

Rachel Zhang


1. k-SVD introduction

1.     K-SVD usage:

Design/Learn a dictionary adaptively to betterfit the model and achieve sparse signal representations.

2.     Main Problem:

Y = DX

Where Y∈R(n*N), D∈R(n*K), X∈R(k*N), X is a sparse matrix.

N is # of samples;

n is measurement dimension;

K is the length of a coefficient.


2. Derivation from K-Means

3.       K-Means:

1)       The sparse representationproblem can be viewed as generalization of the VQ objective. K-SVD can be viewed as generalization of K-Means.

2)       K-Means algorithm for vectorquantization:

Dictionary of VQ codewords is typically trained using K-Means algorithm.

When Dictionary D is given, each signal is represented as its closestcodeword (under l2-norm distance). I.e.

Yi = Dxi

Where xi = ej is a vector from the trivial basis,with all zero entries except a one in the j-th position.

3)       VQ的字典训练:

K-Means被视作一个sparse coding的特例,在系数x中只有一个非零元,MSE定义为:


4)       K-Means 算法实现的迭代步骤:

1) 求X的系数编码

2) 更新字典



3. K-SVDgeneralizing the K-Means

4.       Objective function


5.       K-SVD的求解

Iterative solution: 求X的系数编码(MP/OMP/BP/FOCUSS),更新字典(Regression).






6.       提取稀疏项


7.       总结






8.       Reference:

1)       K-SVD: An algorithm fordesigning overcomplete dictionaries for sparse representation (IEEE Trans. OnSignal Processing 2006)

2)       From sparse solutions of systemsof equations to sparse modeling of signals and images (SIAM Review 2009 240')

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