跳转出现错误 the application test has stopped unexpectedly 的解决

买了本书《google android 开发入门与实战》,却发现里边 都是打开现成源代码进行讲解,所以从头开始创建一个程序并运行的细节不太清楚。关于界面跳转出现个错误:

the application test has stopped unexpectedly


If necessary permission is not requested in AndroidManifest.xml, when application is running, it will abort with messages "Source not found" in DEBUG mode, and abort with messages "The application xxx has stopped unexpectedly . Please try again" in RELEASE mode.

然后我在AndroidManifest.xml中的application 里边加上了第二个页面,并且选中了name,问题解决了,耽误了不少时间
