OGRE 1.7.2 [Cthugha] 新版本发布!




iPhone: Adding CADisplayLink support to SampleBrowser. Shutdown the app properly on iPhone and disable the loading bar to speed up loading on iOS 4

GL ES: 16 bit texture support.

Adding iPhone 4’s native resolution.

iOS: Several additions to properly support newer iOS devices including: High resolution screen support, FSAA and Framebuffer discard. A config key has been added to allow you to manually configure the content scaling factor. For example, if you only want 720×480 on an iPhone 4, specify contentScalingFactor=1.5.

iOS: Fixed the camera frustum and viewport dimensions if the device is in landscape. With this fix, the FOV and aspect ratio will be correct in all device orientations

Disabling DisplayLink on iPhone by default, as it can cause input lag sometimes.(这个我比较意外)

Due to a change made in CMake 2.8.1, Xcode based projects for iPhone would be corrupted. This fixes the problem. Also, up the default SDK version to 4.0 since Apple is no longer shipping a 3.0 SDK but still supports targeting it.(这个是最happy的)

