图形元素(Graphic Element)是存储于GraphicsLayer中的,本文主要涉及的接口和类主要有以下几种:
IMap Map1 = axMapControl1.Map; IGraphicsLayer gl = Map1.BasicGraphicsLayer;
在一般情况下,我们如果想在Map中添加Graphic Element(图形元素),我们为了简单,可以直接画在画本上,即使用CompositeGraphicsLayer,下面的函数演示了如何通过CompositeGraphicsLayer在Map上画一个Graphic Element:
private void AddGraphicElementByCompositeGraphicsLayer(IGraphicElement element) { IMap Map1 = axMapControl1.Map; IGraphicsLayer gl = Map1.BasicGraphicsLayer; IGraphicsContainer gc = gl as IGraphicsContainer; gc.AddElement(element, 0); axMapControl1.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null); }有人可能要问,上面的代码根本就没有出现"CompositeGraphicsLayer",怎么能说是将图形元素画在了CompositeGraphicsLayer上呢?
那我们又应该什么时候将图形画在GraphicsSubLayer上呢?当我们要为了有规律的管理不同类型的图形元素的时候就应该使用GraphicsSubLayer,也可以使用GraphicsSubLayer与TOC中某个具体的FeatureLaeyr进行联系起来,下面的函数演示了如何向某GraphicsSubLayer中添加Graphic Element:
private void AddGraphicElementByGraphicsSubLayer(string SubLayerName, IGraphicElement element) { IGraphicsLayer sublayer = FindOrCreateGraphicsSubLayer(SubLayerName);//返回的实际上是一个GraphicsSubLayer的实例对象 IGraphicsContainer gc = sublayer as IGraphicsContainer;//这里之所以可以QI,是因为GraphicsSubLayer同时实现了IGraphicsLayer和IGraphicsContainer gc.AddElement(element, 0); axMapControl1.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null); } private IGraphicsLayer FindOrCreateGraphicsSubLayer(string SubLayerName) { IMap Map1 = axMapControl1.Map; IGraphicsLayer gl = Map1.BasicGraphicsLayer; ICompositeGraphicsLayer cgl = gl as ICompositeGraphicsLayer; IGraphicsLayer sublayer ; sublayer = cgl.FindLayer(SubLayerName);//查找CompositeGraphicsLayer中有没有名为SubLayerName的GraphicsSubLayer if (sublayer == null) { sublayer = cgl.AddLayer(SubLayerName, null);//ICompositeGraphicsLayer.AddLayer方法其实返回的是一个GraphicsSubLayer的实例对象 } return sublayer; }
这里我要强调一下这句代码sublayer = cgl.AddLayer(SubLayerName, null);
向我在本文开头提到的一样,基于COM的AO的方法返回的都是某个接口,而不是某个类型的对象。那么AddLaeyr到底返回的是什么类型呢?其实返回的是GraphicsSubLayer类型,我已经测试过,测试方法与之前测试的过程相同,不再赘述。注意,AddLayer方法中有一个IFeatureLaeyr类型的参数,该参数可以使TOC中某个要素类图层,从而使得该FeatureLayer与该GraphicsSubLayer相互关联;如果传入的FeatureLayer的参数为null,那么该GraphicsSubLayer不会与任何要素图层关联。以下内容为AE的帮助文档中IMap.ActiveGraphicsLayer的备注部分,由于英文内容相对不是很难,就不翻译了,大家自己看一下:Three different objects contain and persist graphic elements: a Map, thePageLayout, and anFDOGraphicsLayer. Both the Map and the PageLayout store (persist) their graphics in the document; FDOGraphicsLayers store their graphics in a database (an FDOGraphics layer is a feature annotation layer).In ArcMap, graphic elements are kept in graphics layers (GraphicLayers objects). To manage all of the graphic layers, the Map has the CompositeGraphicsLayer object. The CompositeGraphicsLayer object has a collection of GraphicsLayers and it implements theICompositeGraphicsLayer interface which provides methods for creating, finding, and deleting GraphicsLayers. New graphics layers are sometimes called 'Groups' or 'Annotation Target Layers'. Not only does the CompositeGraphicsLayer object have a collection of graphics layers, but it is itself a graphics layer - like the FDOGraphicsLayer object, it inherits from the GraphicsLayer object. This means that the CompositeGraphicsLayer object has its own graphics container where graphic elements can be stored. The graphics layer it provides is called the 'Basic Graphics Layer'. This Basic Graphics Layer is the default graphics layer and it cannot be deleted.The CompositeGraphicsLayer objects implements the ICompositeLayer interface, among others, which has the propertiesCount andLayer . The Count does not include the Basic Graphics Layer and the Layer property cannot be used to access the basic graphics layer. This is because the Basic Graphics Layer is essentially the CompositeGraphicsLayer object whereas the Groups are separate GraphicsLayer objects. TheBasicGraphicsLayer property always returns a reference to the Basic Graphics Layer (the CompositeGraphicsLayer object) and from here you can query interface for the other interfaces implemented by the object including those on the GraphicsLayer object.
The Map's ActiveGraphicsLayer property provides a reference to the graphics layer currently active (sometimes this is called the 'Active Annotation Target Layer). By default the basic graphics layer is the active layer but any Group or FDOGraphicsLayer is also settable as the active layer.
The CompositeGraphicsLayer and none of its GraphicsLayers (Groups) are real layers like aFeatureLayer, aGroupLayer, or anFDOGraphicsLayer. None of these layers can be accessed with the Map'sLayers property and are not included in theLayerCount.