卷二 Dalvik与Android源码分析 第五章 Interpreter与JIT 5.6 dalvik运行时帧结构 图书版试读--请勿转发

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Low addresses (0x00000000)

                     +- - - - - - - - -+
                     -  out0           -
                     +-----------------+  <-- stack ptr (top of stack)
                     +  VM-specific    +
                     +  internal goop  +
                     +-----------------+  <-- curFrame: FP for cur function
                     +  v0 == local0   +
+-----------------+  +-----------------+
+  out0           +  +  v1 == in0      +
+-----------------+  +-----------------+
+  out1           +  +  v2 == in1      +
+-----------------+  +-----------------+
+  VM-specific    +
+  internal goop  +
+-----------------+  <-- frame ptr (FP) for previous function
+  v0 == local0   +
+  v1 == local1   +
+  v2 == in0      +
+  v3 == in1      +
+  v4 == in2      +
-                 -
-                 -
-                 -
+-----------------+  <-- interpStackStart

    High addresses (0xffffffff)

其中寄存器分配规则是由dalvik编译器决定的。而VM-specific internal goop就是“struct StackSaveArea”,该结构定义如下:

struct StackSaveArea {

    /* saved frame pointer for previous frame, or NULL if this is at bottom */
    u4*         prevFrame;
/* saved program counter (from method in caller's frame) */
    const u2*   savedPc;
    /* pointer to method we're *currently* executing; handy for exceptions */
    const Method* method;
    union {
        /* for JNI native methods: bottom of local reference segment */
        u4          localRefCookie;
        /* for interpreted methods: saved current PC, for exception stack
         * traces and debugger traces */
        const u2*   currentPc;
    } xtra;

    /* Native return pointer for JIT, or 0 if interpreted */
    const u2* returnAddr;


“struct StackSaveArea”作用如下:

保存当前字节码的地址到其成员变量“xtra. currentPc”

#define EXPORT_PC() \
    str     rPC, [rFP, #(-sizeofStackSaveArea + offStackSaveArea_currentPc)]

其中offStackSaveArea_currentPc被定义为12,sizeofStackSaveArea即为“struct StackSaveArea”结构的size。rFP为当前帧基地址,参考上一节的Frame结构,“[rFP, #(-sizeofStackSaveArea + offStackSaveArea_currentPc)]”为“xtra. currentPc”所在地址。
