体感技术:微软三维重建项目 KinectFusion





微软正在进行一个名为KinectFusion的项目。目标是利用一台围绕物体移动的kinect实时重建物体的三维模型。(是不是可以理解为 Kinect版本的SLAM?)不同于的简单的三维点云的拼接,该项目的另外的吸引人的特性在于:如果对物体进行持续的扫描,三维重建精度可以由粗到细的逐渐提高。

We present KinectFusion,a system that takes live depth data from a moving Kinectcamera and in real-time creates high-quality, geometrically accurate, 3Dmodels. Our system allows a user holding a Kinectcamera to move quickly within any indoor space, and rapidly scan and create afused 3D model of the whole room and its contents within seconds. Even smallmotions, caused for example by camera shake, lead to new viewpoints of thescene and thus refinements of the 3D model, similar to the effect of imagesuperresolution. As the camera is moved closer to objects in the scene moredetail can be added to the acquired 3D model.

To achieve this, our system continually tracks the 6DOFpose of the camera and rapidly builds a representation of the geometry ofarbitrary surfaces. Novel GPU-based implementations for both camera trackingand surface reconstruction allow us to run at interactive real-time rates thathave not previously been demonstrated. We define new instantiations of two wellknown graphics algorithms designed specifically for parallelizable GPGPUhardware.


作者 Shahram Izadi 的主页网址:http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/shahrami/

KinectFusion: Shahram Izadi, Richard Newcombe,David Kim, Otmar Hilliges, David Molyneaux, Steve Hodges, Pushmeet Kohli, JamieShotton, Andrew Davison, Andrew Fitzgibbon

KinectFusion: Real-Time Dynamic 3D SurfaceReconstruction and Interaction

S. Izadi, D. Kim, O.Hilliges, D. Molyneaux, R. Newcombe, P. Kohli, J. Shotton, S. Hodges, D. Freeman,A. Davison, A. Fitzgibbon“KinectFusion: Real-time 3D Reconstruction andInteraction Using a Moving Depth Camera

To appear in Proceedings ACM User Interface andSoftware Technologies ( ACM UIST )

Santa Barbara, CA, USA, Oct 2011




Point Cloud Library (PCL) 是一个独立的、大尺度的三维点云处理库


Point cloud library 是一个开源、跨平台的点云处理库, pcl 框架涵盖了当前最先进的点云处理相关算法,涉及滤波、特征估计、表面重建、注册、模型拟合、分割 等。 Pcl 基于 BSD 协议,可免费用于商业和研究应用,适用于 Linux 、 MacOS 、 Windows 、 Android 平台。

赞助商有Willow Garage, NVidia, Google, Toyota, 以及 Trimble 

相关博客 http://qing.weibo.com/1455173150/56bc2e1e330005pk.html

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