
最近做一个东西,摄像头使用的高清摄像头,采集出来的视频是D1格式(720*480)。使用VideoCapture发现速度很忙,网上的朋友说VideoCapture提供的读写功能采用VFW,效率低下且有些格式支持不好。而 OpenCV 2.0 内置了videoInput Library,可以自动在VFW和DirectShow间切换。videoInput是老外写的功能强大的开源视频处理库。是一个第三方库,2.0~2.2的版本专门有一个3rdparty对该库进行支持,而在最新的2.3版本中,已经讲videoInput库集成到highgui中了,想使用它的话,只需要在cmake中设置宏WITH_VIDEOiNPUT=OFF/ON即可。好像我使用的2.3.1自带的那个build文件夹下面的库就是在ON条件下编译得到的,所以就不用cmake重新编译了。2.3中使用手册和教程对VideoInput类只字未提,我只好自己摸索了。还好有源代码可以看,开源伟大。



//create a videoInput object
	videoInput VI;
	//Prints out a list of available devices and returns num of devices found
	int numDevices = VI.listDevices();	
	int device1 = 0;  //this could be any deviceID that shows up in listDevices
	int device2 = 1;  //this could be any deviceID that shows up in listDevices
	//if you want to capture at a different frame rate (default is 30) 
	//specify it here, you are not guaranteed to get this fps though.
	//VI.setIdealFramerate(dev, 60);	
	//setup the first device - there are a number of options:
	VI.setupDevice(device1); 						  //setup the first device with the default settings
	//VI.setupDevice(device1, VI_COMPOSITE); 			  //or setup device with specific connection type
	//VI.setupDevice(device1, 320, 240);				  //or setup device with specified video size
	//VI.setupDevice(device1, 320, 240, VI_COMPOSITE);  //or setup device with video size and connection type

	//VI.setFormat(device1, VI_NTSC_M);					//if your card doesn't remember what format it should be
														//call this with the appropriate format listed above
														//NOTE: must be called after setupDevice!
	//optionally setup a second (or third, fourth ...) device - same options as above

	//As requested width and height can not always be accomodated
	//make sure to check the size once the device is setup

	int width 	= VI.getWidth(device1);
	int height 	= VI.getHeight(device1);
	int size	= VI.getSize(device1);
	unsigned char * yourBuffer1 = new unsigned char[size];
	unsigned char * yourBuffer2 = new unsigned char[size];
	//to get the data from the device first check if the data is new
		VI.getPixels(device1, yourBuffer1, false, false);	//fills pixels as a BGR (for openCV) unsigned char array - no flipping
		VI.getPixels(device1, yourBuffer2, true, true); 	//fills pixels as a RGB (for openGL) unsigned char array - flipping!
	//same applies to device2 etc
	//to get a settings dialog for the device
	//Shut down devices properly
