现有这样一个LIST,需要根据Age和Sex两列进行Group by 分组操作:
var empList =new List<Employee> { new Employee {ID = 1, FName = "John", Age = 23, Sex = 'M'}, new Employee {ID = 2, FName = "Mary", Age = 25, Sex = 'F'}, new Employee {ID = 3, FName = "Amber", Age = 23, Sex = 'M'}, new Employee {ID = 4, FName = "Kathy", Age = 25, Sex = 'F'}, new Employee {ID = 5, FName = "Lena", Age = 27, Sex = 'F'}, new Employee {ID = 6, FName = "Bill", Age = 28, Sex = 'M'}, new Employee {ID = 7, FName = "Celina", Age = 27, Sex = 'F'}, new Employee {ID = 8, FName = "John", Age = 28, Sex = 'M'} };
用C# 很好实现,一般这样来写LINQ语句:
// query with lamda expression var QueryWithLamda = empList.GroupBy(x => new { x.Age, x.Sex}) .Select(g=>new {g.Key, Count=g.Count()}); //query with standard expression var query=from el in empList group el by new {el.Age,el.Sex} into g select new {g.Key, Count=g.Count()};
' query with lamda expression Dim QueryWithLamda = empList.GroupBy(Function(x) New With { .Age=x.Age, .Sex= x.Sex}) _ .Select(Function(g) New With {g.Key, g.Count()}) ' query with standard expression Dim Query = From el In empList _ Group el By Key = new with { el.Age, el.Sex} Into g= Group _ Select New With {.key = Key, _ .count = g.Count()}
Group el By Key = new with {el.Age, el.Sex} Into g= Group _
Group el By Key = new with{key el.Age, key el.Sex} Into g= Group _
看来在VB.NET中,匿名类和C#不一样,当Group by多列时,需要全部指定它们为Key,不然不会将它们作为一个整体进行group by
void Main() { var empList =new List<Employee> { new Employee {ID = 1, FName = "John", Age = 23, Sex = 'M'}, new Employee {ID = 2, FName = "Mary", Age = 25, Sex = 'F'}, new Employee {ID = 3, FName = "Amber", Age = 23, Sex = 'M'}, new Employee {ID = 4, FName = "Kathy", Age = 25, Sex = 'F'}, new Employee {ID = 5, FName = "Lena", Age = 27, Sex = 'F'}, new Employee {ID = 6, FName = "Bill", Age = 28, Sex = 'M'}, new Employee {ID = 7, FName = "Celina", Age = 27, Sex = 'F'}, new Employee {ID = 8, FName = "John", Age = 28, Sex = 'M'} }; // query with lamda expression var QueryWithLamda = empList.GroupBy(x => new { x.Age, x.Sex}) .Select(g=>new {g.Key, Count=g.Count()}); //query with standard expression var query=from el in empList group el by new {el.Age,el.Sex} into g select new {g.Key, Count=g.Count()}; foreach (var employee in query /* Or QueryWithLamda */ ) Console.WriteLine(employee.Count); } public class Employee { public int ID {get;set;} public string FName {get;set;} public int Age {get;set;} public char Sex {get;set;} }
Sub Main Dim empList As New List(Of Employee)() empList.Add(New Employee() With _ {.ID = 1, .FName = "John", .Age = 23, .Sex = "M"c}) empList.Add(New Employee() With _ {.ID = 2, .FName = "Mary", .Age = 25, .Sex = "F"c}) empList.Add(New Employee() With _ {.ID = 3, .FName = "Amber", .Age = 23, .Sex = "M"c}) empList.Add(New Employee() With _ {.ID = 4, .FName = "Kathy", .Age = 25, .Sex = "F"c}) empList.Add(New Employee() With _ {.ID = 5, .FName = "Lena", .Age = 27, .Sex = "F"c}) empList.Add(New Employee() With _ {.ID = 6, .FName = "Bill", .Age = 28, .Sex = "M"c}) empList.Add(New Employee() With _ {.ID = 7, .FName = "Celina", .Age = 27, .Sex = "F"c}) empList.Add(New Employee() With _ {.ID = 8, .FName = "John", .Age = 28, .Sex = "M"c}) ' query with lamda expression Dim QueryWithLamda = empList.GroupBy(Function(x) New With { Key x.Age, Key x.Sex}) _ .Select(Function(g) New With {g.Key, g.Count()}) ' query with standard expression Dim QueryWithStanard = From el In empList _ Group el By Key = new with {Key el.Age, Key el.Sex} Into g= Group _ Select New With {.key = Key, _ .count = g.Count()} Dim QueryWithStanard2 = From el In empList _ Group el By Key = el.Age, el.Sex Into g= Group _ Select New With {.key = Key, _ .count = g.Count()} For Each employee In QueryWithLamda 'Or QueryWithLamda Console.WriteLine(employee.Count) Next employee End Sub Public Class Employee Private privateID As Integer Public Property ID() As Integer Get Return privateID End Get Set(ByVal value As Integer) privateID = value End Set End Property Private privateFName As String Public Property FName() As String Get Return privateFName End Get Set(ByVal value As String) privateFName = value End Set End Property Private privateAge As Integer Public Property Age() As Integer Get Return privateAge End Get Set(ByVal value As Integer) privateAge = value End Set End Property Private privateSex As Char Public Property Sex() As Char Get Return privateSex End Get Set(ByVal value As Char) privateSex = value End Set End Property End Class