【原创】MSSQL2005 用户'sa'登录失败。错误18456 之解决方案

这是一份来自微软 的此错误的相关报告(原文为英文,附带的是谷歌提供的翻译,仅作参考)

Product: 产品名称: SQL Server SQL Server的
ID: 编号: 18456 18456
Version: 版本: 10.0 10.0
Component: 组件: SQLEngine SQLEngine
Message: 消息: Login failed for user '%.*ls'.%.*ls登录失败,用户'%。* ls'的%*!

When a connection attempt is rejected because of an authentication failure that involves a bad password or user name, a message similar to the following is returned to the client: "Login failed for user '当连接尝试将被拒绝,因为,涉及到一个坏的密码或用户名验证失败,返回给客户端以下类似的消息:“登录失败,用户' <USER_NAME>'. “。 (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456)". (微软SQL Server,错误:18456)“。

Additional information returned to the client includes the following:返回到客户端的其他信息包括以下内容:

"Login failed for user ' “登录失败,用户' <USER_NAME>'. “。 (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)" (。NET SqlClient数据提供程序)“

------------------------------ ------------------------------

"Server Name: “服务器名称: <COMPUTER_NAME>"

"Error Number: 18456" “错误号:18456”

"Severity: 14" “严重性:14”

"State: 1" “国家:1”

"Line Number: 65536" “行号:65536”

The following message might also be returned:也可能返回以下消息:

"Msg 18456, Level 14, State 1, Server “消息18456,级别14,状态1,服务器 <COMPUTER_NAME>, Line 1" ,1号线“

"Login failed for user ' “登录失败,用户' <USER_NAME>'." '“。

User Action用户操作

If you are trying to connect using SQL Server Authentication, verify that SQL Server is configured in Mixed Authentication Mode.如果您正试图连接使用SQL Server身份验证,验证SQL Server配置混合身份验证模式。

If you are trying to connect using SQL Server Authentication, verify that SQL Server login exists and that you have spelled it properly.如果您正试图连接使用SQL Server身份验证,验证SQL Server登录名是否存在,以及你拼写正确。

If you are trying to connect using Windows Authentication, verify that you are properly logged into the correct domain.如果您尝试使用Windows身份验证连接,验证您是否正确登录到正确的域。

If your error indicates state 1, contact your SQL Server administrator.如果你的错误表示状态1,SQL Server管理员联系。

Version: 版本: 9.0 9
Component: 组件: SQL Server Database Engine SQL Server数据库引擎
Message: 消息: Login failed for user '%.*ls'.%.*ls登录失败,用户'%。* ls'的%*!

Error MSSQL_ENG018456 is raised whenever a login attempt fails.登录尝试失败时,会引发错误MSSQL_ENG018456。 If the error message includes the account distributor_admin (Login failed for user 'distributor_admin'.), the issue is with an account used by replication.如果错误信息中包含的帐户的distributor_admin(登录失败。用户'distributor_admin'),这个问题是由复制使用的帐户。 Replication creates a remote server, repl_distributor , which allows communication between the Distributor and Publisher.复制创建一个远程服务器,repl_distributor,从而使分销商和发行商之间的沟通。 The login distributor_admin is associated with this remote server and must have a valid password.登录distributor_admin与此远程服务器,必须有一个有效的密码。


In versions prior to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 (SP3), it was possible to specify that this connection was trusted and did not require a password.在之前的版本的Microsoft SQL Server 2000的Service Pack 3(SP3),它可以指定连接,这是值得信赖的,并没有要求输入密码。 If you are upgrading from a previous version, you must now specify a password.如果你是从以前的版本升级,现在,你必须指定一个密码。

User Action用户操作

Ensure that you have specified a password for this account.确保你已经指定了该帐户的密码。 For more information, see Securing the Distributor.有关详细信息,请参阅保护经销商。





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