More about IPL

The Hardware Management Console has definitions for every LPAR for IPL and POR purposes.These definitions tell it which LOAD member to look for.The volume that LOAD specifies to use, is called Volume SYSRES. In a sysplex, systems can share SYSRES, or use different volumes. Both are OK. It depends on your strategy.
Since MVS can find LOADxx, then within the LOADxx member there is a SYSPARM parameter--that is where the IEASYSxx suffix is.In this way, MVS can find IEASYS through SYSPARM in LOADxx. Then, MVS can find COMMNDxx and IEFSSNxx in IEASYSxx








These two lines specify COMMNDAA/COMMNDBC and IEFSSNBC.
COMMND specifies automated commands to be used by IPL process.This member can't be used to specify JES commands. Because JES is not started when system issues COMMNDxx commands.Indicate ' SUB=MSTR'when using some commands to make sure programs are loaded into master address space.
SSN specifies subsystems to be loaded into address spaces during IPL.
In LOADxx, SYSPARM indicates suffix of IEASYS, IEASYM indicates suffix of IEASYMxx.
PS: Updated in 2007/08/09. A wrong description about HMC is updated.
