友情提示:man funtion_name 可以查看 funtion_name的介绍。
4.2 线程的取消
一个线程A可以通过 pthread_cancel 让另外一个线程B退出。在线程B会返回 PTHREAD_CANCELED。通常,一个线程可以分为以下三类:
1> 可以被异步取消。在线程运行的任何时候都可以被取消。
2> 可以被同步取消。线程不是在任何时候都可以被取消。这样,对该线程的取消请求只在线程运行到指定点上才执行取消操作。
3> 不可以被取消。对该类线程的取消操作会被忽略。
4.2.1 同步和异步线程
使用pthread_setcanceltype可以设置一个线程的异步取消属性。比如,pthread_setcanceltype (PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, NULL);
你可以使用pthread_setcanceltype 保护你的重要的不可被取消的操作,现执行
pthread_setcancelstate (PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, NULL);//让线程不可被取消
//do sth
pthread_setcancelstate (PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE , NULL);//让线程可以被取消
Listing 4.6 (critical-section.c) Protect a Bank Transaction with a Critical Section
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
/* An array of balances in accounts, indexed by account number. */
float* account_balances;
/* Transfer DOLLARS from account FROM_ACCT to account TO_ACCT. Return
0 if the transaction succeeded, or 1 if the balance FROM_ACCT is
too small. */
int process_transaction (int from_acct, int to_acct, float dollars)
int old_cancel_state;
/* Check the balance in FROM_ACCT. */
if (account_balances[from_acct] < dollars)
return 1;
/* Begin critical section. */
pthreadAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, &old_cancel_state);
/* Move the money. */
account_balances[to_acct] += dollars;
account_balances[from_acct] -= dollars;
/* End critical section. */
pthread_setcancelstate (old_cancel_state, NULL);
return 0;
_setcancelstate (PTHRE
4.3 线程私有数据(Thread-Specific Data)
你可以创建任意多个你想创建的线程私有数据,每个的类型都是void* 。每个项依据一个 key 来存取。使用pthread_key_create 创建一个
int pthread_key_create(pthread_key_t *key, void (*destructor)(void*));
Listing 4.7 (tsd.c) Per-Thread Log Files Implemented with Thread-Specific Data
#include <malloc.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
/* The key used to associate a log file pointer with each thread. */
static pthread_key_t thread_log_key;
/* Write MESSAGE to the log file for the current thread. */
void write_to_thread_log (const char* message)
FILE* thread_log = (FILE*) pthread_getspecific (thread_log_key);
fprintf (thread_log, “%s/n”, message);
/* Close the log file pointer THREAD_LOG. */
void close_thread_log (void* thread_log)
fclose ((FILE*) thread_log);
void* thread_function (void* args)
char thread_log_filename[20];
FILE* thread_log;
/* Generate the filename for this thread’s log file. */
sprintf (thread_log_filename, “thread%d.log”, (int) pthread_self ());
/* Open the log file. */
thread_log = fopen (thread_log_filename, “w”);
/* Store the file pointer in thread-specific data under thread_log_key. */
pthread_setspecific (thread_log_key, thread_log);
write_to_thread_log (“Thread starting.”);
/* Do work here... */
fprintf(stderr,"/tthread_log_key's address is %x /n",&thread_log_key);
return NULL;
int main ()
int i;
pthread_t threads[5];
/* Create a key to associate thread log file pointers in
thread-specific data. Use close_thread_log to clean up the file
pointers. */
pthread_key_create (&thread_log_key, close_thread_log);
/* Create threads to do the work. */
for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
pthread_create (&(threads[i]), NULL, thread_function, NULL);
/* Wait for all threads to finish. */
for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
pthread_join (threads[i], NULL);
return 0;
4.3.1 清理函数(Cleanup Handlers)
线程清理函数将在线程退出时候调用,它有一个void* 类型的参数,这个参数在它注册时指定。一般情况下线程没有退出或者被取消时,资源被显式释放时,线程清理函数因该被移除。
注册线程清理函数使用 pthread_cleanup_push,它要和pthread_cleanup_pop的调用相匹配。pthread_cleanup_pop用来移除处于线程清理函数栈栈顶的清理函数。如果
1> 当一个线程被取消时,它的所有的在线程清理函数栈中的清理函数将会按照与被安装时相反的顺序执行。
2> 当线程调用pthead_exit(3)时,同上。
3> 当线程调用pthread_cleanup_pop时给了非零参数,那么线程清理函数栈栈顶的清理函数将被执行。
Listing 4.8 (cleanup.c) Program Fragment Demonstrating a Thread
Cleanup Handler
#include <malloc.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* Allocate a temporay buffer. */
void* allocate_buffer (size_t size)
return malloc (size);
/* Deallocate a temporary buffer. */
void deallocate_buffer(void* buffer)
fprintf(stderr, "thread%d called deallocate_buffer./n", (int)pthread_self());
free (buffer);
void* do_some_work (void* flag)
/* Allocate a temporary buffer. */
void* temp_buffer = allocate_buffer (1024);
/* Register a cleanup handler for this buffer, to deallocate it in case the /
* thread exits or is cancelled. */
pthread_cleanup_push (deallocate_buffer, temp_buffer);
/*Do some work might call pthread_exit or might be cancelled*/
if ((int)flag){
fprintf(stderr, "thread%d will call pthread_exit./n",/
/* Unregister the cleanup handler. Because we pass a nonzero value,this/
* actually performs the cleanup by calling deallocate_buffer. */
pthread_cleanup_pop (1);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
pthread_t pthrd1,pthrd2;
//int flag = 1;
pthread_create(&pthrd1, NULL, do_some_work,(void*)1);//This thread will call pthread_exit
//flag = 0;
pthread_create(&pthrd2, NULL, do_some_work,(void*)0);//exit normally
pthread_join(pthrd1, NULL);
pthread_join(pthrd2, NULL);
return 0;
4.3.2 C++中线程的清理
C++倾向于在对象的析构函数中清理释放资源。但是,如果一个线程调用了pthread_exit ,C++不保证所有线程栈上的自动变量的析构函数能被调用。
#include <iostream>
#include <pthread.h>
using namespace std;
class CThreadExitException{
/* Create an exception-signaling thread exit with RETURN_VALUE. */
CThreadExitException (void* return_value)
:thread_return_value (return_value)
/* Actually exit the thread, using the return value provided in the constructor.*/
void* DoThreadExit()
pthread_exit (thread_return_value);
/* The return value that will be used when exiting the thread. */
void* thread_return_value;
void do_some_work (int exit_flag )
while (1) {
/* Do some usefull things*/
if (exit_flag == 1){
cout<<"/tCThreadExitException throw /n"<<endl;
throw CThreadExitException(/* thread's return value*/ NULL);
//extern void* thread_function (void* arg);
void* thread_function (void*arg)
arg = arg;
do_some_work (1);
catch (CThreadExitException ex) {
/* Some function indicated we should exit the thread.*/
cout<<"/t CThreadExitException !/n"<<endl;
ex.DoThreadExit ();
return NULL;
int main(void)
pthread_t pid;
pthread_create(&pid, NULL, thread_function, NULL);
4.4 同步和临界段
4.4.1 条件竞争(Race conditions)
Listing 4.10 ( job-queue1.c) Thread Function to Process Jobs from the Queue
#include <malloc.h>
struct job {
/* Link field for linked list. */
struct job* next;
/* Other fields describing work to be done... */
/* A linked list of pending jobs. */
struct job* job_queue;
/* Process queued jobs until the queue is empty. */
void* thread_function (void* arg)
while (job_queue != NULL) {
/* Get the next available job. */
struct job* next_job = job_queue;
/* Remove this job from the list. */
job_queue = job_queue->next;//*************************************[#]<翻译成机器代码时为多条指令>
/* Carry out the work. */
process_job (next_job);
/* Clean up. */
free (next_job);
return NULL;
线程A得到CPU继续执行,而并不知到对列已经被B修改过了。从而线程A,B执行了相同的任务。再往坏处考虑就是 线程A修改队列指针时由于引用的NULL指针而发生错误。
4.4.2 互斥标记 (Mutexes)
创建一个phread_mutex_t 类型的变量用pthead_mutex_init,如下
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_mutex_init (&mutex, NULL);
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
一个线程可以通过 pthread_mutex_lock 锁上一个互斥标记(mutex)。这时,如果已经有线程对此标志加了锁,那么后到的线程就会阻塞,直到先加的锁被解除。
相对应,使用pthread_mutex_unlock 解锁。而使用 pthread_mutex_trylock时如果已经有线程加了锁,则会立即返回EBUSY,而不会等待。如果你先调用了 pthread_mutex_lock,
再调用 pthread_mutex_trylock,将会返回 0。
Listing 4.11 ( job-queue2.c) Job Queue Thread Function, Protected by a Mutex
#include <malloc.h>
#include <pthread.h>
struct job {
/* Link field for linked list. */
struct job* next;
/* Other fields describing work to be done... */
/* A linked list of pending jobs. */
struct job* job_queue;
/* A mutex protecting job_queue. */
pthread_mutex_t job_queue_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
/* Process queued jobs until the queue is empty. */
void* thread_function (void* arg)
while (1) {
struct job* next_job;
/* Lock the mutex on the job queue. */
pthread_mutex_lock (&job_queue_mutex);
/* Now it’s safe to check if the queue is empty. */
if (job_queue == NULL)
next_job = NULL;
else {
/* Get the next available job. */
next_job = job_queue;
/* Remove this job from the list. */
job_queue = job_queue->next;
/* Unlock the mutex on the job queue because we’re done with the
queue for now. */
pthread_mutex_unlock (&job_queue_mutex);
/* Was the queue empty? If so, end the thread. */
if (next_job == NULL)
/* Carry out the work. */
process_job (next_job);
/* Clean up. */
free (next_job);
return NULL;