启动siebelserver失败File not found '.odbcinst.ini



SBA_81/appcnbj050/log/SRBroker_0003_3145731.log8.1.1.5 [21229] ENU

DBCLog  DBCLogError     1      00063df054df691b:0      2015-02-1508:48:02     [DataDirect][ODBC Oracledriver][Oracle]ORA-01017: invalid username/passwo

rd; logon denied


DBCLog  DBCLogError     1      00063df054df691b:0      2015-02-1508:48:02     [DataDirect][ODBC Oracledriver]File not found '.odbcinst.ini'.

GenericLog      GenericError    1      00063df054df691b:0      2015-02-1508:48:02     (srbthrd.cpp (4022)err=2097168 sys=0) SBL-SRM-00016: Unable to in

itialize theDatabase environment -- Unable to connect to DB (data ops)

GenericLog      GenericError    1      00063df054df691b:0      2015-02-1508:48:02     (srbmtsrv.cpp (86)err=2097168 sys=0) SBL-SRM-00016: Unable to ini

tialize the Databaseenvironment -- Unable to connect to DB (data ops)

SrbLayerLog     Error  1       00063df054df691b:0      2015-02-15 08:48:02     Main Init fails

GenericLog      GenericError    1      00063df054df691b:0      2015-02-1508:48:02     (smimtsrv.cpp (1203)err=2097168 sys=0) SBL-SRM-00016: Unable to i

nitialize theDatabase environment -- Unable to connect to DB (data ops)

SmiLayerLog     Error  1       00063df054df691b:0      2015-02-15 08:48:02     Terminate process due to unrecoverableerror: 2097168. (Main Thread)




1.检查SADMIN DB帐号密码没问题

2.sqlplusSADMIN/xxxx@sss 连接DB 没问题

3.srvrmgr 连接GW ,没问题

conn GW:

srvrmgr /e SBA_81 /gappcnbj066 /u SADMIN /p XXXXXX



cat .odbc.ini



type ldd/app/siebel/sia811/siebsrvr/lib/SEor823.so


cat ../sys/.odbc.ini

6.检查ODBC连接 没问题

odbcsql /usadmin/p  <pwd /s SBA_81_DSN



srvrmgr /u sadmin /p<pwd> /g <GW> /e <ent>



最后因为错误是由组件SRBROKER报错出来,所以到siebel里检查SRBROKER组件帐号相关参数,Admin-ServerConfirguation=>Server=> select appcnbj049 Components 查 SRBroker,找到参数username,发现appcnbj049和50下的username不一样,49下username是SADMIN,有问题的50下是另一帐号,系统默认帐号就应该是SADMIN,不知道什么时候改了username,于是在50下把username改为默认的SADMIN,并相应改下参数password,




u have set theuser/pwd at server/comp level for SRBROKER on server 50. Every time u changeSADMIN pwd u must set it hre also unless u use the "delete parameteroverride" option which will reset back to ent level


As we saw on thewebex you had the USERNAME parameter for SRBRoker component set to a non SADMINuser. This was set differently (SADMIN) on server 49. After we set USERNAME toSADMIN and password the Siebel server started correctly.


As explained on thecall as you have set the password for SRBROKER at component level each time youchange the password for SADMIN you must change the password at SRBROKERcomponent level also.


Alternatively youcan use the "delete parameter override" option to reset this toenterprise level. 

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