1. 首先下载安装MinGW,下载地址: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/。这个是边下载边安装的,下载完成即安装完成。我的安装目录为D:\MinGW;
2. 设置系统环境变量。右击Computer -> Properties-> Advanced system settings -> Advanced -> Environment Variables。然后:
2.1 在PATH里加入D:\MinGW\bin ;
2.2 新建LIBRARY_PATH变量,如果有的话,直接加入D:\MinGW\lib ;
2.3 新建C_INCLUDEDE_PATH变量,值设为 D:\MinGW\include ;
2.4 新建CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH变量,值为 D:\MinGW\include ;
3. 在_vimrc文件的末尾增加编译调试选项,添加的代码如下:
"定义CompileRun函数,用来调用编译和运行 func CompileRun() exec "w" if &filetype == 'c' exec "!gcc -Wall -enable-auto-import % -g -o %<.exe" elseif &filetype == 'cpp' exec "!g++ -Wall -enable-auto-import % -g -o %<.exe" elseif &filetype == 'java' exec "!javac %" endif endfunc "结束定义ComplieRun "定义Run函数 func Run() if &filetype == 'c' || &filetype == 'cpp' exec "!%<.exe" elseif &filetype == 'java' exec "!java %<" endif endfunc "定义Debug函数,用来调试程序 func Debug() exec "w" if &filetype == 'c' exec "!gcc % -g -o %<.exe" exec "!gdb %<.exe" elseif &filetype == 'cpp' exec "!g++ % -g -o %<.exe" exec "!gdb %<.exe" elseif &filetype == 'java' exec "!javac %" exec "!jdb %<" endif endfunc ”设置程序的运行和调试的快捷键F5和Ctrl-F5 map <F5> :call CompileRun()<CR> map <F6> :call Run()<CR> map <C-F5> :call Debug()<CR>4. 完成上面几步基本上就大功告成了。
Info: resolving std::cout by linking to __imp___ZSt4cout (auto-import)
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.5.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: warning: a
uto-importing has been activated without –enable-auto-import specified on the c
ommand line.
This should work unless it involves constant data structures referencing symbols
from auto-imported DLLs.)
在编译命令中加入 -enable-auto-import
这种情况,把CompileRun()里面加红的 -Wall -enable-auto-import 去掉就好了