; $Id: dmacl.e,v 5.8 2003/03/10 21:59:06 swei Exp $
; dmACL class errors
.facility DM_ACL
.severity FATAL
TYPE_INIT "Failed to initialize type dm_acl."
; CAUSE: Unknown.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
BAD_VSTAMP II "Type dm_acl has a bad vstamp %d. The current vstamp for dm_acl is supposed to be %d."
; CAUSE: The RDBMS table has a bad vstamp.
; ACTION: Report this error to Documentum sysadmins.
PUB_BIT_CHANGE_FAILED SS "Failure changing public bits when acl %s (domain %s) changed."
; CAUSE: Probable database error.
; ACTION: Look for messages from the RDBMS.
TYPE_CONVERSION I "Failed to convert type dm_acl to version %d."
; CAUSE: Type conversion failed.
; ACTION: Report the problem.
REFRESH_SELECT_INSTANCE SS "Failure retrieving instances of template ACL. Select statement is %s. DB error is %s."
; CAUSE: Internal error.
; ACTION: Report the problem.
.severity WARNING
ACL_INSTANCES_NEED_CONVERSION "Server did not convert all ACL Instances to use r_template_id and r_alias_set_id as part of the upgrade because there are too many. Administrator should manually use the apply method DM_CONVERT_ACL_INSTANCES (i.e., apply,c,NULL,DM_CONVERT_ACL_INSTANCES) after upgrade completes."
; CAUSE: For performance reasons, the server will only convert up to 1000 ACL
;        Instances as part of the upgrade. Before the remaining ACL Instances
;        can be used they must be converted to the new format by
;        using the apply method DM_CONVERT_ACL_INSTANCES.
; ACTION: After the upgrade is complete, the Administrator should run the apply
;         method DM_CONVERT_ACL_INSTANCES to convert the remaining ACL instances.
;         The Administrator can query for all ACLs with acl_class = 2 to determine
;         the total number of ACL Instances that exist.
RENAMED_ACCESSOR_EXISTS SSS "Renaming accessor_name from '%s' to '%s' for ACL '%s' caused the existing ACE with the same qualification being removed."
; CAUSE: There already exists another ACE with the same accessor_name,
;        permit_type, and application_permit. The problem is very likely
;        caused by the logic of replacing 'dm_group' with the sysobject's
;        group_name while there is already another ACE that has the same
;        qualification.
; ACTION: Since the changes did not affect the original ACL, it shouldn't
;         cause any problem. Otherwise, choose ACL carefully to ensure that
;         the resulting ACL would not have the conflict while renaming
;         an accessor name to another name.
.severity       ERROR
CANT_FETCH D "Cannot fetch - Invalid object ID %s"
; CAUSE: Could not fetch an object with the given id.
; ACTION: This is probably caused by a bad ID.  Or, possibly, a connection
; to the Documentum server could not be established.
CANT_FETCH_ACL SS "Failed to fetch the ACL '%s' in the domain '%s'."
; CAUSE: Failed to fetch the specified ACL.
INVALID_PERMIT IS "Illegal permit (%d) granted for user '%s'."
; CAUSE: An illegal permit was given.
NOMATCH SS "No ACEs matched for the name '%s' in the ACL '%s'."
; CAUSE: There are no ACEs found with the name.
BAD_STATE SS "The ACL '%s' of domain '%s' is in bad state."
; CAUSE: The ACL is marked bad somehow.
CANT_FETCH_USER SS "The operation to the ACL object '%s' failed due to failure to fetch dmUser '%s' and failure to check permissions."
; CAUSE: Unable to fetch the updating user.
NEW_SYS_ACL SS "Failed to create an ACL '%s' in the system domain, because the user '%s' is neither SYSADMIN nor SUPERUSER."
; CAUSE: Failed to create system ACLs due to low privilege.
; ACTION: Ask the sysadmin/superuser to grant the privilege.
USER_NOT_EXIST SS "The owner_name or accessor_name '%s' given in the ACL '%s' does not exist."
; CAUSE: The owner_name or accessor_name given does not exist.
NOT_OWNER SS "The ACL '%s' can only be modified by its owner '%s' or superusers."
; CAUSE: The user is not the owner of the ACL and modification is not
;        allowed.
READONLY_ATTR SS "The attribute '%s' of the ACL '%s' is read-only and not changable."
; CAUSE: Try to change read-only attrs.
OWNER_NOT_ALLOWED SS "Setting the owner_name of the ACL '%s' to '%s' is not allowed."
; CAUSE: Try to use other user as the owner_name of the ACL.
MOD_NAME_DOMAIN S "Changing domain or name of the ACL '%s' is not allowed, once the ACL is created."
; CAUSE: Tried to modify the domain or object_name of the ACL.
DESTROY_REF_COUNT SS "Failed to destroy the ACL '%s' in domain '%s' because it is in use."
; CAUSE: Cannot delete an ACL that is in use.
; ACTION: obsolete
FETCH_NO_NAME "Failed to fetch the ACL with no name provided."
NEED_NAME SS "Need the user name for operation '%s' to succeed, when setting the ACL '%s'."
; CAUSE: The operation requires a name to proceed.
CORRUPTED SS "The ACL '%s' in domain '%s' is found corrupted."
; CAUSE: The first two ACEs are not for dm_world and dm_owner.
; ACTION: Add the first two ACE manually as required.
DESTROY_IN_USE SS "Failed to destroy the ACL '%s' in domain '%s' because it is in use."
; CAUSE: Destroy an ACL that is in use.
; ACTION: Make sure the ACL is not used by any sysobjects, users and types.
CURSOR SS "The cursor '%s' failed. The error message from the database server is: %s."
; CAUSE: Cursor failure.
PARAMETER S "The parameters provided for command '%s' are not valid."
; CAUSE: The command is provided invalid parameters.
; ACTION: Try again with valid parameters.
CHANGE_NAME_PRIV "Changeing ACL owner's name or object name requires SUPERUSER privilege."
; CAUSE: Try to change ACL's owner_name and object_name without superuser
;        privilege.
; ACTION: Please ask superusers to do this for you.
DUMP_NO_USER "Although dump will continue, the missing user should be created in the docbase where load is to be performed."
; CAUSE: Either the owner or one of the accessors of the ACL does not exist,
;        while the ACL object is being dumpped.
; ACTION: The missing user/group object should be created manually in the
;        docbase where load is to be performed, to pervent any malfunctions
;        in the future.
CHANGE_OBJNAME_PRIV "Only SUPERUSER can change object_name."
; CAUSE: Non-superusers try to change ACL's object_name.
; ACTION: Ask superusers to do this for you.
UNIQUE_NAME "ACL name has to be unique in a given domain."
; CAUSE: Attempt to create an ACL that has a name conflict.
; ACTION: Use different object_name.
FORCE_DESTROY "The force flag in the destroy API command can be used only by superusers."
; CAUSE: Non-superusers attempt to use the force flag (e.g. destroy,c,l,T).
; ACTION: Do not turn on the force flag, if you're non-superuser.
MOD_SYSACL SS "The ACL '%s' can only be modified by its owner '%s', system admins or superusers."
; CAUSE: The user is neither owner of the system ACL nor sysadmin/superusers.
; ACTION: Ask sysadmin or superuser for help.
INVALID_XPERMIT IS "Illegal extended permit (%d) granted for user '%s'."
; CAUSE: An illegal extended permit was given.
INVALID_XPERMIT_NAME SS "There exists at least one invalid extended permission name in %s for operation %s."
; CAUSE:  At least one of the extended permission names provided in the list is invalid.
;         Currently, only the following names for extended permissions are supported:
;           (1)  execute_proc
;           (2)  change_location
;           (3)  change_state
;           (4)  change_permit
;           (5)  take_owner
;           (6)  delete_object
; ACTION: Only supply names in the above list.
CANT_CHANGE_PERMITS S "Only the %s acl owner, superuser, or whoever has the change_permit extended permission can change permits."
;CAUSE: A user, other than a superuser or sysobject owner, tried to
;       change security permits without possessing the change_permit
;       extended permit.
;ACTION: None.
CANT_CHANGE_INSTANCE S "The ACL %s is an instance of an ACL template."
;CAUSE:    User tried to change an instance of an ACL template.
;ACTION:   Change the associated document instead so that a
;          new internal ACL will be created.
ILLEGAL_ACL_CLASS IS "The acl_class (%d) of ACL %s is illegal."
;CAUSE:    User has specified an illegal acl_class for the
;          ACL Object.
;          Currently, only the following values are allowed:
;            0 --- regular ACL.
;            1 --- template ACL.
;            2 --- instance of template ACL.
;            3 --- public ACL.
CANT_CREATE_INSTANCE SSS "Cannot create an instance %s of template ACL %s based on alias set %s."
;CAUSE:    Failed to create an instance of the said template ACL.
;          There must exist at least one alias which can't be resolved
;          based on the said alias set.
REFRESH_BAD_ALIAS_SET SD "The ACL instance object named %s refers to a non-existent alias set object %s."
;CAUSE:    The alias set object does not exist.
;ACTION:   Check to see if the alias set is deleted by someone else.
REFRESH_BAD_ACL_TEMPLATE SS "The ACL instance object named %s refers to a non-existent template ACL object %s."
;CAUSE:    The template ACL object does not exist.
;ACTION:   Check to see if the template ACL is deleted by someone else.
QUERY_EXECUTION_FAILURE SS "Error while trying to execute the following query: %s. Database error is %s."
; CAUSE: Query execution failed.
; ACTION: Check the error message from the database in order to determine the
;         cause of the query failure.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the query that was being executed.
;             The second parameter is the resulting error from the database.
CANT_UNREGISTER SS "Could not unregister the specified %s event for %s object."
;CAUSE: The specified event could not be unregistered. Most likely
; bad event name specified.
;ACTION: Correct the event name and try again.
FAILED_TO_UPGRADE_ACL_INSTANCE DS "Could not upgrade ACL Instance with ID '%s' and object_name '%s'. The ACL Instance to ACL Template/Alias Set mapping is not complete."
;CAUSE: Starting from the 5.3 Server, ACL Instance to ACL Template/Alias Set Id
;       mapping is being moved from the object_name field to r_template_id and
;       r_alias_set_id attributes. The server has encountered an error while
;       completing this conversion.
;ACTION: See additional error messages for more detail on why the conversion
;        failed.
ACE_INVALID_PERMIT SSII "The Accessor Control Entry (ACE) for accessor '%s', permit_type '%s(%d)', has an invalid permit (%d)'
; CAUSE: An illegal permit was specified in the ACE.
; ACTION: Check the permit for the specified ACE and correct the permit.
ACE_INVALID_XPERMIT SSII "The Accessor Control Entry (ACE) for accessor '%s', permit_type '%s(%d)', has an illegal extended permit (%d)."
; CAUSE: An illegal extended permit was specified in the ACE.
; ACTION:   Check the xpermit for the specified ACE and correct the permit.
ACE_APPLICATION_PERMIT_NOT_ALLOWED SSI "The Accessor Control Entry (ACE) for accessor '%s', permit_type '%s(%d)', cannot have an application_permit value."
; CAUSE:    An application_permit value has been specified for a permit_type that
;           does not allow it.
; ACTION:   Check the permit_type and application_permit value for the
;           specified accessor.
ACE_INTERNAL_INVALID_PERMIT_TYPE SSI "The Accessor Control Entry (ACE) for accessor '%s' has an invalid permit_type '%s(%d)'."
; CAUSE:    An invalid permit_type has been specified for the ACE.
; ACTION:   Typically, this is an internal error. Check the ACE.
ACE_PERMIT_NOT_NULL SSII "The Accessor Control Entry (ACE) for accessor '%s', permit_type '%s(%d)' has a non-null permit of '%d'."
; CAUSE:    The specified ACE cannot have a non-null permit.
; ACTION:   Ensure that the permit for the ACE is NULL (0) or that the
;           permit_type is correct.
ACE_XPERMIT_NOT_NULL SSII "The Accessor Control Entry (ACE) for accessor '%s', permit_type '%s(%d)' has a non-null xpermit of '%d'."
; CAUSE:    The specified ACE cannot have a non-null xpermit.
; ACTION:   Ensure that the xpermit for the ACE is NULL (0) or that the
;           permit_type is correct.
ACE_APPLICATION_PERMIT_NOT_NULL SSIS "The Accessor Control Entry (ACE) for accessor '%s', permit_type '%s(%d)' has a non-null application_permit of '%s'."
; CAUSE:    The specified ACE cannot have a non-null application_permit.
; ACTION:   Ensure that the application permit for the ACE is NULL (0) or that the
;           permit_type is correct.
ACE_NULL_APPLICATION_PERMIT SSI "The Accessor Control Entry (ACE) for accessor '%s', permit_type '%s(%d)' cannot have a NULL application_permit."
; CAUSE:    The specified ACE cannot have a NULL application_permit.
; ACTION:   Ensure that the application_permit for the ACE is not NULL or that the
;           permit_type is correct.
PERMIT_TYPE_REQUIRES_GROUP SSI "The Accessor Control Entry (ACE) for accessor '%s' is invalid. The accessor for permit_type value of '%s(%d)' must be a valid group."
; CAUSE: The specified permit_type value can only be used in conjunction with
;        and accessor that is a valid group.
; ACTION: Ensure that the permit_type is valid or that the accessor is a valid
;         group.
INVALID_ACE_PERMIT_TYPE SI "The Accessor Control Entry (ACE) for accessor '%s' has an invalid permit_type value of '%d'."
; CAUSE:    An invalid r_permit_type value has been specified in the specified ACE.
; ACTION:   Check the parameters for the specified ACE and verify that the correct
;           parameters are being supplied.
CANNOT_UPDATE_ACE DSSI "The Accessor Control Entry (ACE) in ACL with Id '%s' for accessor '%s', permit_type '%s(%d)' cannot be updated."
; CAUSE: Certain permit_types cannot be updated. They can only be created or deleted.
; ACTION: Check the command being issued to update the ACL.
MACL_NOT_SUPPORTED "The current docbase does not support MACL Security."
; CAUSE: The connected docbase does not support MACL Security. The user or
;        application has attempted to get or set MACL Security parameters.
; ACTION: MACL Security rules cannot be set or retrieved from this docbase.
OLD_CLIENT_CANNOT_MODIFY_MACL_ACL D "The ACL with ID '%s' contains MACL (Mandatory Access Controls) rules and cannot be modified by an older client."
; CAUSE: An ACL with MACL rules cannot be modified by an old client
; ACTION: Use a newer client to modify the specified ACL.
TRUSTED_CONTENT_SERVICES_NOT_ENABLED "Trusted Content Services (TCS) must be enabled to access Mandatory Access Control (MACL) functionality."
; CAUSE: License for Trusted Content Services is not available. This license
;        is necessary to access MACL functionality.
; ACTION: Make sure that you have the license for Trusted Content Services.
MISSING_ACCESSOR_LIST "The apply method DM_ACL_VALIDATE_REQUIRED_GROUPS requires an accessor list as in input parameter."
; CAUSE: A list of accessors was not provided to the apply method
; ACTION: Supply a list of accessors to the apply method
CANNOT_RESTRICT_MORE_THAN_GRANTED DSII "The ACL with ID '%s' can not restrict the permission of accessor '%s' to (%d) because an equal or lower permission (%d) is granted."
; CAUSE:    User trid to restrict the access permit of an accessor more than what has been granted to the same user in an ACL/sysobject.
; ACTION:   Check the access permit (permit_type = 0) and access restriction (permit_type = 3) of the user. Make sure the user is not
;           restricted more than what has been granted to him/her.

