openldap for win32 安装程序制作分析 相关参考资料与研究(转)
openldap for win32
Binary Distributions
Developer Documentation/Patches老外的编译开发资源包)安装程序Inno Setup下载地址)使用的Berkeley DB)
Please note that if you have a server in production using aSleepycat/Berkeley DB backend (which is the default), then you willnot want to cut over to an OpenLDAP build that uses a different BDBversion until you have thoroughly tested the change. If you havea build from me that doesn't specify a bdb version in the filename,then the version used was 4.2.52.Also, there has been talk on openldap-software that bdb-4.3 stillhas some non-trivial bugs, so proceed at your own risk. -- Lucas Bergman <[email protected]> 2004-12-10
Getting Started
I'm working on installation documentation at the same time as a better release. In the meantime, there is some documentation on getting my current port working under Windows in French and English (endless thanks to Mickaël Guessant).
Where can I download the OpenLDAP software for Windows?
Use the “download” link on the left side of this page.
I've downloaded the software and installed it, and everything seems okay. Now what do I do?
Start with Mickaël Guessant's getting started documentation (in French and English), and then start learning something.
Will you help me use OpenLDAP with my mail client?
That, and other questions that have nothing to do with the running OpenLDAP on Windows in particular, should be directed to the official OpenLDAP forums. The answers you get will be better, and the time you save will be your own.
How can I build OpenLDAP for myself?
Right now, the scripts I use to build the software are stored in a subdirectory of the download site. However, I've moved things to CVS, so be prepared to deal with that.
I see your build uses the MinGW build of the GNU toolchain. How can I build with the Microsoft toolchain (e.g., Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2008 Enterprise .COM Visual .ORG Special Edition Service Pack 9)?
I don't care. I have no interest in using proprietary tools when free ones will produce the exact same result.
But it's for my job! My company has a policy that we use only Microsoft tools! My boss won't let me use your hippie compiler.
Since it's for your job, I'm sure your company won't mind paying me a consulting fee to get the thing working with the proprietary toolchain of your choice.
Do you have the SQL backend? I'd like to have OpenLDAP use an RDBMS as a storage medium.
We don't yet, since it was only relatively recently that we've gotten modern versions of the server working in an easily installed package. This is a common request, and I swear we're working on it.
If my question isn't here, can I email you?
Talk to the list.
Windhue’s homepage
OpenLDAP for win32 编译过程举例
环境: WinXP Pro sp2; Visual C++ 6。
目标:编译 openldap 的 debug 版本。
1. Berkeley DB
- 得到 db-4.1.24.tar.gz。可在网上google一下,例如,目前点击 这里 可以下载。
- 解压到某个文件夹。例如 F:\db-4.1.24。
- 阅读 F:/db-4.1.24/docs/ref/build_win/intro.html
- F:\db-4.1.24\build_win32\Berkeley_DB.dsw ,用VC打开它。
- 将“build all - Win32 Debug”设置为活动工程。
- rebuild all
生成的文件位于 F:\db-4.1.24\build_win32\Debug和
- libdb41d.lib拷贝到VC的lib目录。
- libdb41d.dll拷贝到系统目录。
- copy db.h to {VC's include path}
2. Cyrus SASL
- 解压 cyrus-sasl-2.1.15.rar 到 F:\cyrus-sasl-2.1.15
- 阅读 file:///F:/cyrus-sasl-2.1.15/doc/windows.html
- cd F:\cyrus-sasl-2.1.15\lib
- {VC's path}\VC98\Bin\vcvars32.bat
nmake /f NTMakefile CFG=Debug
- libsasl.lib 拷贝到 VC 的 lib 目录。
libsasl.dll 拷贝到系统目录。
- copy sasl.h {VC's include path}\sasl.h
copy prop.h {VC's include path}\prop.h
copy saslplug.h {VC's include path}\sasl\saslplug.h
copy md5global.h {VC's include path}\sasl\md5global.h
copy md5.h {VC's include path}\sasl\md5.h
copy hmac-md5.h {VC's include path}\hmac-md5.h
3. hs_regex
- 下载 hs_regex.exe 自解压文件。
把文件拷贝到相应的目录。hs_regex.dll regex.h hs_regex.lib
- 我用的是openssl-0.9.7b。在windows下的编译过程不赘述。参考 。
5. openldap
- 解压 openldap-*.*.**.rar。点击 这里 下载。
- 打开build/main.dsw
- 将“build - Win32 Debug”设置为活动工程。看一下 readme.txt。
- build“build - Win32 Debug”。
- 将slapd设置为活动工程。运行 slapd 。参考 slapd 项目下的 readme.txt。
- ldapadd之后,可能重启一下slapd才能看到变化。
6. LDAP Browser/Editor
一个java的ldap客户端浏览器。点击 这里 下载。
注意 : slurpd由于包含一些linux的符号,还没移植到win32。主要是一些与文件操作相关的函数和宏定义。移植应该不会十分困难。至于openldap在win32平台上的性能问题,这里不做讨论。
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