0. 序
1. hash结构
1.1 ngx_hash_t结构
- typedef struct {
- void *value;
- u_short len;
- u_char name[1];
- } ngx_hash_elt_t;
- typedef struct {
- ngx_hash_elt_t **buckets;
- ngx_uint_t size;
- } ngx_hash_t;
其中,sizeof(ngx_hash_t) = 8,sizeof(ngx_hash_elt_t) = 8。实际上,ngx_hash_elt_t结构中的name字段就是ngx_hash_key_t结构中的key。这在ngx_hash_init()函数中可以看到,请参考后续的分析。该结构在模块配置解析时经常使用。
1.2 ngx_hash_init_t结构
nginx的hash初始化结构是ngx_hash_init_t,用来将其相关数据封装起来作为参数传递给ngx_hash_init()或ngx_hash_wildcard_init()函数。这两个函数主要是在http相关模块中使用,例如ngx_http_server_names()函数(优化http Server Names),ngx_http_merge_types()函数(合并httptype),ngx_http_fastcgi_merge_loc_conf()函数(合并FastCGI Location Configuration)等函数或过程用到的参数、局部对象/变量等。这些内容将在后续的文章中讲述。
- typedef struct {
- ngx_hash_t *hash;
- ngx_hash_key_pt key;
- ngx_uint_t max_size;
- ngx_uint_t bucket_size;
- char *name;
- ngx_pool_t *pool;
- ngx_pool_t *temp_pool;
- } ngx_hash_init_t;
1.3 ngx_hash_key_t结构
- typedef struct {
- ngx_str_t key;
- ngx_uint_t key_hash;
- void *value;
- } ngx_hash_key_t;
- typedef struct {
- size_t len;
- u_char *data;
- } ngx_str_t;
其中,sizeof(ngx_hash_key_t) = 16。一般在使用中,value指针可能指向静态数据区(例如全局数组、常量字符串)、堆区(例如动态分配的数据区用来保存value值)等。可参考本文后面的例子。
关于ngx_table_elt_t结构和ngx_hash_keys_arrays_t结构,因其对于hash结构本身没有太大作用,主要是为模块配置、referer合法性验证等设计的数据结构,例如http的core模块、map模块、referer模块、SSI filter模块等,此处不再讲述,将在后续的文章中介绍。
1.4 hash的逻辑结构

2. hash操作
- #define NGX_HASH_ELT_SIZE(name) \ //该参数name即为ngx_hash_elt_t结构指针
- (sizeof(void *) + ngx_align((name)->key.len + 2, sizeof(void *)))
因此,NGX_HASH_ELT_SIZE(name)=4+ngx_align((name)->key.len + 2, 4),该式后半部分即是(name)->key.len+2以4字节对齐的大小。
2.2 hash函数
- #define ngx_hash(key, c) ((ngx_uint_t) key * 31 + c) //hash宏
- ngx_uint_t ngx_hash_key(u_char *data, size_t len);
- ngx_uint_t ngx_hash_key_lc(u_char *data, size_t len);
- ngx_uint_t ngx_hash_strlow(u_char *dst, u_char *src, size_t n);
- ngx_uint_t
- ngx_hash_key(u_char *data, size_t len)
- {
- ngx_uint_t i, key;
- key = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- key = ngx_hash(key, data[i]);
- }
- return key;
- }
- Key[0] = data[0]
- Key[1] = data[0]*31 + data[1]
- Key[2] = (data[0]*31 + data[1])*31 + data[2]
- ...
- Key[len-1] = ((((data[0]*31 + data[1])*31 + data[2])*31) ... data[len-2])*31 + data[len-1]
2.3 hash初始化
——key = names[n].key_hash % size; 代码中的这个计算是也。计算结果key即是该键要放在那个hash桶的编号(从0到size-1)。
- ngx_int_t
- ngx_hash_init(ngx_hash_init_t *hinit, ngx_hash_key_t *names, ngx_uint_t nelts)
- {
- u_char *elts;
- size_t len;
- u_short *test;
- ngx_uint_t i, n, key, size, start, bucket_size;
- ngx_hash_elt_t *elt, **buckets;
- for (n = 0; n < nelts; n++) {
- if (hinit->bucket_size < NGX_HASH_ELT_SIZE(&names[n]) + sizeof(void *))
- {
- ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, hinit->pool->log, 0,
- "could not build the %s, you should "
- "increase %s_bucket_size: %i",
- hinit->name, hinit->name, hinit->bucket_size);
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- }
- test = ngx_alloc(hinit->max_size * sizeof(u_short), hinit->pool->log);
- if (test == NULL) {
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- bucket_size = hinit->bucket_size - sizeof(void *);
- start = nelts / (bucket_size / (2 * sizeof(void *)));
- start = start ? start : 1;
- if (hinit->max_size > 10000 && hinit->max_size / nelts < 100) {
- start = hinit->max_size - 1000;
- }
- for (size = start; size < hinit->max_size; size++) {
- ngx_memzero(test, size * sizeof(u_short));
- for (n = 0; n < nelts; n++) {
- if (names[n].key.data == NULL) {
- continue;
- }
- key = names[n].key_hash % size;
- test[key] = (u_short) (test[key] + NGX_HASH_ELT_SIZE(&names[n]));
- if (test[key] > (u_short) bucket_size) {
- goto next;
- }
- }
- goto found;
- next:
- continue;
- }
- ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, hinit->pool->log, 0,
- "could not build the %s, you should increase "
- "either %s_max_size: %i or %s_bucket_size: %i",
- hinit->name, hinit->name, hinit->max_size,
- hinit->name, hinit->bucket_size);
- ngx_free(test);
- return NGX_ERROR;
- found:
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- test[i] = sizeof(void *);
- }
- for (n = 0; n < nelts; n++) {
- if (names[n].key.data == NULL) {
- continue;
- }
- key = names[n].key_hash % size;
- test[key] = (u_short) (test[key] + NGX_HASH_ELT_SIZE(&names[n]));
- }
- len = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- if (test[i] == sizeof(void *)) {
- continue;
- }
- test[i] = (u_short) (ngx_align(test[i], ngx_cacheline_size));
- len += test[i];
- }
- if (hinit->hash == NULL) {
- hinit->hash = ngx_pcalloc(hinit->pool, sizeof(ngx_hash_wildcard_t)
- + size * sizeof(ngx_hash_elt_t *));
- if (hinit->hash == NULL) {
- ngx_free(test);
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- buckets = (ngx_hash_elt_t **)
- ((u_char *) hinit->hash + sizeof(ngx_hash_wildcard_t));
- } else {
- buckets = ngx_pcalloc(hinit->pool, size * sizeof(ngx_hash_elt_t *));
- if (buckets == NULL) {
- ngx_free(test);
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- }
- elts = ngx_palloc(hinit->pool, len + ngx_cacheline_size);
- if (elts == NULL) {
- ngx_free(test);
- return NGX_ERROR;
- }
- elts = ngx_align_ptr(elts, ngx_cacheline_size);
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- if (test[i] == sizeof(void *)) {
- continue;
- }
- buckets[i] = (ngx_hash_elt_t *) elts;
- elts += test[i];
- }
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- test[i] = 0;
- }
- for (n = 0; n < nelts; n++) {
- if (names[n].key.data == NULL) {
- continue;
- }
- key = names[n].key_hash % size;
- elt = (ngx_hash_elt_t *) ((u_char *) buckets[key] + test[key]);
- elt->value = names[n].value;
- elt->len = (u_short) names[n].key.len;
- ngx_strlow(elt->name, names[n].key.data, names[n].key.len);
- test[key] = (u_short) (test[key] + NGX_HASH_ELT_SIZE(&names[n]));
- }
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- if (buckets[i] == NULL) {
- continue;
- }
- elt = (ngx_hash_elt_t *) ((u_char *) buckets[i] + test[i]);
- elt->value = NULL;
- }
- ngx_free(test);
- hinit->hash->buckets = buckets;
- hinit->hash->size = size;
- return NGX_OK;
- }
2.4 hash查找
- void *
- ngx_hash_find(ngx_hash_t *hash, ngx_uint_t key, u_char *name, size_t len)
- {
- ngx_uint_t i;
- ngx_hash_elt_t *elt;
- elt = hash->buckets[key % hash->size];
- if (elt == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- while (elt->value) {
- if (len != (size_t) elt->len) {
- goto next;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- if (name[i] != elt->name[i]) {
- goto next;
- }
- }
- return elt->value;
- next:
- elt = (ngx_hash_elt_t *) ngx_align_ptr(&elt->name[0] + elt->len,
- sizeof(void *));
- continue;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
3. 一个例子
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "ngx_config.h"
- #include "ngx_conf_file.h"
- #include "nginx.h"
- #include "ngx_core.h"
- #include "ngx_string.h"
- #include "ngx_palloc.h"
- #include "ngx_array.h"
- #include "ngx_hash.h"
- #define Max_Num 7
- #define Max_Size 1024
- #define Bucket_Size 64 //256, 64
- #define NGX_HASH_ELT_SIZE(name) \
- (sizeof(void *) + ngx_align((name)->key.len + 2, sizeof(void *)))
- static ngx_str_t urls[Max_Num] = {
- ngx_string("www.baidu.com"),
- ngx_string("www.sina.com.cn"),
- ngx_string("www.google.com"),
- ngx_string("www.qq.com"),
- ngx_string("www.linuxidc.com"),
- ngx_string("www.sohu.com"),
- ngx_string("www.baidu.org.tw")
- };
- static char* values[Max_Num] = {
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- ""
- };
- #define Max_Url_Len 15
- #define Max_Ip_Len 15
- #define Max_Num2 2
- static ngx_str_t urls2[Max_Num2] = {
- ngx_string("www.china.com"),
- ngx_string("www.linuxidc.net")
- };
- ngx_hash_t* init_hash(ngx_pool_t *pool, ngx_array_t *array);
- void dump_pool(ngx_pool_t* pool);
- void dump_hash_array(ngx_array_t* a);
- void dump_hash(ngx_hash_t *hash, ngx_array_t *array);
- ngx_array_t* add_urls_to_array(ngx_pool_t *pool);
- void find_test(ngx_hash_t *hash, ngx_str_t addr[], int num);
- volatile ngx_cycle_t *ngx_cycle;
- void ngx_log_error_core(ngx_uint_t level, ngx_log_t *log, ngx_err_t err, const char *fmt, ...)
- {
- }
- int main()
- {
- ngx_pool_t *pool = NULL;
- ngx_array_t *array = NULL;
- ngx_hash_t *hash;
- printf("--------------------------------\n");
- printf("create a new pool:\n");
- printf("--------------------------------\n");
- pool = ngx_create_pool(1024, NULL);
- dump_pool(pool);
- printf("--------------------------------\n");
- printf("create and add urls to it:\n");
- printf("--------------------------------\n");
- array = add_urls_to_array(pool);
- dump_hash_array(array);
- printf("--------------------------------\n");
- printf("the pool:\n");
- printf("--------------------------------\n");
- dump_pool(pool);
- hash = init_hash(pool, array);
- if (hash == NULL)
- {
- printf("Failed to initialize hash!\n");
- return -1;
- }
- printf("--------------------------------\n");
- printf("the hash:\n");
- printf("--------------------------------\n");
- dump_hash(hash, array);
- printf("\n");
- printf("--------------------------------\n");
- printf("the pool:\n");
- printf("--------------------------------\n");
- dump_pool(pool);
- printf("--------------------------------\n");
- printf("find test:\n");
- printf("--------------------------------\n");
- find_test(hash, urls, Max_Num);
- printf("\n");
- find_test(hash, urls2, Max_Num2);
- ngx_array_destroy(array);
- ngx_destroy_pool(pool);
- return 0;
- }
- ngx_hash_t* init_hash(ngx_pool_t *pool, ngx_array_t *array)
- {
- ngx_int_t result;
- ngx_hash_init_t hinit;
- ngx_cacheline_size = 32;
- hinit.hash = NULL;
- hinit.key = &ngx_hash_key_lc;
- hinit.max_size = Max_Size;
- hinit.bucket_size = Bucket_Size;
- hinit.name = "my_hash_sample";
- hinit.pool = pool;
- hinit.temp_pool = NULL;
- result = ngx_hash_init(&hinit, (ngx_hash_key_t*)array->elts, array->nelts);
- if (result != NGX_OK)
- return NULL;
- return hinit.hash;
- }
- void dump_pool(ngx_pool_t* pool)
- {
- while (pool)
- {
- printf("pool = 0x%x\n", pool);
- printf(" .d\n");
- printf(" .last = 0x%x\n", pool->d.last);
- printf(" .end = 0x%x\n", pool->d.end);
- printf(" .next = 0x%x\n", pool->d.next);
- printf(" .failed = %d\n", pool->d.failed);
- printf(" .max = %d\n", pool->max);
- printf(" .current = 0x%x\n", pool->current);
- printf(" .chain = 0x%x\n", pool->chain);
- printf(" .large = 0x%x\n", pool->large);
- printf(" .cleanup = 0x%x\n", pool->cleanup);
- printf(" .log = 0x%x\n", pool->log);
- printf("available pool memory = %d\n\n", pool->d.end - pool->d.last);
- pool = pool->d.next;
- }
- }
- void dump_hash_array(ngx_array_t* a)
- {
- char prefix[] = " ";
- if (a == NULL)
- return;
- printf("array = 0x%x\n", a);
- printf(" .elts = 0x%x\n", a->elts);
- printf(" .nelts = %d\n", a->nelts);
- printf(" .size = %d\n", a->size);
- printf(" .nalloc = %d\n", a->nalloc);
- printf(" .pool = 0x%x\n", a->pool);
- printf(" elements:\n");
- ngx_hash_key_t *ptr = (ngx_hash_key_t*)(a->elts);
- for (; ptr < (ngx_hash_key_t*)(a->elts + a->nalloc * a->size); ptr++)
- {
- printf(" 0x%x: {key = (\"%s\"%.*s, %d), key_hash = %-10ld, value = \"%s\"%.*s}\n",
- ptr, ptr->key.data, Max_Url_Len - ptr->key.len, prefix, ptr->key.len,
- ptr->key_hash, ptr->value, Max_Ip_Len - strlen(ptr->value), prefix);
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- void dump_hash(ngx_hash_t *hash, ngx_array_t *array)
- {
- int loop;
- char prefix[] = " ";
- u_short test[Max_Num] = {0};
- ngx_uint_t key;
- ngx_hash_key_t* elts;
- int nelts;
- if (hash == NULL)
- return;
- printf("hash = 0x%x: **buckets = 0x%x, size = %d\n", hash, hash->buckets, hash->size);
- for (loop = 0; loop < hash->size; loop++)
- {
- ngx_hash_elt_t *elt = hash->buckets[loop];
- printf(" 0x%x: buckets[%d] = 0x%x\n", &(hash->buckets[loop]), loop, elt);
- }
- printf("\n");
- elts = (ngx_hash_key_t*)array->elts;
- nelts = array->nelts;
- for (loop = 0; loop < nelts; loop++)
- {
- char url[Max_Url_Len + 1] = {0};
- key = elts[loop].key_hash % hash->size;
- ngx_hash_elt_t *elt = (ngx_hash_elt_t *) ((u_char *) hash->buckets[key] + test[key]);
- ngx_strlow(url, elt->name, elt->len);
- printf(" buckets %d: 0x%x: {value = \"%s\"%.*s, len = %d, name = \"%s\"%.*s}\n",
- key, elt, (char*)elt->value, Max_Ip_Len - strlen((char*)elt->value), prefix,
- elt->len, url, Max_Url_Len - elt->len, prefix);
- test[key] = (u_short) (test[key] + NGX_HASH_ELT_SIZE(&elts[loop]));
- }
- }
- ngx_array_t* add_urls_to_array(ngx_pool_t *pool)
- {
- int loop;
- char prefix[] = " ";
- ngx_array_t *a = ngx_array_create(pool, Max_Num, sizeof(ngx_hash_key_t));
- for (loop = 0; loop < Max_Num; loop++)
- {
- ngx_hash_key_t *hashkey = (ngx_hash_key_t*)ngx_array_push(a);
- hashkey->key = urls[loop];
- hashkey->key_hash = ngx_hash_key_lc(urls[loop].data, urls[loop].len);
- hashkey->value = (void*)values[loop];
- }
- return a;
- }
- void find_test(ngx_hash_t *hash, ngx_str_t addr[], int num)
- {
- ngx_uint_t key;
- int loop;
- char prefix[] = " ";
- for (loop = 0; loop < num; loop++)
- {
- key = ngx_hash_key_lc(addr[loop].data, addr[loop].len);
- void *value = ngx_hash_find(hash, key, addr[loop].data, addr[loop].len);
- if (value)
- {
- printf("(url = \"%s\"%.*s, key = %-10ld) found, (ip = \"%s\")\n",
- addr[loop].data, Max_Url_Len - addr[loop].len, prefix, key, (char*)value);
- }
- else
- {
- printf("(url = \"%s\"%.*s, key = %-10d) not found!\n",
- addr[loop].data, Max_Url_Len - addr[loop].len, prefix, key);
- }
- }
- }
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
- CXX = gcc
- CXXFLAGS += -g -Wall -Wextra
- NGX_ROOT = /usr/src/nginx-1.0.4
- TARGETS = ngx_hash_t_test
- CLEANUP = rm -f $(TARGETS) *.o
- all: $(TARGETS)
- clean:
- CORE_INCS = -I. \
- -I$(NGX_ROOT)/src/core \
- -I$(NGX_ROOT)/src/event \
- -I$(NGX_ROOT)/src/event/modules \
- -I$(NGX_ROOT)/src/os/unix \
- -I$(NGX_ROOT)/objs \
- NGX_PALLOC = $(NGX_ROOT)/objs/src/core/ngx_palloc.o
- NGX_STRING = $(NGX_ROOT)/objs/src/core/ngx_string.o
- NGX_ALLOC = $(NGX_ROOT)/objs/src/os/unix/ngx_alloc.o
- NGX_ARRAY = $(NGX_ROOT)/objs/src/core/ngx_array.o
- NGX_HASH = $(NGX_ROOT)/objs/src/core/ngx_hash.o
3.3 运行结果
3.3.1 bucket_size=64字节
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
- # ./ngx_hash_t_test
- --------------------------------
- create a new pool:
- --------------------------------
- pool = 0x8870020
- .d
- .last = 0x8870048
- .end = 0x8870420
- .next = 0x0
- .failed = 0
- .max = 984
- .current = 0x8870020
- .chain = 0x0
- .large = 0x0
- .cleanup = 0x0
- .log = 0x0
- available pool memory = 984
- --------------------------------
- create and add urls to it:
- --------------------------------
- array = 0x8870048
- .elts = 0x887005c
- .nelts = 7
- .size = 16
- .nalloc = 7
- .pool = 0x8870020
- elements:
- 0x887005c: {key = ("www.baidu.com" , 13), key_hash = 270263191 , value = ""}
- 0x887006c: {key = ("www.sina.com.cn", 15), key_hash = 1528635686, value = "" }
- 0x887007c: {key = ("www.google.com" , 14), key_hash = -702889725, value = "" }
- 0x887008c: {key = ("www.qq.com" , 10), key_hash = 203430122 , value = "" }
- 0x887009c: {key = ("www.linuxidc.com" , 11), key_hash = -640386838, value = "" }
- 0x88700ac: {key = ("www.sohu.com" , 12), key_hash = 1313636595, value = "" }
- 0x88700bc: {key = ("www.baidu.org.tw" , 14), key_hash = 1884209457, value = "" }
- --------------------------------
- the pool:
- --------------------------------
- pool = 0x8870020
- .d
- .last = 0x88700cc
- .end = 0x8870420
- .next = 0x0
- .failed = 0
- .max = 984
- .current = 0x8870020
- .chain = 0x0
- .large = 0x0
- .cleanup = 0x0
- .log = 0x0
- available pool memory = 852
- --------------------------------
- the hash:
- --------------------------------
- hash = 0x88700cc: **buckets = 0x88700d8, size = 3
- 0x88700d8: buckets[0] = 0x8870100
- 0x88700dc: buckets[1] = 0x8870140
- 0x88700e0: buckets[2] = 0x8870180
- buckets 1: 0x8870140: {value = "", len = 13, name = "www.baidu.com" }
- buckets 2: 0x8870180: {value = "" , len = 15, name = "www.sina.com.cn"}
- buckets 1: 0x8870154: {value = "" , len = 14, name = "www.google.com" }
- buckets 2: 0x8870198: {value = "" , len = 10, name = "www.qq.com" }
- buckets 0: 0x8870100: {value = "" , len = 11, name = "www.linuxidc.com" }
- buckets 0: 0x8870114: {value = "" , len = 12, name = "www.sohu.com" }
- buckets 0: 0x8870128: {value = "" , len = 14, name = "www.baidu.org.tw" }
- --------------------------------
- the pool:
- --------------------------------
- pool = 0x8870020
- .d
- .last = 0x88701c4
- .end = 0x8870420
- .next = 0x0
- .failed = 0
- .max = 984
- .current = 0x8870020
- .chain = 0x0
- .large = 0x0
- .cleanup = 0x0
- .log = 0x0
- available pool memory = 604
- --------------------------------
- find test:
- --------------------------------
- (url = "www.baidu.com" , key = 270263191 ) found, (ip = "")
- (url = "www.sina.com.cn", key = 1528635686) found, (ip = "")
- (url = "www.google.com" , key = -702889725) found, (ip = "")
- (url = "www.qq.com" , key = 203430122 ) found, (ip = "")
- (url = "www.linuxidc.com" , key = -640386838) found, (ip = "")
- (url = "www.sohu.com" , key = 1313636595) found, (ip = "")
- (url = "www.baidu.org.tw" , key = 1884209457) found, (ip = "")
- (url = "www.china.com" , key = -1954599725) not found!
- (url = "www.linuxidc.net" , key = -1667448544) not found!
3.3.2 bucket_size=256字节
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
- # ./ngx_hash_t_test
- --------------------------------
- create a new pool:
- --------------------------------
- pool = 0x8b74020
- .d
- .last = 0x8b74048
- .end = 0x8b74420
- .next = 0x0
- .failed = 0
- .max = 984
- .current = 0x8b74020
- .chain = 0x0
- .large = 0x0
- .cleanup = 0x0
- .log = 0x0
- available pool memory = 984
- --------------------------------
- create and add urls to it:
- --------------------------------
- array = 0x8b74048
- .elts = 0x8b7405c
- .nelts = 7
- .size = 16
- .nalloc = 7
- .pool = 0x8b74020
- elements:
- 0x8b7405c: {key = ("www.baidu.com" , 13), key_hash = 270263191 , value = ""}
- 0x8b7406c: {key = ("www.sina.com.cn", 15), key_hash = 1528635686, value = "" }
- 0x8b7407c: {key = ("www.google.com" , 14), key_hash = -702889725, value = "" }
- 0x8b7408c: {key = ("www.qq.com" , 10), key_hash = 203430122 , value = "" }
- 0x8b7409c: {key = ("www.linuxidc.com" , 11), key_hash = -640386838, value = "" }
- 0x8b740ac: {key = ("www.sohu.com" , 12), key_hash = 1313636595, value = "" }
- 0x8b740bc: {key = ("www.baidu.org.tw" , 14), key_hash = 1884209457, value = "" }
- --------------------------------
- the pool:
- --------------------------------
- pool = 0x8b74020
- .d
- .last = 0x8b740cc
- .end = 0x8b74420
- .next = 0x0
- .failed = 0
- .max = 984
- .current = 0x8b74020
- .chain = 0x0
- .large = 0x0
- .cleanup = 0x0
- .log = 0x0
- available pool memory = 852
- --------------------------------
- the hash:
- --------------------------------
- hash = 0x8b740cc: **buckets = 0x8b740d8, size = 1
- 0x8b740d8: buckets[0] = 0x8b740e0
- buckets 0: {value = "", len = 13, name = "www.baidu.com" }
- buckets 0: {value = "" , len = 15, name = "www.sina.com.cn"}
- buckets 0: {value = "" , len = 14, name = "www.google.com" }
- buckets 0: {value = "" , len = 10, name = "www.qq.com" }
- buckets 0: {value = "" , len = 11, name = "www.linuxidc.com" }
- buckets 0: {value = "" , len = 12, name = "www.sohu.com" }
- buckets 0: {value = "" , len = 14, name = "www.baidu.org.tw" }
- --------------------------------
- the pool:
- --------------------------------
- pool = 0x8b74020
- .d
- .last = 0x8b7419c
- .end = 0x8b74420
- .next = 0x0
- .failed = 0
- .max = 984
- .current = 0x8b74020
- .chain = 0x0
- .large = 0x0
- .cleanup = 0x0
- .log = 0x0
- available pool memory = 644
- --------------------------------
- find test:
- --------------------------------
- (url = "www.baidu.com" , key = 270263191 ) found, (ip = "")
- (url = "www.sina.com.cn", key = 1528635686) found, (ip = "")
- (url = "www.google.com" , key = -702889725) found, (ip = "")
- (url = "www.qq.com" , key = 203430122 ) found, (ip = "")
- (url = "www.linuxidc.com" , key = -640386838) found, (ip = "")
- (url = "www.sohu.com" , key = 1313636595) found, (ip = "")
- (url = "www.baidu.org.tw" , key = 1884209457) found, (ip = "")
- (url = "www.linuxidc.com" , key = -1954599725) not found!
- (url = "www.linuxidc.net" , key = -1667448544) not found!
url |
计算长度 |
test[0]的值 |
www.baidu.com |
4+ngx_align(13+2,4)=20 |
20 |
www.sina.com.cn |
4+ngx_align(15+2,4)=24 |
44 |
www.google.com |
4+ngx_align(14+2,4)=20 |
64 |
www.qq.com |
4+ngx_align(10+2,4)=16 |
80 |
www.linuxidc.com |
4+ngx_align(11+2,4)=20 |
100 |
www.sohu.com |
4+ngx_align(12+2,4)=20 |
120 |
www.baidu.org.tw |
4+ngx_align(14+2,4)=20 |
140 |
4. 小结