很明显,这样得到的结果是非常不准确的。线性回归中,虽然我们的样本输出数据都只有0和1,但是得到的输出却可以有大于1和小于0的,这不免有点奇怪。Logistic Regission的假设就是在0和1之间的。
2.Logistic Regression
现在只要假定,预测输出为正类的概率为H (x;theta)(因为根据该曲线,H是1的时候输出刚好是1),根据概率之和为1,可以得出如下式子
要学习参数theta,首先要确定学习的目标,即Cost Function。在线性回归中,我们选取的Cost Function是
使得每个样本点到曲线的均方误差最小,要注意Logistic Regission中,h(x)带入J中得到的一个函数不是Convex的,形状如这样
下面三个例子中,二是拟合的比较好的,一中有着较大的MSE,不是很好的模型,这种情况叫做 under fit,第三种情况虽然准确得拟合了每一个样本点,但是它的泛华能力会很差,这种情况叫做overfit。

加上lambda后面的惩罚项(regularization parameter),这样就得到了Regularization后的新的模型
最后还要说一下,对convex函数的优化,matlab提供了相应的优化工具,你可以把它看成是一个黑盒,你只需要把你的Cost Function和初始的theta值给他,并告诉它你需要用到什么样的优化方法,他就会帮你优化。下面是具体的使用方法:
% Set Options options = optimset('GradObj', 'on', 'MaxIter', 400); % Optimize [theta, J, exit_flag] = ... fminunc(@(t)(costFunctionReg(t, X, y, lambda)), initial_theta, options);
总结:Logistic Regression和过拟合问题的解决方法是机器学习中非常重要的方法。貌似Google的搜索广告的摆放就是用了逻辑回归算法。
fminunc finds a local minimum of a function of several variables. X = fminunc(FUN,X0) starts at X0 and attempts to find a local minimizer X of the function FUN. FUN accepts input X and returns a scalar function value F evaluated at X. X0 can be a scalar, vector or matrix. X = fminunc(FUN,X0,OPTIONS) minimizes with the default optimization parameters replaced by values in the structure OPTIONS, an argument created with the OPTIMSET function. See OPTIMSET for details. Used options are Display, TolX, TolFun, DerivativeCheck, Diagnostics, FunValCheck, GradObj, HessPattern, Hessian, HessMult, HessUpdate, InitialHessType, InitialHessMatrix, MaxFunEvals, MaxIter, DiffMinChange and DiffMaxChange, LargeScale, MaxPCGIter, PrecondBandWidth, TolPCG, PlotFcns, OutputFcn, and TypicalX. Use the GradObj option to specify that FUN also returns a second output argument G that is the partial derivatives of the function df/dX, at the point X. Use the Hessian option to specify that FUN also returns a third output argument H that is the 2nd partial derivatives of the function (the Hessian) at the point X. The Hessian is only used by the large-scale algorithm. X = fminunc(PROBLEM) finds the minimum for PROBLEM. PROBLEM is a structure with the function FUN in PROBLEM.objective, the start point in PROBLEM.x0, the options structure in PROBLEM.options, and solver name 'fminunc' in PROBLEM.solver. Use this syntax to solve at the command line a problem exported from OPTIMTOOL. The structure PROBLEM must have all the fields. [X,FVAL] = fminunc(FUN,X0,...) returns the value of the objective function FUN at the solution X. [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG] = fminunc(FUN,X0,...) returns an EXITFLAG that describes the exit condition of fminunc. Possible values of EXITFLAG and the corresponding exit conditions are listed below. See the documentation for a complete description. 1 Magnitude of gradient small enough. 2 Change in X too small. 3 Change in objective function too small. 5 Cannot decrease function along search direction. 0 Too many function evaluations or iterations. -1 Stopped by output/plot function. -3 Problem seems unbounded. [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT] = fminunc(FUN,X0,...) returns a structure OUTPUT with the number of iterations taken in OUTPUT.iterations, the number of function evaluations in OUTPUT.funcCount, the algorithm used in OUTPUT.algorithm, the number of CG iterations (if used) in OUTPUT.cgiterations, the first-order optimality (if used) in OUTPUT.firstorderopt, and the exit message in OUTPUT.message. [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT,GRAD] = fminunc(FUN,X0,...) returns the value of the gradient of FUN at the solution X. [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT,GRAD,HESSIAN] = fminunc(FUN,X0,...) returns the value of the Hessian of the objective function FUN at the solution X. Examples FUN can be specified using @: X = fminunc(@myfun,2) where myfun is a MATLAB function such as: function F = myfun(x) F = sin(x) + 3; To minimize this function with the gradient provided, modify the function myfun so the gradient is the second output argument: function [f,g] = myfun(x) f = sin(x) + 3; g = cos(x); and indicate the gradient value is available by creating an options structure with OPTIONS.GradObj set to 'on' (using OPTIMSET): options = optimset('GradObj','on'); x = fminunc(@myfun,4,options); FUN can also be an anonymous function: x = fminunc(@(x) 5*x(1)^2 + x(2)^2,[5;1]) If FUN is parameterized, you can use anonymous functions to capture the problem-dependent parameters. Suppose you want to minimize the objective given in the function myfun, which is parameterized by its second argument c. Here myfun is a MATLAB file function such as function [f,g] = myfun(x,c) f = c*x(1)^2 + 2*x(1)*x(2) + x(2)^2; % function g = [2*c*x(1) + 2*x(2) % gradient 2*x(1) + 2*x(2)]; To optimize for a specific value of c, first assign the value to c. Then create a one-argument anonymous function that captures that value of c and calls myfun with two arguments. Finally, pass this anonymous function to fminunc: c = 3; % define parameter first options = optimset('GradObj','on'); % indicate gradient is provided x = fminunc(@(x) myfun(x,c),[1;1],options) See also optimset, fminsearch, fminbnd, fmincon, @, inline. Reference page in Help browser doc fminunc