Attribute |
Attribute定义了XML的属性 |
Branch |
Branch为能够包含子节点的节点如XML元素(Element)和文档(Docuemnts)定义了一个公共的行为, |
CharacterData |
CharacterData是一个标识借口,标识基于字符的节点。如CDATA,Comment, Text. |
Comment |
Comment 定义了XML注释的行为 |
Document |
定义了XML文档 |
DocumentType |
DocumentType 定义XML DOCTYPE声明 |
Element |
Element定义XML 元素 |
ElementHandler |
ElementHandler定义了 Element 对象的处理器 |
ElementPath |
被 ElementHandler 使用,用于取得当前正在处理的路径层次信息 |
Entity |
Entity定义 XML entity |
Node |
Node为所有的dom4j中XML节点定义了多态行为 |
NodeFilter |
NodeFilter 定义了在dom4j节点中产生的一个滤镜或谓词的行为(predicate) |
ProcessingInstruction |
ProcessingInstruction 定义 XML 处理指令. |
Text |
Text 定义XML 文本节点. |
Visitor |
Visitor 用于实现Visitor模式. |
XPath |
XPath 在分析一个字符串后会提供一个XPath 表达式 |
// 从文件读取XML,输入文件名,返回XML文档 public Document read(String fileName) throws MalformedURLException, DocumentException { SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); Document document = File(fileName)); return document; |
public Element getRootElement(Document doc){ return doc.getRootElement(); |
// 枚举所有子节点 for ( Iterator i = root.elementIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Element element = (Element); // do something } // 枚举名称为foo的节点 for ( Iterator i = root.elementIterator(foo); i.hasNext();) { Element foo = (Element); // do something } // 枚举属性 for ( Iterator i = root.attributeIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Attribute attribute = (Attribute); // do something } |
public void treeWalk() { treeWalk(getRootElement()); } public void treeWalk(Element element) { for (int i = 0, size = element.nodeCount(); i < size; i++) { Node node = element.node(i); if (node instanceof Element) { treeWalk((Element) node); } else { // do something.... } } |
public class MyVisitor extends VisitorSupport { public void visit(Element element){ System.out.println(element.getName()); } public void visit(Attribute attr){ System.out.println(attr.getName()); } } 调用: root.accept(new MyVisitor()) |
public void bar(Document document) { List list = document.selectNodes( //foo/bar ); Node node = document.selectSingleNode(//foo/bar/author); String name = node.valueOf( @name ); }
public void findLinks(Document document) throws DocumentException { List list = document.selectNodes( //a/@href ); for (Iterator iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Attribute attribute = (Attribute); String url = attribute.getValue(); } }
5. 字符串与XML的转换
// XML转字符串 Document document = ...; String text = document.asXML(); // 字符串转XML String text = <person> <name>James</name> </person>; |
public Document styleDocument( Document document, String stylesheet ) throws Exception { // load the transformer using JAXP TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = factory.newTransformer( new StreamSource( stylesheet ) ); // now lets style the given document DocumentSource source = new DocumentSource( document ); DocumentResult result = new DocumentResult(); transformer.transform( source, result ); // return the transformed document Document transformedDoc = result.getDocument(); return transformedDoc; |
public Document createDocument() { Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element root = document.addElement(root); Element author1 = root .addElement(author) .addAttribute(name, James) .addAttribute(location, UK) .addText(James Strachan); Element author2 = root .addElement(author) .addAttribute(name, Bob) .addAttribute(location, US) .addText(Bob McWhirter); return document; |
FileWriter out = new FileWriter( foo.xml ); document.write(out);
public void write(Document document) throws IOException { // 指定文件 XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter( new FileWriter( output.xml ) ); writer.write( document ); writer.close(); // 美化格式 OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint(); writer = new XMLWriter( System.out, format ); writer.write( document ); // 缩减格式 format = OutputFormat.createCompactFormat(); writer = new XMLWriter( System.out, format ); writer.write( document ); }