/**KETTLE是一个开源的ETL工具,运行本程序,应该确保在SQL Server中有相应数据库asop2,asop3,在asop2中有表department_user,但在表  asop3中有没有表test2均行。(相应的数据库名,表名,用户名,密码可看程序修改)。另外,应该在spoon.bat中打开后建立存储库与asop2及asop3两个连接(连接名应与数据库名一致)。感觉KETTLE没有转化不同数据类型的数据,这一点上应该没有Beeload好吧。**/

      package test;

import be.ibridge.kettle.core.Const;
import be.ibridge.kettle.core.LogWriter;
import be.ibridge.kettle.core.NotePadMeta;
import be.ibridge.kettle.core.database.Database;
import be.ibridge.kettle.core.database.DatabaseMeta;
import be.ibridge.kettle.core.exception.KettleException;
import be.ibridge.kettle.core.util.EnvUtil;
import be.ibridge.kettle.trans.StepLoader;
import be.ibridge.kettle.trans.Trans;
import be.ibridge.kettle.trans.TransHopMeta;
import be.ibridge.kettle.trans.TransMeta;
import be.ibridge.kettle.trans.step.StepMeta;
import be.ibridge.kettle.trans.step.StepMetaInterface;
import be.ibridge.kettle.trans.step.selectvalues.SelectValuesMeta;
import be.ibridge.kettle.trans.step.tableinput.TableInputMeta;
import be.ibridge.kettle.trans.step.tableoutput.TableOutputMeta;
import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.Transfer;

public class TransBuilder {

  //用于SQL Server的测试

   public static final String[] databasesXML = {
  "<?xml version=/"1.0/" encoding=/"UTF-8/"?>" + "<connection>"
     + "<name>asop2</name>" + "<server>localhost</server>"
     + "<type>MSSQL</type>" + "<access>Native</access>"
     + "<database>asop2</database>" + "<port>1433</port>"
     + "<username>sa</username>"
     + "<password>password1234</password>" + "</connection>",

   "<?xml version=/"1.0/" encoding=/"UTF-8/"?>" + "<connection>"
     + "<name>asop3</name>" + "<server>localhost</server>"
     + "<type>MSSQL</type>" + "<access>Native</access>"
     + "<database>asop3</database>" + "<port>1433</port>"
     + "<username>sa</username>"
     + "<password>password1234</password>" + "</connection>" };
     /**        //用于Oracle的测试
 public static final String[] databasesXML = {
  "<?xml version=/"1.0/" encoding=/"UTF-8/"?>" + "<connection>"
    + "<name>asop2</name>" + "<server>localhost</server>"
    + "<type>MSSQL</type>" + "<access>Native</access>"
    + "<database>asop2</database>" + "<port>1433</port>"
    + "<username>sa</username>"
    + "<password>password1234</password>" + "</connection>",

  "<?xml version=/"1.0/" encoding=/"UTF-8/"?>" + "<connection>"
    + "<name>oracledb</name>" + "<server>localhost</server>"
    + "<type>oracle</type>" + "<access>Native</access>"
    + "<database>oracledb</database>" + "<port>1521</port>"
    + "<username>system</username>"
    + "<password>password</password>" + "</connection>" };

 public static final TransMeta buildCopyTable(String transformationName,
   String sourceDatabaseName, String sourceTableName,
   String[] sourceFields, String targetDatabaseName,
   String targetTableName, String[] targetFields)
   throws KettleException {
  LogWriter log = LogWriter.getInstance();
  try {
   // Create a new transformation...
   TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta();
   // Add the database connections
   for (int i = 0; i < databasesXML.length; i++) {
    DatabaseMeta databaseMeta = new DatabaseMeta(databasesXML[i]);
   DatabaseMeta sourceDBInfo = transMeta
   DatabaseMeta targetDBInfo = transMeta
   // Add a note
   String note = "Reads information from table [" + sourceTableName
     + "] on database [" + sourceDBInfo + "]" + Const.CR;
   note += "After that, it writes the information to table ["
     + targetTableName + "] on database [" + targetDBInfo + "]";
   NotePadMeta ni = new NotePadMeta(note, 150, 10, -1, -1);
   // create the source step...
   String fromstepname = "read from [" + sourceTableName + "]";
   TableInputMeta tii = new TableInputMeta();
   String selectSQL = "SELECT " + Const.CR;
   for (int i = 0; i < sourceFields.length; i++) {
    if (i > 0)
     selectSQL += ", ";
     selectSQL += "  ";
    selectSQL += sourceFields[i] + Const.CR;
   selectSQL += "FROM " + sourceTableName;
   StepLoader steploader = StepLoader.getInstance();
   String fromstepid = steploader.getStepPluginID(tii);
   StepMeta fromstep = new StepMeta(log, fromstepid, fromstepname,
     (StepMetaInterface) tii);
   fromstep.setLocation(150, 100);
   fromstep.setDescription("Reads information from table ["
     + sourceTableName + "] on database [" + sourceDBInfo + "]");
   // add logic to rename fields
   // Use metadata logic in SelectValues, use SelectValueInfo...
   SelectValuesMeta svi = new SelectValuesMeta();
   svi.allocate(0, 0, sourceFields.length);
   for (int i = 0; i < sourceFields.length; i++) {
    svi.getMetaName()[i] = sourceFields[i];
    svi.getMetaRename()[i] = targetFields[i];
   String selstepname = "Rename field names";
   String selstepid = steploader.getStepPluginID(svi);
   StepMeta selstep = new StepMeta(log, selstepid, selstepname,
     (StepMetaInterface) svi);
   selstep.setLocation(350, 100);
   selstep.setDescription("Rename field names");
   TransHopMeta shi = new TransHopMeta(fromstep, selstep);
   fromstep = selstep;
   // Add the TableOutputMeta step...
   String tostepname = "write to [" + targetTableName + "]";
   TableOutputMeta toi = new TableOutputMeta();
   String tostepid = steploader.getStepPluginID(toi);
   StepMeta tostep = new StepMeta(log, tostepid, tostepname,
     (StepMetaInterface) toi);
   tostep.setLocation(550, 100);
   tostep.setDescription("Write information to table ["
     + targetTableName + "] on database [" + targetDBInfo + "]");
   // Add a hop between the two steps...
   TransHopMeta hi = new TransHopMeta(fromstep, tostep);
   // OK, if we're still here: overwrite the current transformation...
   return transMeta;
  } catch (Exception e) {
   throw new KettleException(
     "An unexpected error occurred creating the new transformation",

 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  // Init the logging...
  LogWriter log = LogWriter.getInstance("TransBuilder.log", true,

  // Load the Kettle steps & plugins
  StepLoader stloader = StepLoader.getInstance();
  if (! {
     "Error loading Kettle steps & plugins... stopping now!");

  // The parameters we want, optionally this can be
  String fileName = "NewTrans.xml";
  String transformationName = "Test Transformation";
  String sourceDatabaseName = "asop2";
  String sourceTableName = "department_user";
  String sourceFields[] = { "department_id", "login_name", "title",
    "name" };

  String targetDatabaseName = "asop3";  //SQL Server中
  //String targetDatabaseName = "oracledb";    //orcale中
  String targetTableName = "test2";

  String targetFields[] = { "department", "username", "title", "fullname2" };
  // Generate the transformation.
  TransMeta transMeta = TransBuilder.buildCopyTable(transformationName,
    sourceDatabaseName, sourceTableName, sourceFields,
    targetDatabaseName, targetTableName, targetFields);
  // Save it as a file:
  String xml = transMeta.getXML();
  DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(
    new File(fileName)));
  System.out.println("Saved transformation to file: " + fileName);
  // OK, What's the SQL we need to execute to generate the target table?
  String sql = transMeta.getSQLStatementsString();
  // Execute the SQL on the target table:
  DatabaseMeta dbMeta = transMeta.findDatabase(targetDatabaseName);
  Database targetDatabase = new Database(dbMeta);
  // Now execute the transformation...
  Trans trans = new Trans(log, transMeta);
  // For testing/repeatability, we drop the target table again
 // targetDatabase.execStatement("drop table " + targetTableName);


