
myicq 1.0中实现了一个内存池的模型,可以自动分配和回收对象内存。下面看下其实现方式。









/*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * copyright : (C) 2002 by Zhang Yong * * email : [email protected] * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _LIST_H_ #define _LIST_H_ #include "icqtypes.h" #define LIST_ENTRY(ptr, type, member) / ((type *) ((char *) (ptr) - (unsigned long) (&((type *) 0)->member))) #define LIST_FOR_EACH(pos, head) / for (pos = (head)->next; pos != (head); pos = pos->next) /* * 这是一个循环链表 */ class ListHead { public: ListHead() { prev = next = this; } bool isEmpty() { return (next == this); } ListHead *removeHead(); void add(ListHead *item); void addHead(ListHead *item); void remove(); ListHead *prev, *next; }; #endif



/*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * copyright : (C) 2002 by Zhang Yong * * email : [email protected] * ***************************************************************************/ #include "list.h" /* * 让this节点孤立起来 */ void ListHead::remove() { prev->next = next; next->prev = prev; prev = next = this; } /* * 将this后面的节点孤立起来,并返回这个节点 */ ListHead *ListHead::removeHead() { ListHead *t = next; next->remove(); return t; } /* * 在this前加入item */ void ListHead::add(ListHead *item) { item->prev = prev; item->next = this; prev->next = item; prev = item; } /* * 在this后面加入节点item */ void ListHead::addHead(ListHead *item) { item->prev = this; item->next = next; next->prev = item; next = item; }


这样就实现了一个简单的双向链表,如果对list_head机制不熟的可以看我的文章《深入浅出linux内核源代码之双向链表list_head(上)》 和《 深入浅出linux内核源代码之双向链表list_head(下) 》。




/*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * copyright : (C) 2002 by Zhang Yong * * email : [email protected] * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SLAB_H #define _SLAB_H #include "list.h" #include <stdio.h> struct SLAB; struct OBJ { OBJ *next; SLAB *slab; }; struct SLAB { ListHead item; int inuse; OBJ *free; }; class Cache { public: Cache(int size, int n); ~Cache(); void *allocObj(); void freeObj(void *p); static int reclaimAll(); private: SLAB *newSlab(); int reclaim(int n = 0xffff); Cache *nextCache; ListHead slabList; ListHead *firstNotFull; int objSize; int numObjs; int numFreeSlabs; int slabSize; static Cache *cacheList; }; #define DECLARE_SLAB(type) / private: / static Cache type##_cache; / public: / void *operator new(size_t) { / return type##_cache.allocObj(); / } / void operator delete(void *p) { / type##_cache.freeObj(p); / } #define IMPLEMENT_SLAB(type, num) / Cache type::type##_cache(sizeof(type), num); #endif



/*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * copyright : (C) 2002 by Zhang Yong * * email : [email protected] * ***************************************************************************/ #include "slab.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <memory.h> #define MAX_FREE_SLABS 8 Cache *Cache::cacheList = NULL; int Cache::reclaimAll() { int ret = 0; for (Cache *p = cacheList; p; p = p->nextCache) ret += p->reclaim(); return ret; } Cache::Cache(int size, int n) { objSize = size + sizeof(OBJ); numObjs = n; numFreeSlabs = 0; firstNotFull = &slabList; slabSize = sizeof(SLAB) + objSize * n; // Add it to the cache chain nextCache = cacheList; cacheList = this; } Cache::~Cache() { while (!slabList.isEmpty()) { ListHead *pos = slabList.removeHead(); SLAB *slab = LIST_ENTRY(pos, SLAB, item); free(slab); } } /* * Reclaim empty slabs in this cache */ int Cache::reclaim(int n) { SLAB *slab; ListHead *pos, *t = firstNotFull; int i = 0; while (i < n && (pos = slabList.prev) != &slabList) { slab = LIST_ENTRY(pos, SLAB, item); if (slab->inuse) break; i++; if (firstNotFull == pos) firstNotFull = pos->prev; pos->remove(); free(slab); } if (firstNotFull != t && firstNotFull != &slabList) { slab = LIST_ENTRY(firstNotFull, SLAB, item); if (slab->inuse == numObjs) firstNotFull = &slabList; } numFreeSlabs += i; return i; } /* * Alloc a new slab */ SLAB *Cache::newSlab() { SLAB *slab = (SLAB *) malloc(slabSize); if (!slab) { if (reclaimAll() > 0) { slab = (SLAB *) malloc(slabSize); if (!slab) return NULL; } } slab->inuse = 0; OBJ *obj = (OBJ *) (slab + 1); slab->free = obj; for (int i = 0; i < numObjs - 1; ++i) { OBJ *next = (OBJ *) ((char *) obj + objSize); obj->next = next; obj->slab = slab; obj = next; } obj->next = NULL; obj->slab = slab; slabList.add(&slab->item); firstNotFull = &slab->item; return slab; } /* * Alloc an object from the cache */ void *Cache::allocObj() { void *obj = NULL; SLAB *slab; if (firstNotFull == &slabList) slab = newSlab(); else { slab = LIST_ENTRY(firstNotFull, SLAB, item); if (!slab->inuse) numFreeSlabs--; } if (slab) { slab->inuse++; obj = slab->free + 1; slab->free = slab->free->next; if (!slab->free) firstNotFull = slab->item.next; } return obj; } /* * Free an object in the cache */ void Cache::freeObj(void *p) { #ifdef _DEBUG memset(p, 0xdd, objSize - sizeof(OBJ)); #endif OBJ *obj = (OBJ *) p - 1; SLAB *slab = obj->slab; obj->next = slab->free; slab->free = obj; ListHead *pos; if (slab->inuse-- == numObjs) { ListHead *t = firstNotFull; pos = &slab->item; firstNotFull = pos; if (pos->next != t) { pos->remove(); t->add(pos); } } else if (!slab->inuse) { int n = ++numFreeSlabs - MAX_FREE_SLABS; if (n > 0) reclaim(n); ListHead *t = firstNotFull->prev; pos = &slab->item; pos->remove(); slabList.add(pos); if (firstNotFull == &slab->item) firstNotFull = t->next; } }


内存池是SLAB结构打头的一个大块内存,里面有多个对象内存快,这些内存快个数在下面的#define IMPLEMENT_SLAB(type, num) 宏中的num来指定个数,每个对象空间前面有个OBJ的结构头部。





#define DECLARE_SLAB(type) 宏用在类中声明一个静态变量static Cache type##_cache;并且里面重新定义了new和delete,以便从内存池中分配和销毁。

#define IMPLEMENT_SLAB(type, num) 宏用来类的定义出定义这个静态变量,type用于制定对象大小,num用于指定分配多少个快





/*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * copyright : (C) 2002 by Zhang Yong * * email : [email protected] * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _DB_MANAGER_H #define _DB_MANAGER_H #include <mysql.h> #include "myicq.h" #include "list.h" #include "slab.h" #define WRITE_STR(req, str) req->writeString(str, sizeof(str) - 1) #define MAX_SQL 4096 extern MYSQL *mysqlWrite; char *conv10(uint32 num, char *bufEnd); class RefObject; class DBRequest; typedef void (*DB_CALLBACK)(DBRequest *req); enum { DBF_UPDATE = 0x01, DBF_INSERT = 0x02, }; class DBRequest { friend class DBManager; public: DBRequest(uint8 flags, DB_CALLBACK cb = NULL, RefObject *obj = NULL, uint32 d = 0); void writeString(const char *text, int n) { if (cursor - sql + n <= MAX_SQL) { memcpy(cursor, text, n); cursor += n; } } DBRequest &operator <<(ICQ_STR &str) { if (cursor - sql + (str.len << 1) < MAX_SQL - 2) { *cursor++ = '/''; cursor += mysql_real_escape_string(mysqlWrite, cursor, str.text, str.len); *cursor++ = '/''; } return *this; } DBRequest &operator <<(char c) { if (cursor - sql <= (int) (MAX_SQL - sizeof(c))) *cursor++ = c; return *this; } DBRequest &operator <<(uint8 num) { *this << (uint32) num; return *this; } DBRequest &operator <<(uint16 num) { *this <<(uint32) num; return *this; } DBRequest &operator <<(uint32 num) { char buf[16]; char *p = conv10(num, buf + sizeof(buf)); writeString(p, buf + sizeof(buf) - p); return *this; } ListHead listItem; DB_CALLBACK callback; RefObject *refObj; uint32 data; union { MYSQL_RES *res; int ret; }; uint32 lastInsertID; private: int sqlLen() { return cursor - sql; } uint8 flags; char sql[MAX_SQL]; char *cursor; DECLARE_SLAB(DBRequest) }; class DBManager { public: DBManager(); ~DBManager(); bool create(DB_INFO &dbSlave); void processQuery(); static bool init(DB_INFO &dbMaster); static void destroy(); static void query(DBRequest *req); static void processUpdate(); static void dispatch(); private: MYSQL *mysqlRead; }; #endif



并且在dbmanager.cpp中调用IMPLEMENT_SLAB(DBRequest, 16)来实现,可以看到每次分配是16个对象。


