out.println("times of fail:" + timesFail+" times."); // } // ,ProceedingJoinPoint call public Object around(ProceedingJoinPoint call, GenericUser user) throws Throwable { if(!UploadedFilesServletContextListener.isLimitLoginFailedThreeTimes){ return call.proceed(); } String aop_info = "aop[" + classSimpleName + "]:"; // logger.info(aop_info + "This is around method."); // logger.info("username:" + user.getUsername() + " ,password:" // + user.getPassword()); Object[] obj; if (!isLocked()) {// 没有锁定 //com.common.service.impl.SUserService Object[] login(String username,String passwd) obj = (Object[]) call.proceed();//负责登录校验的,真正干活的. int resultCode = (Integer) obj[0]; if (resultCode == LoginUtil.LOGIN_RESULT_SUCCESS) { timesFail = 0; } else {// 登录失败 timesFail++; logger.info(aop_info + "times of fail:" + timesFail + " times."); } } else { logger.info("账号已被锁定"); obj = new Object[2]; } // 连续登录失败超过3次 if (UploadedFilesServletContextListener.isLimitLoginFailedThreeTimes/* * 是否限定连续登录失败三次就锁定 */ && timesFail >= LoginUtil.MAX_LOGIN_FAIL_TIMES) { // ValueStack stack = actionContext.getValueStack(); // stack.set("MESSAGE_IS_LOGIN", "You have failed " + timesFail // + " times."); if (isLocked()) {// over three times and is still locked,meanwhile use // try to log in if (task != null) { logger.info(aop_info + " cancel task."); task.cancel(); task = null; } } else {// first into this if clause(if (timesFail >= // LoginUtil.MAX_LOGIN_FAIL_TIMES )) task = null; } if (timer == null) { timer = new Timer(); } if (task == null) { task = new MyTask(this); } logger.info(aop_info + "start task...."); timer.schedule(task, LoginUtil.MILLISECONDS_WAIT_WHEN_FAIL); setLocked(true); // Object[] results = new Object[2]; obj[0] = LoginUtil.LOGIN_RESULT_OVER_TIMES;/* * You have failed three * times. */ // return results;// not success logger.info(SystemHWUtil.DIVIDING_LINE); } return obj; } // public void before() { // logger.info("aop:This is before method:user try to log in......"); // System.out.println("aop:before"); // } public void afterReturning(Object retVal) { logger.info("aop:return code:" + (String) retVal); if (retVal == null || !retVal.equals(Action.SUCCESS)) { logger.warn("aop:login failed!"); } } // public void before2(User user){ // logger.info("aop:This is before2 method:user try to log in......"); // logger.info("username:" + user.getUsername() + " , password:" + // user.getPassword()); // } public int getTimesFail() { return timesFail; } public void setTimesFail(int timesFail) { this.timesFail = timesFail; } public synchronized boolean isLocked() { return isLocked; } public synchronized void setLocked(boolean isLocked) { this.isLocked = isLocked; } }
public class MyTask extends java.util.TimerTask{ private LoginTimesAop loginTime; public MyTask(LoginTimesAop loginTime) { super(); this.loginTime=loginTime; } @Override public void run() { loginTime.setTimesFail(0); loginTime.setLocked(false); } }
<aop:pointcut id="userServicePointcut" expression="execution(* com.common.service.impl.SUserService.login(..)) and args(..,user2)" /> <aop:aspect id="myAspect" ref="loginTimesAop"> <aop:before method="before3" arg-names="user2" pointcut-ref="userServicePointcut" /> <aop:around pointcut-ref="userServicePointcut" method="around" arg-names="user2" /> </aop:aspect>
(b)spring MVC中的拦截器,需继承org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerInterceptor
关于拦截器参考:spring mvc xml配置拦截器
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.HandlerInterceptorAdapter; public class HandlerInterceptor1 extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter { @Override public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception { System.out.println("===========HandlerInterceptor1 preHandle"); return true; } @Override public void postHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler, ModelAndView modelAndView) throws Exception { System.out.println("===========HandlerInterceptor1 postHandle"); } @Override public void afterCompletion(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler, Exception ex) throws Exception { System.out.println("===========HandlerInterceptor1 afterCompletion"); } }