1. 文件操作类
1.1 清除.svn文件夹
import static groovy.io.FileType.*
new File('.').eachFileRecurse(DIRECTORIES, ~/^\.svn$/){ it.delete() }
1.2 在一堆jar中找一个class
import java.util.Enumeration import java.util.zip.ZipEntry import java.util.zip.ZipFile import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream def findJarFile(File zipFile, String target){ ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(zipFile) ZipEntry entry = null Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> en = zip.entries() while (en.hasMoreElements()) { entry = en.nextElement() if (entry.isDirectory()) { continue } if(entry.name.endsWith(target)){ println zipFile.name println entry } } zip.close() } String target = 'TESTMY.class' new File('D:/lib').eachFile{ if(it.name.endsWith('.jar')) findJarFile(it, target) }
1.3 从mvn repository下载一个jar到groovy.conf的path下()
import groovy.grape.Grape
String dir_lib = System.getProperty('user.home').replaceAll("\\\\", '/') + '/.groovy/lib/' List mvn = [ 'org.apache.poi', 'poi', '3.7' ] Grape.grab(group:mvn[0], module:mvn[1], version:mvn[2]) String jar_path = System.getProperty('user.home').replaceAll("\\\\", '/') + '/.groovy/grapes/' + mvn[0] + '/' + mvn[1] + '/jars/' + mvn[1] + '-' + mvn[2] + '.jar' def ant = new AntBuilder() ant.copy file : jar_path, todir : dir_lib
1.4 比较文件夹下的文件不同
String path1 = 'D:/soft/eclipse/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.0.v200803061910/lib'
String path2 = 'C:/ANT_HOME/Apache-Ant-1.7.0/lib' List ll = new File(path1).listFiles().collect{it.name} List ll2 = new File(path2).listFiles().grep{it.name.endsWith('.jar')}.collect{it.name} def ant = new AntBuilder() (ll2 - ll).each{ ant.copy todir : path1, file : path2 + '/' + it }
1.5 下载一个url到本地文件(爬漫画弄个多线程,很给力的)
long begin = System.currentTimeMillis() String url = 'http://**host.com/***' new File('output.xml') << new URL(url).text println System.currentTimeMillis() - begin
2. 用一些第三方库
2.1 jxl
import jxl.*
String path = "my.xls" int begin_row = 1 List cols = 'a'..'l' List ll = [] File file = new File(path) Workbook wb = Workbook.getWorkbook(file) def sheet = wb.sheets[0] for(i in begin_row..<sheet.rows){ Map item = [:] cols.eachWithIndex{cc, j -> Cell cell = sheet.getCell(j, i) String content = cell.getContents() if(content == null) content = '' item[cc] = content } if(item[cols[0]]) ll << item } // excel -> 到一个二位列表了ll,然后你就可以随心所欲了
2.2 email
import java.security.Security;
import javax.mail.* final String POP3Host = '***' final String userName = 'xx' final String pwd = 'xxx' Security.addProvider(new com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider()) def prop = System.getProperties() prop.setProperty("mail.pop3.socketFactory.class", "javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory") prop.setProperty("mail.pop3.socketFactory.fallback", "false") prop.put("mail.pop3.host", POP3Host) prop.put("mail.imap.starttls.enable", "true") prop.put("mail.debug", "true") prop.setProperty("mail.pop3.port ", "995") prop.setProperty("mail.pop3.socketFactory.port", "995") def auth = [ getPasswordAuthentication : { new PasswordAuthentication(userName, pwd) } ] as Authenticator def s = Session.getDefaultInstance(prop, auth) def store = s.getStore("pop3") store.connect(POP3Host, userName, pwd) Folder folder = store.getFolder("Inbox") folder.open(Folder.READ_ONLY) FetchProfile profile = new FetchProfile() profile.add(FetchProfile.Item.ENVELOPE) Message[] arr = folder.getMessages() folder.fetch(arr, profile) println "收件箱的邮件数:" + arr.length folder.close(false) store.close()
2.3 css压缩
def ant = new AntBuilder() String dir = 'cssjs' ant.taskdef name: 'yuicompress', classname: 'com.yahoo.platform.yui.compressor.YUICompressTask' ant.yuicompress linebreak: 300, warn: 'false', munge: 'yes', preserveallsemicolons: 'true', outputfolder: dir, { fileset dir: dir, { include name: '*.css' } }
2.4 执行下fastjson方法
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON
import com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.Feature import com.alibaba.fastjson.serializer.SerializerFeature List ll = [[test: 'test']] def sll = [] as SerializerFeature[] def fll = [] as Feature[] def bytes = JSON.toJSONBytes(ll, sll) println JSON.parse(bytes, fll)
2.5 jftp
import net.sf.jftp.net.* import net.sf.jftp.config.Settings import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils String host = "xx" int port = 22 String user = "xx" String pwd = "xx" String file = "/xx.txt" Settings.bufferSize = 16384 def con = new FtpConnection(host, port, "<default>") con.setConnectionHandler(new ConnectionHandler()) con.login(user, pwd) InputStream is = con.getDownloadInputStream(file) IOUtils.copy(is, new FileOutputStream(new File(file)))
3. 文本分析类——这块就用起来比较多了,数据源可以是文本,excel,db,下面只贴一个我最近做的一个分析友盟(umeng.com)自定义事件的一个数据分析的代码(业务场景是ios的一个应用做一个发送、接收的动作,分析下一天中这些动作的错误情况),我贴这段代码没有实际参考价值,只能表明groovy可以做很多很多的事儿
import groovy.sql.Sql
final String format = 'yyyy-MM-dd' final List versions = ['2.1.9', '2.2.0', '2.2.1', '2.2.2', '2.2.3'] final List datRange = Date.parse(format, '2012-07-07')..Date.parse(format, '2012-07-09') def pat = /,,,/ // 去掉第一行,取一天的数据和一个版本的数据 def ll = [] new File('umeng').eachFile{ff -> ll += ff.readLines()[1..-1] } // 中文字符对齐 def padRightGbk = {str, num -> return str // return str.padRight(num - str.bytes.size() + str.size()) } def getLinesTarget = {dat, version -> def rll = ll.grep{ it.contains(version) } if(dat) rll = rll.grep{it.startsWith(dat)} return rll } def printStat = {lines, version -> // 发送成功率统计 def sendLl = lines.grep{ def arr = it.split(pat) // 参数值 String result = arr[2] return result.contains('上传开始') || result.contains('上传结束') }.collect{ def arr = it.split(pat) String dat = arr[0] // 参数值 String result = arr[2] String reportId = result.split(' ')[0] String sendTimes = arr[4] String type = 'end' if(result.endsWith('上传开始')) type = 'start' boolean flag = false String typeEnd = 'endOk' // 发送成功,有结束返回且不是网络超时 if(result.contains('上传结束')){ if(result.endsWith('上传结束')){ typeEnd = 'endOk' flag = true }else{ if(result.contains('网络超时')){ typeEnd = 'endTimeout' }else{ typeEnd = 'endFail' } } } return [reportId: reportId, type: type, flag: flag, typeEnd: typeEnd, sendTimes: Double.valueOf(sendTimes), dat: dat] } // ID列表 def reportIdLl = sendLl.clone().collect{it.reportId}.unique().sort() def sendResultLl = reportIdLl.collect{reportId -> def llSub = sendLl.grep{it.reportId == reportId} // 最终发送成功的标示 boolean isOk = llSub.any{'end' == it.type && it.flag} def startLl = llSub.grep{'start' == it.type} def endLlOk = llSub.grep{'end' == it.type && 'endOk' == it.typeEnd} def endLlFail = llSub.grep{'end' == it.type && 'endFail' == it.typeEnd} def endLlTimeout = llSub.grep{'end' == it.type && 'endTimeout' == it.typeEnd} int startSendTimes = 0 if(startLl){ startSendTimes = startLl.sum{it.sendTimes ?: 0} } int endSendTimesOk = 0 if(endLlOk){ endSendTimesOk = endLlOk.sum{it.sendTimes ?: 0} } int endSendTimesFail = 0 if(endLlFail){ endSendTimesFail = endLlFail.sum{it.sendTimes ?: 0} } int endSendTimesTimeout = 0 if(endLlTimeout){ endSendTimesTimeout = endLlTimeout.sum{it.sendTimes ?: 0} } return [isOk: isOk, reportId: reportId, startNum: startLl.size(), endNumOk: endLlOk.size(), endNumFail: endLlFail.size(), endNumTimeout: endLlTimeout.size(), startSendTimes: startSendTimes, endSendTimesOk: endSendTimesOk, endSendTimesFail: endSendTimesFail, endSendTimesTimeout: endSendTimesTimeout, dat: llSub ? llSub[0]['dat'] : '', version: version ] } // 把分析出来的结果放到数据库里以利用sql进行分析 if(sendResultLl){ def p = [ url:'jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/data/all/crashreport', u:'sa', p:'', driver:'org.h2.Driver' ] def db = Sql.newInstance(p.url, p.u, p.p, p.driver) try { db.execute(''' create table if not exists t_send_stat( is_ok boolean, report_id varchar, start_num int, end_num_ok int, end_num_fail int, end_num_timeout int, start_times int, end_times_ok int, end_times_fail int, end_times_timeout int, dat date, version varchar ); ''' ) sendResultLl.each{ db.executeInsert(""" insert into t_send_stat values( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) """, [it.isOk, it.reportId, it.startNum, it.endNumOk, it.endNumFail, it.endNumTimeout, it.startSendTimes, it.endSendTimesOk, it.endSendTimesFail, it.endSendTimesTimeout, it.dat, it.version]) } }finally { db.close() } } //def rows = new File('reportSendDept.txt').readLines().collect{ // def arr = it.split(pat) // [REPORT_ID: arr[1], COMPANY_CODE: arr[-1]] // // substring(0, 3) //} //sendResultLl.each{ // def item = rows.find{row -> row['REPORT_ID'] == it.reportId} // it.dept = item ? item['COMPANY_CODE'] : '???' //} /* CREATE CACHED TABLE T_SEND_STAT( FLAG BOOL, REPORT_ID VARCHAR(20), NUM_START INT, NUM_END_OK INT, NUM_END_FAIL INT, TIMES_START INT, TIMES_END_OK INT, TIMES_END_FAIL INT, DEPT VARCHAR(10) ); insert into T_SEND_STAT select csvread('data/reportSendDept.txt'); */ // 总数 int numAll = sendResultLl.size() if(!numAll) return // 发送总数 int numOk = sendResultLl.grep{it.isOk}.size() int numFail = numAll - numOk // 无返回结果的发送 int numFailWithNoErrorEnd = sendResultLl.grep{ !it.isOk && it.endNumError == 0 }.size() final int padNum = 30 // print padRightGbk('总数', padNum) + ',' + numAll + ',' // print padRightGbk('发送成功总数', padNum) + ',' + numOk + ',' // print padRightGbk('发送失败总数', padNum) + ',' + numFail + '(其中无返回信息' + numFailWithNoErrorEnd + ')' + ',' // print padRightGbk('发送成功率', padNum) + ',' + (numOk / numAll) + ',' println '总数,发送成功总数,发送失败总数,其中无返回信息,发送成功率' print numAll print ',' print numOk print ',' print numFail print ',' print numFailWithNoErrorEnd print ',' print (numOk / numAll) print ',' println '' // 计算消息数 int startNum = sendResultLl.collect{it.startSendTimes ?: 1}.sum() // ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** // ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** // ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** // 更新、发送时长统计 def sendTimeLl = lines.grep{ def arr = it.split(pat) // 参数 String key = arr[1] return key in ['更新耗时', '上传耗时'] }.collect{ def arr = it.split(pat) String type = arr[1] == '上传耗时' ? 'up' : 'down' String secStr = arr[2] if(secStr.contains(':')) secStr = secStr.split(':')[1] return [type: type, sec: Double.valueOf(secStr), sendTimes: Double.valueOf(arr[4])] } println '单个刷新总数,平均刷新时间,超7s次数,发送平均时长,超3分钟次数' if(sendTimeLl){ def sendTimeLlDown = sendTimeLl.grep{'down' == it.type} if(sendTimeLlDown){ // print padRightGbk('单个刷新总数', padNum) + ',' + sendTimeLlDown.sum{it.sendTimes ?: 0} + ',' // print padRightGbk('平均刷新时间', padNum) + ',' + (sendTimeLlDown.sum{it.sec * it.sendTimes} / sendTimeLlDown.sum{it.sendTimes}) + ',' // print padRightGbk('超7s次数', padNum) + ',' + sendTimeLlDown.grep{it.sec > 7}.size() + ',' print sendTimeLlDown.sum{it.sendTimes ?: 0} print ',' print (sendTimeLlDown.sum{it.sec * it.sendTimes} / sendTimeLlDown.sum{it.sendTimes}) print ',' print sendTimeLlDown.grep{it.sec > 7}.sum{it.sendTimes} print ',' }else{ print '??,??,??,' } def sendTimeLlUp = sendTimeLl.grep{'up' == it.type} if(sendTimeLlUp){ print sendTimeLlUp.sum{it.sec * it.sendTimes} / sendTimeLlUp.sum{it.sendTimes} print ',' print sendTimeLlUp.grep{it.sec > 3 * 60}.sum{it.sendTimes} ?: 0 print ',' }else{ print '??,??,' } } println '' } def parseStat = {lines -> lines.grep{it.contains('上传开始')}.grep{ def arr = it.split(pat) arr[4] != '1.0' }.each{ println it } } for(version in versions){ for(dat in datRange){ String datStr = dat.format(format) println datStr + ',' + version.padRight(20) List lines = getLinesTarget(datStr, version) printStat(lines, version) } }
下面一段是根据table ddl(oracle)生成一些项目框架需要的文件(ibatis之类的,abator等工具太不局限了,自己写想怎么生成就怎么生成,顺便推荐大家用用国人的smarty4j,很8错)
import xx.Tpl String dir = './' String tpl_dir = dir + 'tpl/' String output_dir = dir + 'output/' String scriptfile = 'dbscript.sql' String ns = 'quotation' File f = new File(dir, scriptfile) final String begin = 'create table' final String end = ');' // 把分析出的表和字段信息保存到这个List中 List dto_ll = [] // 根据ORACLE字段类型对应Java类型 def get_type = {str -> if(str.contains('NUMBER')) return 'BigDecimal' switch (str) { case ~/CHAR/: return 'String' case ~/DATE/: return 'Date' case ~/NUMBER/: return 'BigDecimal' default: return 'String' } } // 大小写转换到驼峰格式 def get_name = {str -> String r = str.toLowerCase().split('_').collect{it.capitalize()}.join('') return r[0].toLowerCase() + r[1..-1] } // 设置表主键 def add_table_pk = {table, cols -> for(item in dto_ll){ if(item.name.equalsIgnoreCase(table)){ cols.split(/,/).collect{it.trim()}.each{ for(col in item.cols){ if(col.src_name.equalsIgnoreCase(it)) col.is_pk = true } } } } } // 添加表注释 def add_table_comment = {table, comment -> for(item in dto_ll){ if(item.name.equalsIgnoreCase(table)){ item.comment = comment.replaceAll(/\r\n/, ' ') } } } // 添加表字段注释 def add_comment = {table, col, comment -> for(item in dto_ll){ if(item.name.equalsIgnoreCase(table)){ for(it in item.cols){ if(it.name == get_name(col)){ it.comment = comment.replaceAll(/\r\n/, ' ') } } } } } // 分析表和字段 def parse = { str -> def mat = str =~ /(?s)create table ([^\(]+) +\((.+)\);/ if(!mat) return String table_name = mat[0][1].toLowerCase().trim() String columns = mat[0][2] Map item = [name: table_name, clazz: get_name(table_name).capitalize(), cols : []] columns.split(',').each{ def arr = it.split(/\s+/) if(arr.size() > 1){ item.cols << [src_name: arr[0], name: get_name(arr[0]), type: get_type(arr[1])] } } dto_ll << item } // 每一行遍历SQL文件,先分析表和字段 StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer() boolean is_begin = false boolean is_end = true f.eachLine{line -> line = line.trim() if(line){ line = line.replace(/\s+/, ' ') if(is_end && line.startsWith(begin)){ is_begin = true is_end = false } if(is_begin && line.endsWith(end)){ buffer << line is_end = true is_begin = false parse(buffer.toString()) buffer.delete(0, buffer.size()) } if(is_begin && !is_end) buffer << line } } // 分析注释(字段) def mat = f.text =~ /(?s)comment on column ([^;]+) is([^;]+);/ mat.each{ String table_col = it[1].trim() String comment = it[2].replaceAll(/\'/, '').trim() def arr = it[1].split(/\./) String table = arr[0] String col = arr[1] add_comment(table, col, comment) } // 分析注释(表) def mat2 = f.text =~ /(?s)comment on table ([^;]+) is([^;]+);/ mat2.each{ String table = it[1].trim() String comment = it[2].replaceAll(/\'/, '').trim() add_table_comment(table, comment) } // 分析主外健 def mat3 = f.text =~ /(?s)alter table ([^ ]+)[^;]+primary key \(([^\)]+)\)/ mat3.each{ String table = it[1].trim() String primary_key_cols = it[2].trim() add_table_pk(table, primary_key_cols) } // 现在已经获取到DDL的信息 // 先创建必要的文件夹 def ant = new AntBuilder() ant.mkdir dir : output_dir ant.mkdir dir : output_dir + 'dto' ant.mkdir dir : output_dir + 'sql' ant.mkdir dir : output_dir + 'xml' ant.mkdir dir : output_dir + 'dao' ant.mkdir dir : output_dir + 'daoImpl' ant.mkdir dir : output_dir + 'service' ant.mkdir dir : output_dir + 'serviceImpl' ant.mkdir dir : output_dir + 'action' ant.mkdir dir : output_dir + 'test' ant.mkdir dir : output_dir + 'mock' //dto_ll.each{ // println it //} final String pkg = 'com.***.' + ns Tpl.init(tpl_dir, 'gbk') if(args){ if(args[0] == 'add'){ // 生成insert语句 if(args.size() != 2){ println '请输入表名!' }else{ String table = args[1] for(item in dto_ll){ if(item.name.equalsIgnoreCase(table)){ String cols_str = item.cols*.src_name.join(', ') String cols_str2 = item.cols*.name.collect{"#" + it + "#"}.join(', ') println "insert into ${item.name} (${cols_str}) values (${cols_str2})" break } } } }else if(args[0] == 'update'){ // 生成update语句 if(args.size() != 2){ println '请输入表名!' }else{ String table = args[1] for(item in dto_ll){ if(item.name.equalsIgnoreCase(table)){ String cols_str = item.cols.collect{it.src_name + " = #" + it.name + "#"}.join(', ') println "update ${item.name} set ${cols_str} where ***" break } } } }else if(args[0] == 'mock'){ // 生成dto mock对象 def out = new FileWriter(new File(new File(output_dir + 'mock'), 'DTOMock.java')) int half = dto_ll.size() / 2 as int Tpl.out([pkg: pkg, clazz: 'Mock', ll: dto_ll[0..half]], 'Mock.java', out) def out2 = new FileWriter(new File(new File(output_dir + 'mock'), 'DTOMock2.java')) Tpl.out([pkg: pkg, clazz: 'Mock2', ll: dto_ll[half + 1..-1]], 'Mock.java', out2) println 'Done DTO Mock' }else if(args[0] == 'deploy'){ final String to_dir = 'D:/CCShare/epcis_ahs_dev3.0.0/epcis_ahs/ahs_j2ee/src/' String pkg_dir = pkg.replaceAll(/\./, '/') // Copy Java ['/dto' : output_dir + 'dto', '/integration/dao' : output_dir + 'dao', '/integration/dao/ibatis' : output_dir + 'daoImpl', '/biz/service' : output_dir + 'service', '/biz/service/impl' : output_dir + 'serviceImpl', ].each{k, v -> String dir_to = to_dir + 'java/' + pkg_dir + k ant.copy todir : dir_to, { fileset dir : v } } // Copy Sql // Copy Bean Xml ant.copy todir : to_dir + 'config/biz', { fileset dir : output_dir + 'sql' fileset dir : output_dir + 'xml' } println 'Done Deploy' }else if(args[0] == 'deploy_clear'){ final String to_dir = 'D:/CCShare/epcis_ahs_dev3.0.0/epcis_ahs/ahs_j2ee/src/' String pkg_dir = pkg.replaceAll(/\./, '/') // Delete Java ['/dto' : output_dir + 'dto', '/integration/dao' : output_dir + 'dao', '/integration/dao/ibatis' : output_dir + 'daoImpl', '/biz/service' : output_dir + 'service', '/biz/service/impl' : output_dir + 'serviceImpl', ].each{k, v -> String dir_to = to_dir + 'java/' + pkg_dir + k ant.delete dir : dir_to } println 'Clear Deploy' } }else{ // -- 输出生成DTO Java文件 // 父类 final String parent_clazz = 'BaseDTO' // 父类的包名 final String parent_clazz_pkg = 'com.xxx.dto' def params = [pkg: pkg] params.parent_clazz = parent_clazz params.parent_clazz_pkg = parent_clazz_pkg dto_ll.each{ String clazz = get_name(it.name).capitalize() params.clazz = clazz params.cols = it.cols params.has_date = it.cols.any{col -> col.type == 'Date'} params.has_bigdecimal = it.cols.any{col -> col.type == 'BigDecimal'} params.comment = it.comment def out = new FileWriter(new File(new File(output_dir + 'dto'), clazz + 'DTO.java')) Tpl.out(params, 'Dto.java', out) println 'Done DTO For ' + clazz } // -- 输出生成Sql Mapping文件 def params_ll = [] dto_ll.each{item -> def one = [:] String clazz = get_name(item.name) one.clazz = clazz.capitalize() one.clazz2 = clazz one.comment = item.comment one.pk_col = item.cols.grep{it.is_pk}*.name.join(',') String cols_str = item.cols*.src_name.join(', ') String cols_str2 = item.cols*.name.collect{"#" + it + "#"}.join(', ') one.insert_sql = "insert into ${item.name} (${cols_str}) values (${cols_str2})" String cols_str3 = item.cols.grep{!it.is_pk}.collect{it.src_name + " = #" + it.name + "#"}.join(', ') String cols_str4 = item.cols.grep{it.is_pk}.collect{it.src_name + " = #" + it.name + "#"}.join(' and ') one.update_sql = "update ${item.name} set ${cols_str3} where ${cols_str4}" String cols_str44 = item.cols.grep{it.is_pk}.collect{it.src_name + " = #value#"}.join(' and ') one.delete_sql = "delete from ${item.name} where ${cols_str44}" String cols_str5 = item.cols.collect{it.src_name + " " + it.name}.join(', ') one.select_sql = "select ${cols_str5} from ${item.name} where 1 = 1 and ${cols_str4}" params_ll << one } def out = new FileWriter(new File(new File(output_dir + 'sql'), "sqlmap-mapping-${ns}.xml")) Tpl.out([namespace: ns.capitalize(), pkg: pkg, ll: params_ll], 'sql-mapping.xml', out) println 'Done Sql' // -- 输出dao/serivce params_ll.each{ def params_sub = [pkg: pkg] + it def out1 = new FileWriter(new File(new File(output_dir + 'dao'), it.clazz + 'DAO.java')) Tpl.out(params_sub, 'IDao.java', out1) def out2 = new FileWriter(new File(new File(output_dir + 'daoImpl'), it.clazz + 'IbatisDAO.java')) Tpl.out(params_sub, 'Dao.java', out2) println 'Done DAO For ' + it.clazz def out3 = new FileWriter(new File(new File(output_dir + 'service'), it.clazz + 'Service.java')) Tpl.out(params_sub, 'IService.java', out3) def out4 = new FileWriter(new File(new File(output_dir + 'serviceImpl'), it.clazz + 'ServiceImpl.java')) Tpl.out(params_sub, 'Service.java', out4) println 'Done Service For ' + it.clazz } // -- 输出bean定义 def out2 = new FileWriter(new File(new File(output_dir + 'xml'), "biz-context-${ns}.xml")) Tpl.out([namespace: ns.capitalize(), pkg: pkg, ll: params_ll], 'bean.xml', out2) println 'Done Bean' // ant.zip basedir : dir, destfile : dir + '../my.zip' }
4. 一些算法和无聊写的小程序
def range = 1..33
int len = 7 List his = [ [num: 10000, result: [3,5,16,18,23,24,15]], ] def rand = new Random() def play = { int cc = 0 List ll = [] while(1){ int one = rand.nextInt(range.size()) + 1 if(one in ll){ }else{ ll << one } if(ll.size() == len && his.any{it.result == ll}){ def target = his.find{it.result == ll} println cc println target.num println cc / target.num println target cc = 0 ll.removeAll() break } if(ll.size() > len){ ll.removeAll() } cc++ } } play()