






Option Explicit '下载结果枚举 Public Enum DownloadResults eSUCCESS = 0 '下载成功 eCONNECTERROR = 1 '连接错误 eTRANSFERERROR = 2 '数据传输错误 eWRITEERROR = 3 '保存本地错误 eUserStop = 4 '中止 End Enum '下载进度事件 Identifier-下载标识,RecvdBytes-已下载字节数,MaxBytes-总字节数,PassTimer-已用下载时间(秒) Public Event DownloadProgress(Identifier As String, RecvdBytes As Long, MaxBytes As Long, PassTimer As Long) '下载完成事件 Identifier-下载标识,ccDownloadResults-下载结果,PassTimer-已用下载时间(秒) Public Event DownloadComplete(Identifier As String, Result As DownloadResults, PassTimer As Long) Dim FstrURL As String 'FTP 下载字符串,含IP,端口号,用户名,密码,下载的文件及其路径 Dim FstrSaveFile As String '下载的文件保存在本地的文件名及其路径 Dim FstrIdentifier As String '下载标识 Dim FlngStart As Long '开始下载时间 '下载文件 'strURL FTP 下载字符串,含IP,端口号,用户名,密码,下载的文件及其路径 ' 形如 ftp://用户名:密码@FTP地址/目录/文件 'strSaveFile 保存时的本地文件名 'strIdentifier 下载标识,可以同时下载多个文件,依据此字符串区别所下载的文件 Public Sub DownLoad(ByVal strURL As String, ByVal strSaveFile As String, ByVal strIdentifier As String) On Error GoTo ERRHAND FstrURL = strURL FstrSaveFile = strSaveFile FstrIdentifier = strIdentifier FlngStart = Timer UserControl.AsyncRead strURL, vbAsyncTypeByteArray, strIdentifier, vbAsyncReadForceUpdate Exit Sub ERRHAND: RaiseEvent DownloadComplete(strIdentifier, eCONNECTERROR, Timer - FlngStart) End Sub Private Sub UserControl_AsyncReadComplete(AsyncProp As AsyncProperty) On Error GoTo Errs Dim F() As Byte Dim fn As Long Dim sFile As String Dim s As String sFile = FstrSaveFile With AsyncProp s = .PropertyName If .BytesMax <> 0 Then If .BytesMax <> .BytesRead Then On Error Resume Next UserControl.CancelAsyncRead s RaiseEvent DownloadComplete(s, eTRANSFERERROR, Timer - FlngStart) '---- 传输错误,下载失败 Else '//Call to DoEvents updates transfer status on frmMain '..for large files before file processing begins. DoEvents fn = FreeFile F = .Value Open sFile For Binary Access Write As #fn '--------- Open file for writing Put #fn, , F '-------------------------------------- Put downloaded data to file Close #fn Erase F '------------------------------------------- Purge Array fn = FileLen(sFile) If Dir$(sFile, 39) <> "" Then '--------------------- Verify write completed RaiseEvent DownloadComplete(s, eSUCCESS, Timer - FlngStart) Else On Error Resume Next UserControl.CancelAsyncRead s RaiseEvent DownloadComplete(s, eWRITEERROR, Timer - FlngStart) '--- Completed but failed to write to disk End If End If Else On Error Resume Next '---------------------------------- ReVive never connected to the file or server UserControl.CancelAsyncRead s RaiseEvent DownloadComplete(s, eCONNECTERROR, Timer - FlngStart) End If End With Errs_Exit: Exit Sub Errs: If Err.Number = 7 Then '内存溢出 RaiseEvent DownloadComplete(s, eCONNECTERROR, Timer - FlngStart) ElseIf Err.Number = 75 Then '打开文件错误 RaiseEvent DownloadComplete(s, eWRITEERROR, Timer - FlngStart) Else RaiseEvent DownloadComplete(s, eCONNECTERROR, Timer - FlngStart) End If Resume Errs_Exit End Sub Private Sub UserControl_AsyncReadProgress(AsyncProp As AsyncProperty) On Error GoTo Errs With AsyncProp If .BytesMax <> 0 Then RaiseEvent DownloadProgress(.PropertyName, CLng(.BytesRead), CLng(.BytesMax), Timer - FlngStart) End If End With Exit Sub Errs: RaiseEvent DownloadComplete(AsyncProp.PropertyName, eCONNECTERROR, Timer - FlngStart) End Sub '中止下载 'strIdentifier 下载标识 Public Sub StopDown(ByVal strIdentifier As String) On Error GoTo Errs UserControl.CancelAsyncRead strIdentifier Exit Sub Errs: End Sub



Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Call UserControl11.DownLoad("ftp://anonymous:[email protected]/developr/visualstudio/sp3/full/vssp3_1.exe", "d:/test.rar", "abc") End Sub Private Sub UserControl11_DownloadComplete(Identifier As String, Result As DownloadResults, PassTimer As Long) Label1.Caption = "下载完成总共用时" & CStr(PassTimer) & "秒." End Sub Private Sub UserControl11_DownloadProgress(Identifier As String, RecvdBytes As Long, MaxBytes As Long, PassTimer As Long) Label1.Caption = "正在下载" & Format(RecvdBytes / MaxBytes, "0.00%") DoEvents End Sub




如果进行http下载,形如 http://文件连接


