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Skinned Mesh in M3G

Filed under: Programming

Skinned Mesh,就是根据skeleton去变换顶点,通过addTransform函数将Vertex和bone绑定,Specification中给出了计算式子:

Denote the set of nodes (bones) associated with a vertex by { N1, N2, …, NN }.
Denote by Mi the transformation from the local coordinate system of node Ni to a reference coordinate system.
The choice of the reference coordinate system is not critical; depending on the implementation,
good choices may include the world coordinate system, the coordinate system of the SkinnedMesh node,
or the coordinate system of the current camera. Finally, let us denote the weight associated with node Ni as Wi.
The blended position of a vertex in the reference coordinate system is then:

    v‘ = sum [ w i M i B i v ]


  • 0 <= i < N, 其中N 是和顶点v 关联的bone个数;
  • v 是VertexBuffer中初始的顶点位置;
  • Bi 是"at rest"变换,即从SkinnedMesh到顶点bone的初始变换矩阵,可以用Node.getTransformTo(bone, transform)取得;
  • Mi 是当前顶点bone到参考坐标系的变换矩阵,我们取SkinnedMesh的坐标系,这样得到的是一个标准的Mesh,方便调用渲染;
  • wi is the normalized weight of bone Ni, computed as wi = Wi / (W1 + … + WN).

Bi 在addTransform时,就可以得到,而Mi 则需要在渲染时获取,bone.getTransformTo(skinnedMesh, Mi) ,
注意对应的Normal变换有点不一样,不是直接的用Mi ,而需要用对应的inverse transpose矩阵:

       n‘ = sum [ wi (Mi * Bi)-1T  n ]


Morphing Mesh in M3G

Filed under: Programming

M3G Specification中已有了详细的说明,根据权值对Mesh做简单的变形:

Denoting the base mesh with B, the morph targets with Ti, and the weights corresponding to the morph targets with wi,
the resultant mesh R is computed as follows:

    R = B + sum [ w i ( T i - B) ]


        R = B + sum[ wi (Ti - B)]

           = B + sum(wi * Ti ) - sum(wi  * B)

           = [1 - sum(wi )] * B + sum(wi * Ti )



假如遇到有的手机对Morphing Mesh渲染比较慢,就可以考虑自己封装一个Morphing的实现,


April 12, 2007

Pos3D to Pos2D in M3G

Filed under: Programming

to 大河马~~

  Camera m_camera;               //current camera
  Transform m_camTransform;  //current camera transform
  Transform m_objTransform;   //transform of the render obj

  void Pos3D2Pos2D(float[] pos3D, float[]pos2D)
      float pos[] = new float[]{pos3D[0], pos3D[1], pos3D[2], 1}  
      //get current position
      //apply camera transform
      Transform invTrans = new Transform(m_camTransform);     
      //get z
      float z = -pos[2];
      float x = 0;
      float y = 0;

      Transform transProjection = new Transform();
      // NDC to View
      x = pos[0] * getWidth()/ (2 * z);
      y = pos[1] * getHeight()/ (2 * z);     

      //convert to screen pos.
      pos2D[0] = (int)(getWidth()/2 + x);
      pos2D[1] = (int)(getHeight()/2 - y);


January 31, 2007

Camera In JSR184

Filed under: Programming

1. Camera类
                  — Lyo Wu


1) Generic
public void setGeneric(Transform transform)

2) Parallel
public void setParallel(float fovy, float aspectRatio, float near, float far)
 平行投影(正射投影,Orthographic Projection),忽略z轴作用,投影后的物体大小尺寸不变。M3G Specification中已经给出了对应的矩阵(NDC坐标系):
   | 2/w      0          0           0  |
   | 0       2/h         0           0  |
   | 0        0        -2/d   -(near+far)/d |
   | 0        0          0           1  |
其中,fovy - height of the view volume in camera coordinates。
h = height (= fovy)
w = aspectRatio * h
d = far - near


设(x, y, z, w)为视点坐标,(x’, y’, z’, w’)为投影坐标,(Px, Py, Pz, Pw)为NDC。
 x’ = x 
y’ = y
映射到NDC ([-1, 1]),
 Px = 2 * x’/ w = 2 * x / w
 Py = 2 * y’ / h = 2 * y / h
将(-n,-1), (-f, 1) 代入得
 a = -2 / (f - n)
b = -(n + f) / (f - n)
Pz = -2/ (f - n)*z - (n + f) / (f - n)
 | x |       | 2/ w   0          0                      0           |
 | y |       |  0    2 / h       0                       0           |
 | z |   *  |  0      0     -2/ (f – n)   -( n + f) / (f - n) |
 | 1 |      |  0       0         0                      1            |

3) Perspective
public void setPerspective(float fovy, float aspectRatio, float near, float far)
M3G Specification中已经给出了对应的矩阵(NDC坐标系):
   | 1/w      0          0           0       |
   | 0       1/h         0            0      |
   | 0        0     -(near+far)/d   -2*near*far/d |
   | 0        0          -1           0      |
其中,fovy - field of view in the vertical direction, in degrees。
h = tan ( fovy/2 )
w = aspectRatio * h
d = far - near


设(x, y, z, w)为视点坐标,(x’, y’, z’, w’)为投影坐标,(Px, Py, Pz, Pw)为NDC。
x’ = -n * x / z
y’ = -n * y / z
映射到NDC ([-1, 1]),可得
 Px = x’/ (W/2) = -2*n*x / z * W
 Py = y’/ (H/2) = -2*n*y / z * H
由于x’, y’与1/ z有线性关系,只要保证Pz与1/z呈线性关系,即Pz=a/z+b
将(-n,-1), (-f, 1) 代入得
 a = 2*n*f / f - n
b = f + n / f – n
Pz = 2*n*f / (f - n)*z + (f+n) / (f - n)
 -zPx = 2*n*x / W
 -zPy = 2*n*y / H
 -zPz = -2*n*f / (f – n) - (f+n) / (f - n) * z
  w = -z
 | x |       | 2*n / W   0                 0                      0            |
 | y |       |  0       2*n / H             0                     0            |
 | z |   *  |  0           0        - (f+n) / (f - n)   -2*n*f / (f – n) |
 | 1 |      |  0           0                 -1                     0             |

 h = tan ( fovy/2 ) = (H/2) / n = H / 2*n
 w = aspectRatio * h = W / 2*n
d = f - n



December 9, 2006

M3G API beta

Filed under: Programming

After monthes coding… the M3G APIs have alomost been implemented in my KEmulator.

next, i will make a general review.
