在java中,如何通过访问内存拿到线程列表,用于跟踪线程的运行状态,这也是jstack的主要功能。 在jvm里,有没有F的参数实现笔者前面的博客已经说明了。因为-F是通过访问java的内存来取的信息的,所以当使用-F参数的时候,需要知道java运行过程中内存的结构,从而通过访问内存能获取到你所需要的信息。
typedef struct { const char* typeName; // The type name containing the given field (example: "Klass") const char* fieldName; // The field name within the type (example: "_name") const char* typeString; // Quoted name of the type of this field (example: "symbolOopDesc*"; // parsed in Java to ensure type correctness int32_t isStatic; // Indicates whether following field is an offset or an address uint64_t offset; // Offset of field within structure; only used for nonstatic fields void* address; // Address of field; only used for static fields // ("offset" can not be reused because of apparent SparcWorks compiler bug // in generation of initializer data) } VMStructEntry; typedef struct { const char* typeName; // Type name (example: "methodOopDesc") const char* superclassName; // Superclass name, or null if none (example: "oopDesc") int32_t isOopType; // Does this type represent an oop typedef? (i.e., "methodOop" or // "klassOop", but NOT "methodOopDesc") int32_t isIntegerType; // Does this type represent an integer type (of arbitrary size)? int32_t isUnsigned; // If so, is it unsigned? uint64_t size; // Size, in bytes, of the type } VMTypeEntry;
class Threads: AllStatic { private: static JavaThread* _thread_list; static int _number_of_threads; static int _number_of_non_daemon_threads; static int _return_code; ... }
VMStructEntry 里面定义 typeName="Threads", fieldName ="_thread_list" typeString="JavaThread*" isstatic="1" offset="0" address="&Threads::_thread_list"
gHotSpotVMTypeEntryTypeNameOffset ,
gHotSpotVMTypeEntrySuperclassNameOffset ,
gHotSpotVMTypeEntryIsOopTypeOffset ,
在jvm中定义的gHotSpotVMStructs ,和gHotSpotVMTypes是全局指针,可以直接通过访问符号表通过偏移计算得到真实的地址,请参考博客(Java 工具(jmap,jstack)在linux上的源码分析(六) -F 参数 读取动态链接共享库文件中的符号表)
在thread.hpp里定义了在jvm里所定义的线程的类, 其中 Threads/ JavaThread 类如下
class Threads: AllStatic { friend class VMStructs; private: static JavaThread* _thread_list; static int _number_of_threads; static int _number_of_non_daemon_threads; static int _return_code; ... }
class JavaThread: public Thread { friend class VMStructs; private: JavaThread* _next; .. }
查看宏定义VM_STRUCTS和VM_TYPES,可以看到已经将 _thread_list 和Threads加到VMStructEntry ,VMTypeEntry 中去,因为对static 变量是保存地址的,所以可以通过访问
当取的第一个线程后,取的 JavaThread 的VMStructEntry 中的offset,通过地址+offset取的_next的指针的地址,以此类推,通过链表遍历所有线程,知道_next的地址为0为止。
这个虚拟表也在elf文件中,以_ZTV为标识, class CompilerThread 格式为 _ZTV14CompilerThread.