使进程间数据通信变容易 托管共享内存 托管映射文件 托管内存片段的特性 托管内存片段的高级特性 托管堆内存和托管外部缓冲区 |
介绍 声明托管内存片段类 |
basic_managed_heap_memory 和 basic_managed_external_buffer将稍后做解释。
template < class CharType, class MemoryAlgorithm, template<class IndexConfig> class IndexType > class basic_managed_shared_memory / basic_managed_mapped_file / basic_managed_heap_memory / basic_external_buffer;
常见的托管共享内存类 构建托管共享内存 使用原生Windows共享内存 使用XSI(系统V)共享内存 |
//!Defines a managed shared memory with c-strings as keys for named objects, //!the default memory algorithm (with process-shared mutexes, //!and offset_ptr as internal pointers) as memory allocation algorithm //!and the default index type as the index. //!This class allows the shared memory to be mapped in different base //!in different processes typedef basic_managed_shared_memory<char ,/*Default memory algorithm defining offset_ptr<void> as void_pointer*/ ,/*Default index type*/> managed_shared_memory; //!Defines a managed shared memory with wide strings as keys for named objects, //!the default memory algorithm (with process-shared mutexes, //!and offset_ptr as internal pointers) as memory allocation algorithm //!and the default index type as the index. //!This class allows the shared memory to be mapped in different base //!in different processes typedef basic_managed_shared_memory<wchar_t ,/*Default memory algorithm defining offset_ptr<void> as void_pointer*/ ,/*Default index type*/> wmanaged_shared_memory;
//!Defines a managed shared memory with c-strings as keys for named objects, //!the default memory algorithm (with process-shared mutexes, //!and offset_ptr as internal pointers) as memory allocation algorithm //!and the default index type as the index. //!This class allows the shared memory to be mapped in different base //!in different processes*/ typedef basic_managed_shared_memory <char ,/*Default memory algorithm defining void * as void_pointer*/ ,/*Default index type*/> fixed_managed_shared_memory; //!Defines a managed shared memory with wide strings as keys for named objects, //!the default memory algorithm (with process-shared mutexes, //!and offset_ptr as internal pointers) as memory allocation algorithm //!and the default index type as the index. //!This class allows the shared memory to be mapped in different base //!in different processes typedef basic_managed_shared_memory <wchar_t ,/*Default memory algorithm defining void * as void_pointer*/ ,/*Default index type*/> wfixed_managed_shared_memory;
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp> //1. Creates a new shared memory object // called "MySharedMemory". //2. Maps the whole object to this // process' address space. //3. Constructs some objects in shared memory // to implement managed features. //!! If anything fails, throws interprocess_exception // managed_shared_memory segment ( create_only , "MySharedMemory" //Shared memory object name , 65536); //Shared memory object size in bytes //1. Opens a shared memory object // called "MySharedMemory". //2. Maps the whole object to this // process' address space. //3. Obtains pointers to constructed internal objects // to implement managed features. //!! If anything fails, throws interprocess_exception // managed_shared_memory segment (open_only, "MySharedMemory");//Shared memory object name //1. If the segment was previously created // equivalent to "open_only" (size is ignored). //2. Otherwise, equivalent to "create_only" //!! If anything fails, throws interprocess_exception // managed_shared_memory segment ( open_or_create , "MySharedMemory" //Shared memory object name , 65536); //Shared memory object size in bytes
fixed_managed_shared_memory segment (open_only ,"MyFixedAddressSharedMemory" //Shared memory object name ,(void*)0x30000000 //Mapping address
Windows用户可能想使用原生windows共享内存来替代可移植的shared_memory_object托管内存。可以通过类basic_managed_windows_shared_memory 达到此目的。要使用它,仅需包含:
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_windows_shared_memory.hpp>
此类具有与 basic_managed_shared_memory 相同的接口但使用的是原生windows共享内存。注意到此托管类具有与windows共享内存相同的生命周期问题:当最后一个关联windows共享内存的进程与此内存分离了(或结束/崩溃),此内存将被销毁。因此windows共享内存没有持久性支持。
要使用managed_windows_shared_memory在系统服务和用户应用间通信,请阅读章节 Native windowsshared memory中的解释。
Unix用户可能也想使用XSI(系统V)来代替可移植的shared_memory_object托管内存。可以通过类basic_managed_xsi_shared_memory 达到此目的。要使用它,仅需包含:
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_xsi_shared_memory.hpp>
此类具有和 basic_managed_shared_memory 几乎相同的接口,但使用的是XSI共享内存做为后端。
更多关于操作XSI共享内存能力的信息,请参考 basic_managed_xsi_shared_memory
常见的托管映射文件 构建托管映射文件 |
//Named object creation managed memory segment //All objects are constructed in the memory-mapped file // Names are c-strings, // Default memory management algorithm(rbtree_best_fit with no mutexes) // Name-object mappings are stored in the default index type (flat_map) typedef basic_managed_mapped_file < char, rbtree_best_fit<mutex_family, offset_ptr<void> >, flat_map_index > managed_mapped_file; //Named object creation managed memory segment //All objects are constructed in the memory-mapped file // Names are wide-strings, // Default memory management algorithm(rbtree_best_fit with no mutexes) // Name-object mappings are stored in the default index type (flat_map) typedef basic_managed_mapped_file< wchar_t, rbtree_best_fit<mutex_family, offset_ptr<void> >, flat_map_index > wmanaged_mapped_file;
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_mapped_file.hpp> //1. Creates a new file // called "MyMappedFile". //2. Maps the whole file to this // process' address space. //3. Constructs some objects in the memory mapped // file to implement managed features. //!! If anything fails, throws interprocess_exception // managed_mapped_file mfile (create_only, "MyMappedFile", //Mapped file name 65536); //Mapped file size //1. Opens a file // called "MyMappedFile". //2. Maps the whole file to this // process' address space. //3. Obtains pointers to constructed internal objects // to implement managed features. //!! If anything fails, throws interprocess_exception // managed_mapped_file mfile (open_only, "MyMappedFile"); //Mapped file name[c++] //1. If the file was previously created // equivalent to "open_only". //2. Otherwise, equivalent to "open_only" (size is ignored) // //!! If anything fails, throws interprocess_exception // managed_mapped_file mfile (open_or_create, "MyMappedFile", //Mapped file name 65536); //Mapped file size
当对象managed_mapped_file被销毁,文件自动被取消映射,并且所有资源被释放。为了在文件系统中删除文件,你必须使用标准的C函数 std::remove或Boost.Filesystem的remove() 函数。但是文件的删除可能会失败,如果有其他进程仍旧拥有映射至内存上的文件或文件正被其他进程打开。
要获得移植性更高的行为,可以使用file_mapping::remove(const char *)操作,它将删除文件即使文件正被映射着。然而,在一些操作系统下,如果没有文件删除权限(例如C++文件流),删除将失败。但在多数情况下,file_mapping::remove具有足够高的移植性。
更多关于操作映射文件能力的信息,请参考 basic_managed_mapped_file。
支配托管内存片段 获取句柄以辨别数据 对象构造函数族 匿名实例构建 单例构建 同步保障 名称/对象映射表索引类型 片段管理 获取构建对象的信息 原子执行对象函数 |
如果需要从托管内存段(例如,托管共享内存)分配基本的原始字节,用于执行最高级进程间通信,此类提供了分配和释放函数。分配函数有抛异常和不抛异常的版本。如果内存不够,抛异常版本将抛 boost::interprocess::bad_alloc(派生自std::bad_alloc异常),不抛异常版本返回空指针。
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp> int main() { using namespace boost::interprocess; //Remove shared memory on construction and destruction struct shm_remove { shm_remove() { shared_memory_object::remove("MySharedMemory"); } ~shm_remove(){ shared_memory_object::remove("MySharedMemory"); } } remover; //Managed memory segment that allocates portions of a shared memory //segment with the default management algorithm managed_shared_memory managed_shm(create_only,"MySharedMemory", 65536); //Allocate 100 bytes of memory from segment, throwing version void *ptr = managed_shm.allocate(100); //Deallocate it managed_shm.deallocate(ptr); //Non throwing version ptr = managed_shm.allocate(100, std::nothrow); //Deallocate it managed_shm.deallocate(ptr); return 0; }
//Process A obtains the offset of the address managed_shared_memory::handle handle = segment.get_handle_from_address(processA_address); //Process A sends this address using any mechanism to process B //Process B obtains the handle and transforms it again to an address managed_shared_memory::handle handle = ... void * processB_address = segment.get_address_from_handle(handle);
//!Allocates and constructs an object of type MyType (throwing version) MyType *ptr = managed_memory_segment.construct<MyType>("Name") (par1, par2...); //!Allocates and constructs an array of objects of type MyType (throwing version) //!Each object receives the same parameters (par1, par2, ...) MyType *ptr = managed_memory_segment.construct<MyType>("Name")[count](par1, par2...); //!Tries to find a previously created object. If not present, allocates //!and constructs an object of type MyType (throwing version) MyType *ptr = managed_memory_segment.find_or_construct<MyType>("Name") (par1, par2...); //!Tries to find a previously created object. If not present, allocates and //!constructs an array of objects of type MyType (throwing version). Each object //!receives the same parameters (par1, par2, ...) MyType *ptr = managed_memory_segment.find_or_construct<MyType>("Name")[count](par1, par2...); //!Allocates and constructs an array of objects of type MyType (throwing version) //!Each object receives parameters returned with the expression (*it1++, *it2++,... ) MyType *ptr = managed_memory_segment.construct_it<MyType>("Name")[count](it1, it2...); //!Tries to find a previously created object. If not present, allocates and constructs //!an array of objects of type MyType (throwing version). Each object receives //!parameters returned with the expression (*it1++, *it2++,... ) MyType *ptr = managed_memory_segment.find_or_construct_it<MyType>("Name")[count](it1, it2...); //!Tries to find a previously created object. Returns a pointer to the object and the //!count (if it is not an array, returns 1). If not present, the returned pointer is 0 std::pair<MyType *,std::size_t> ret = managed_memory_segment.find<MyType>("Name"); //!Destroys the created object, returns false if not present bool destroyed = managed_memory_segment.destroy<MyType>("Name"); //!Destroys the created object via pointer managed_memory_segment.destroy_ptr(ptr);
//!Allocates and constructs an object of type MyType (no throwing version) MyType *ptr = managed_memory_segment.construct<MyType>("Name", std::nothrow) (par1, par2...);
有时,用户不想创建关联名字的对象。基于此目的,Boost.Interprocess能在托管内存段上构建匿名对象。所有具名对象构建函数都可用于构建匿名对象。为构建一个匿名对象,用户必须使用名称"boost::interprocess::anonymous_instance" 代替一般名称:
MyType *ptr = managed_memory_segment.construct<MyType>(anonymous_instance) (par1, par2...); //Other construct variants can also be used (including non-throwing ones) ... //We can only destroy the anonymous object via pointer managed_memory_segment.destroy_ptr(ptr);
// Construct MyType *ptr = managed_memory_segment.construct<MyType>(unique_instance) (par1, par2...); // Find it std::pair<MyType *,std::size_t> ret = managed_memory_segment.find<MyType>(unique_instance); // Destroy it managed_memory_segment.destroy<MyType>(unique_instance); // Other construct and find variants can also be used (including non-throwing ones) //... // We can also destroy the unique object via pointer MyType *ptr = managed_memory_segment.construct<MyType>(unique_instance) (par1, par2...); managed_shared_memory.destroy_ptr(ptr);
MyType *ptr = managed_shared_memory.find_or_construct<MyType>("Name")[count](par1, par2...);
如上所示,当创建具名对象时,托管内存段存储名称/对象关联至索引中。此索引是一个映射表,它使用对象的名字做键,指向对象的指针做值。默认实例managed_shared_memory 和 wmanaged_shared_memory使用flat_map_index做为索引类型。
做为一个例子,如果我们想定义使用boost::interprocess::map 为索引类型的新托管共享内存类,我们仅需指定 [boost::interprocess::map_indexmap_index] 做为模板参数。
//This managed memory segment can allocate objects with: // -> a wchar_t string as key // -> boost::interprocess::rbtree_best_fit with process-shared mutexes // as memory allocation algorithm. // -> boost::interprocess::map<...> as the index to store name/object mappings // typedef boost::interprocess::basic_managed_shared_memory < wchar_t , boost::interprocess::rbtree_best_fit<boost::interprocess::mutex_family, offset_ptr<void> > , boost::interprocess::map_index > my_managed_shared_memory;
一旦此容器被引入至Boost,Boost.Interprocess计划提供一个基于unordered_map的索引。如果这些索引对你来说还不够,你可以定义你自己的索引类型。欲了解如何做到这点,参考Building customindexes 章节。
所有的Boost.Interprocess托管内存段类都在它们自己的内存片段(共享内存、内存映射文件、堆内存等)中构建一些结构来执行内存管理算法、具名分配器、同步对象等。所有这些对象都封装在一个叫做片段管理(segment manager)的单例对象中。一个托管内存映射文件和托管共享内存使用相同的片段管理来执行所有的托管内存段特性,这主要基于片段管理是一个管理固定大小内存缓冲区的类的事实。由于共享内存或内存映射文件都是通过映射区域访问,并且映射区域是一个固定大小的缓冲区,因此单例片段管理类能够管理多种托管内存段类型。
managed_shared_memory::segment_manager *seg_manager = managed_shm.get_segment_manager();
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp> #include <cassert> #include <cstring> class my_class { //... }; int main() { using namespace boost::interprocess; //Remove shared memory on construction and destruction struct shm_remove { shm_remove() { shared_memory_object::remove("MySharedMemory"); } ~shm_remove(){ shared_memory_object::remove("MySharedMemory"); } } remover; managed_shared_memory managed_shm(create_only, "MySharedMemory", 10000*sizeof(std::size_t)); //Construct objects my_class *named_object = managed_shm.construct<my_class>("Object name")[1](); my_class *unique_object = managed_shm.construct<my_class>(unique_instance)[2](); my_class *anon_object = managed_shm.construct<my_class>(anonymous_instance)[3](); //Now test "get_instance_name" function. assert(0 == std::strcmp(managed_shared_memory::get_instance_name(named_object), "Object name")); assert(0 == managed_shared_memory::get_instance_name(unique_object)); assert(0 == managed_shared_memory::get_instance_name(anon_object)); //Now test "get_instance_type" function. assert(named_type == managed_shared_memory::get_instance_type(named_object)); assert(unique_type == managed_shared_memory::get_instance_type(unique_object)); assert(anonymous_type == managed_shared_memory::get_instance_type(anon_object)); //Now test "get_instance_length" function. assert(1 == managed_shared_memory::get_instance_length(named_object)); assert(2 == managed_shared_memory::get_instance_length(unique_object)); assert(3 == managed_shared_memory::get_instance_length(anon_object)); managed_shm.destroy_ptr(named_object); managed_shm.destroy_ptr(unique_object); managed_shm.destroy_ptr(anon_object); return 0; }
//This object function will create several named objects create_several_objects_func func(/**/); //While executing the function, no other process will be //able to create or destroy objects managed_memory.atomic_func(func);
注意到 atomic_func并不阻止其他进程分配原始内存或为已构建的对象执行成员函数(例如:另一个进程可能推元素至置于片段中的向量里)。此原子函数仅阻塞来自于其他进程的具名、唯一和匿名创建、查找和析构(并发调用construct<>, find<>, find_or_construct<>, destroy<>等等)。
获得关于托管片段的信息 增长的托管片段 高级索引函数 分配对齐的内存部分 多种分配函数 扩展内存分配 用写拷贝或只读模式打开托管共享内存或内存映射文件 |
managed_shm.get_num_named_objects(); managed_shm.get_num_unique_objects();
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp> #include <boost/interprocess/managed_mapped_file.hpp> #include <cassert> class MyClass { //... }; int main() { using namespace boost::interprocess; //Remove shared memory on construction and destruction struct shm_remove { shm_remove() { shared_memory_object::remove("MySharedMemory"); } ~shm_remove(){ shared_memory_object::remove("MySharedMemory"); } } remover; { //Create a managed shared memory managed_shared_memory shm(create_only, "MySharedMemory", 1000); //Check size assert(shm.get_size() == 1000); //Construct a named object MyClass *myclass = shm.construct<MyClass>("MyClass")(); //The managed segment is unmapped here } { //Now that the segment is not mapped grow it adding extra 500 bytes managed_shared_memory::grow("MySharedMemory", 500); //Map it again managed_shared_memory shm(open_only, "MySharedMemory"); //Check size assert(shm.get_size() == 1500); //Check "MyClass" is still there MyClass *myclass = shm.find<MyClass>("MyClass").first; assert(myclass != 0); //The managed segment is unmapped here } { //Now minimize the size of the segment managed_shared_memory::shrink_to_fit("MySharedMemory"); //Map it again managed_shared_memory shm(open_only, "MySharedMemory"); //Check size assert(shm.get_size() < 1000); //Check "MyClass" is still there MyClass *myclass = shm.find<MyClass>("MyClass").first; assert(myclass != 0); //The managed segment is unmapped here } return 0; }
managed_mapped_file 也提供了类似的函数用于增长或缩减以适应托管文件。请记住在增长/缩减被执行时,任何进程都不能修改文件/共享内存。否则,托管片段将被损坏。
managed_shm.reserve_named_objects(1000); managed_shm.reserve_unique_objects(1000); managed_shm.reserve_named_objects(1000); managed_shm.reserve_unique_objects(1000);
typedef managed_shared_memory::const_named_iterator const_named_it; const_named_it named_beg = managed_shm.named_begin(); const_named_it named_end = managed_shm.named_end(); typedef managed_shared_memory::const_unique_iterator const_unique_it; const_unique_it unique_beg = managed_shm.unique_begin(); const_unique_it unique_end = managed_shm.unique_end(); for(; named_beg != named_end; ++named_beg){ //A pointer to the name of the named object const managed_shared_memory::char_type *name = named_beg->name(); //The length of the name std::size_t name_len = named_beg->name_length(); //A constant void pointer to the named object const void *value = named_beg->value(); } for(; unique_beg != unique_end; ++unique_beg){ //The typeid(T).name() of the unique object const char *typeid_name = unique_beg->name(); //The length of the name std::size_t name_len = unique_beg->name_length(); //A constant void pointer to the unique object const void *value = unique_beg->value(); }
如果一个用户想分配许多对齐的内存块(例如对齐到128字节),则内存浪费的最小值是一个该值的倍数(例如2*128 - 一些字节)。导致此的原因是每种内存分配器通常需要一些额外的元数据在此被分配的缓冲区的头一批字节上。如果用户知道”一些字节”的值并且如果空闲内存块的头几个字节被用来填充对齐的分配,内存块的剩余部分也可以对齐并且为下次对齐分配做好准备。注意到请求一个对齐值整数倍的值并不是最优的,因为由于所需的元数据导致余下的内存块不是对齐的。
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp> #include <cassert> int main() { using namespace boost::interprocess; //Remove shared memory on construction and destruction struct shm_remove { shm_remove() { shared_memory_object::remove("MySharedMemory"); } ~shm_remove(){ shared_memory_object::remove("MySharedMemory"); } } remover; //Managed memory segment that allocates portions of a shared memory //segment with the default management algorithm managed_shared_memory managed_shm(create_only, "MySharedMemory", 65536); const std::size_t Alignment = 128; //Allocate 100 bytes aligned to Alignment from segment, throwing version void *ptr = managed_shm.allocate_aligned(100, Alignment); //Check alignment assert((static_cast<char*>(ptr)-static_cast<char*>(0)) % Alignment == 0); //Deallocate it managed_shm.deallocate(ptr); //Non throwing version ptr = managed_shm.allocate_aligned(100, Alignment, std::nothrow); //Check alignment assert((static_cast<char*>(ptr)-static_cast<char*>(0)) % Alignment == 0); //Deallocate it managed_shm.deallocate(ptr); //If we want to efficiently allocate aligned blocks of memory //use managed_shared_memory::PayloadPerAllocation value assert(Alignment > managed_shared_memory::PayloadPerAllocation); //This allocation will maximize the size of the aligned memory //and will increase the possibility of finding more aligned memory ptr = managed_shm.allocate_aligned (3*Alignment - managed_shared_memory::PayloadPerAllocation, Alignment); //Check alignment assert((static_cast<char*>(ptr)-static_cast<char*>(0)) % Alignment == 0); //Deallocate it managed_shm.deallocate(ptr); return 0; }
//!Allocates n_elements of elem_size bytes. multiallocation_iterator allocate_many(std::size_t elem_size, std::size_t min_elements, std::size_t preferred_elements, std::size_t &received_elements); //!Allocates n_elements, each one of elem_sizes[i] bytes. multiallocation_iterator allocate_many(const std::size_t *elem_sizes, std::size_t n_elements); //!Allocates n_elements of elem_size bytes. No throwing version. multiallocation_iterator allocate_many(std::size_t elem_size, std::size_t min_elements, std::size_t preferred_elements, std::size_t &received_elements, std::nothrow_t nothrow); //!Allocates n_elements, each one of elem_sizes[i] bytes. No throwing version. multiallocation_iterator allocate_many(const std::size_t *elem_sizes, std::size_t n_elements, std::nothrow_t nothrow);
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp> #include <boost/interprocess/detail/move.hpp> //boost::move #include <cassert>//assert #include <cstring>//std::memset #include <new> //std::nothrow #include <vector> //std::vector int main() { using namespace boost::interprocess; typedef managed_shared_memory::multiallocation_chain multiallocation_chain; //Remove shared memory on construction and destruction struct shm_remove { shm_remove() { shared_memory_object::remove("MySharedMemory"); } ~shm_remove(){ shared_memory_object::remove("MySharedMemory"); } } remover; managed_shared_memory managed_shm(create_only,"MySharedMemory", 65536); //Allocate 16 elements of 100 bytes in a single call. Non-throwing version. multiallocation_chain chain(managed_shm.allocate_many(100, 16, std::nothrow)); //Check if the memory allocation was successful if(chain.empty()) return 1; //Allocated buffers std::vector<void*> allocated_buffers; //Initialize our data while(!chain.empty()){ void *buf = chain.front(); chain.pop_front(); allocated_buffers.push_back(buf); //The iterator must be incremented before overwriting memory //because otherwise, the iterator is invalidated. std::memset(buf, 0, 100); } //Now deallocate while(!allocated_buffers.empty()){ managed_shm.deallocate(allocated_buffers.back()); allocated_buffers.pop_back(); } //Allocate 10 buffers of different sizes in a single call. Throwing version managed_shared_memory::size_type sizes[10]; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) sizes[i] = i*3; chain = managed_shm.allocate_many(sizes, 10); managed_shm.deallocate_many(boost::move(chain)); return 0; }
enum boost::interprocess::allocation_type { //Bitwise OR (|) combinable values boost::interprocess::allocate_new = ..., boost::interprocess::expand_fwd = ..., boost::interprocess::expand_bwd = ..., boost::interprocess::shrink_in_place = ..., boost::interprocess::nothrow_allocation = ... }; template<class T> std::pair<T *, bool> allocation_command( boost::interprocess::allocation_type command , std::size_t limit_size , std::size_t preferred_size , std::size_t &received_size , T *reuse_ptr = 0);
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp> #include <cassert> int main() { using namespace boost::interprocess; //Remove shared memory on construction and destruction struct shm_remove { shm_remove() { shared_memory_object::remove("MySharedMemory"); } ~shm_remove(){ shared_memory_object::remove("MySharedMemory"); } } remover; //Managed memory segment that allocates portions of a shared memory //segment with the default management algorithm managed_shared_memory managed_shm(create_only, "MySharedMemory", 10000*sizeof(std::size_t)); //Allocate at least 100 bytes, 1000 bytes if possible managed_shared_memory::size_type min_size = 100, preferred_size = 1000; managed_shared_memory::size_type received_size; std::size_t *ptr = managed_shm.allocation_command<std::size_t> (boost::interprocess::allocate_new, min_size, preferred_size, received_size).first; //Received size must be bigger than min_size assert(received_size >= min_size); //Get free memory managed_shared_memory::size_type free_memory_after_allocation = managed_shm.get_free_memory(); //Now write the data for(std::size_t i = 0; i < received_size; ++i) ptr[i] = i; //Now try to triplicate the buffer. We won't admit an expansion //lower to the double of the original buffer. //This "should" be successful since no other class is allocating //memory from the segment managed_shared_memory::size_type expanded_size; std::pair<std::size_t *, bool> ret = managed_shm.allocation_command (boost::interprocess::expand_fwd, received_size*2, received_size*3, expanded_size, ptr); //Check invariants assert(ret.second == true); assert(ret.first == ptr); assert(expanded_size >= received_size*2); //Get free memory and compare managed_shared_memory::size_type free_memory_after_expansion = managed_shm.get_free_memory(); assert(free_memory_after_expansion < free_memory_after_allocation); //Write new values for(std::size_t i = received_size; i < expanded_size; ++i) ptr[i] = i; //Try to shrink approximately to min_size, but the new size //should be smaller than min_size*2. //This "should" be successful since no other class is allocating //memory from the segment managed_shared_memory::size_type shrunk_size; ret = managed_shm.allocation_command (boost::interprocess::shrink_in_place, min_size*2, min_size, shrunk_size, ptr); //Check invariants assert(ret.second == true); assert(ret.first == ptr); assert(shrunk_size <= min_size*2); assert(shrunk_size >= min_size); //Get free memory and compare managed_shared_memory::size_type free_memory_after_shrinking = managed_shm.get_free_memory(); assert(free_memory_after_shrinking > free_memory_after_expansion); //Deallocate the buffer managed_shm.deallocate(ptr); return 0; }
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_mapped_file.hpp> #include <fstream> //std::fstream #include <iterator>//std::distance int main() { using namespace boost::interprocess; //Define file names const char *ManagedFile = "MyManagedFile"; const char *ManagedFile2 = "MyManagedFile2"; //Try to erase any previous managed segment with the same name file_mapping::remove(ManagedFile); file_mapping::remove(ManagedFile2); remove_file_on_destroy destroyer1(ManagedFile); remove_file_on_destroy destroyer2(ManagedFile2); { //Create an named integer in a managed mapped file managed_mapped_file managed_file(create_only, ManagedFile, 65536); managed_file.construct<int>("MyInt")(0u); //Now create a copy on write version managed_mapped_file managed_file_cow(open_copy_on_write, ManagedFile); //Erase the int and create a new one if(!managed_file_cow.destroy<int>("MyInt")) throw int(0); managed_file_cow.construct<int>("MyInt2"); //Check changes if(managed_file_cow.find<int>("MyInt").first && !managed_file_cow.find<int>("MyInt2").first) throw int(0); //Check the original is intact if(!managed_file.find<int>("MyInt").first && managed_file.find<int>("MyInt2").first) throw int(0); { //Dump the modified copy on write segment to a file std::fstream file(ManagedFile2, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary); if(!file) throw int(0); file.write(static_cast<const char *>(managed_file_cow.get_address()), (std::streamsize)managed_file_cow.get_size()); } //Now open the modified file and test changes managed_mapped_file managed_file_cow2(open_only, ManagedFile2); if(managed_file_cow2.find<int>("MyInt").first && !managed_file_cow2.find<int>("MyInt2").first) throw int(0); } { //Now create a read-only version managed_mapped_file managed_file_ro(open_read_only, ManagedFile); //Check the original is intact if(!managed_file_ro.find<int>("MyInt").first && managed_file_ro.find<int>("MyInt2").first) throw int(0); //Check the number of named objects using the iterators if(std::distance(managed_file_ro.named_begin(), managed_file_ro.named_end()) != 1 && std::distance(managed_file_ro.unique_begin(), managed_file_ro.unique_end()) != 0 ) throw int(0); } return 0; }
托管外部缓冲区:构建所有的Boost.Interprocess对象在用户提供的缓冲区中 托管堆内存:Boost.Interprocess对内存机制 与托管内存片段的不同之处 例子:通过消息队列序列化一个数据库 |
很多时候,我们不想使用这种共享内存方式,我们更希望通过网络、本地socket或消息队列发送序列化的数据。序列化过程可以使用 Boost.Serialization或类似的库来完成。但是,如果两个进程共享相同的ABI(应用程序二进制接口),我们能够使用同样的 managed_shared_memory或managed_heap_memory 的对象和容器构建能力来在一个单独的缓冲区中创建所有信息,例如它将采用消息队列发送。接受者仅拷贝数据至本地缓冲区,它能够直接读取或修改而不需要反序列化数据。这种方式比复杂的序列化机制要有效得多。
//Named object creation managed memory segment //All objects are constructed in a user provided buffer template < class CharType, class MemoryAlgorithm, template<class IndexConfig> class IndexType > class basic_managed_external_buffer; //Named object creation managed memory segment //All objects are constructed in a user provided buffer // Names are c-strings, // Default memory management algorithm // (rbtree_best_fit with no mutexes and relative pointers) // Name-object mappings are stored in the default index type (flat_map) typedef basic_managed_external_buffer < char, rbtree_best_fit<null_mutex_family, offset_ptr<void> >, flat_map_index > managed_external_buffer; //Named object creation managed memory segment //All objects are constructed in a user provided buffer // Names are wide-strings, // Default memory management algorithm // (rbtree_best_fit with no mutexes and relative pointers) // Name-object mappings are stored in the default index type (flat_map) typedef basic_managed_external_buffer< wchar_t, rbtree_best_fit<null_mutex_family, offset_ptr<void> >, flat_map_index > wmanaged_external_buffer;
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_external_buffer.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_external_buffer.hpp> #include <boost/interprocess/allocators/allocator.hpp> #include <boost/interprocess/containers/list.hpp> #include <cstring> #include <boost/aligned_storage.hpp> int main() { using namespace boost::interprocess; //Create the static memory who will store all objects const int memsize = 65536; static boost::aligned_storage<memsize>::type static_buffer; //This managed memory will construct objects associated with //a wide string in the static buffer wmanaged_external_buffer objects_in_static_memory (create_only, &static_buffer, memsize); //We optimize resources to create 100 named objects in the static buffer objects_in_static_memory.reserve_named_objects(100); //Alias an integer node allocator type //This allocator will allocate memory inside the static buffer typedef allocator<int, wmanaged_external_buffer::segment_manager> allocator_t; //Alias a STL compatible list to be constructed in the static buffer typedef list<int, allocator_t> MyBufferList; //The list must be initialized with the allocator //All objects created with objects_in_static_memory will //be stored in the static_buffer! MyBufferList *list = objects_in_static_memory.construct<MyBufferList>(L"MyList") (objects_in_static_memory.get_segment_manager()); //Since the allocation algorithm from wmanaged_external_buffer uses relative //pointers and all the pointers constructed int the static memory point //to objects in the same segment, we can create another static buffer //from the first one and duplicate all the data. static boost::aligned_storage<memsize>::type static_buffer2; std::memcpy(&static_buffer2, &static_buffer, memsize); //Now open the duplicated managed memory passing the memory as argument wmanaged_external_buffer objects_in_static_memory2 (open_only, &static_buffer2, memsize); //Check that "MyList" has been duplicated in the second buffer if(!objects_in_static_memory2.find<MyBufferList>(L"MyList").first) return 1; //Destroy the lists from the static buffers objects_in_static_memory.destroy<MyBufferList>(L"MyList"); objects_in_static_memory2.destroy<MyBufferList>(L"MyList"); return 0; }
//Named object creation managed memory segment //All objects are constructed in a single buffer allocated via new[] template < class CharType, class MemoryAlgorithm, template<class IndexConfig> class IndexType > class basic_managed_heap_memory; //Named object creation managed memory segment //All objects are constructed in a single buffer allocated via new[] // Names are c-strings, // Default memory management algorithm // (rbtree_best_fit with no mutexes and relative pointers) // Name-object mappings are stored in the default index type (flat_map) typedef basic_managed_heap_memory < char, rbtree_best_fit<null_mutex_family>, flat_map_index > managed_heap_memory; //Named object creation managed memory segment //All objects are constructed in a single buffer allocated via new[] // Names are wide-strings, // Default memory management algorithm // (rbtree_best_fit with no mutexes and relative pointers) // Name-object mappings are stored in the default index type (flat_map) typedef basic_managed_heap_memory< wchar_t, rbtree_best_fit<null_mutex_family>, flat_map_index > wmanaged_heap_memory;
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_heap_memory.hpp>
basic_managed_heap_memory也提供了一个增长(std::size_t extra_bytes)函数,它尝试重分配内部堆内存以便我们具有容纳更多对象的空间。但是小心,如果内存重分配,旧的缓冲区将被拷贝至新的缓冲区,因此所有的对象对被二进制拷贝至新的缓冲区。为了使用此函数,所有创建在堆内存中用于指向堆内存中对象的指针必须为相对指针(例如,offset_ptr)。否则,结果未定义。下面是例子:
#include <boost/interprocess/containers/list.hpp> #include <boost/interprocess/managed_heap_memory.hpp> #include <boost/interprocess/allocators/allocator.hpp> #include <cstddef> using namespace boost::interprocess; typedef list<int, allocator<int, managed_heap_memory::segment_manager> > MyList; int main () { //We will create a buffer of 1000 bytes to store a list managed_heap_memory heap_memory(1000); MyList * mylist = heap_memory.construct<MyList>("MyList") (heap_memory.get_segment_manager()); //Obtain handle, that identifies the list in the buffer managed_heap_memory::handle_t list_handle = heap_memory.get_handle_from_address(mylist); //Fill list until there is no more memory in the buffer try{ while(1) { mylist->insert(mylist->begin(), 0); } } catch(const bad_alloc &){ //memory is full } //Let's obtain the size of the list MyList::size_type old_size = mylist->size(); //To make the list bigger, let's increase the heap buffer //in 1000 bytes more. heap_memory.grow(1000); //If memory has been reallocated, the old pointer is invalid, so //use previously obtained handle to find the new pointer. mylist = static_cast<MyList *> (heap_memory.get_address_from_handle(list_handle)); //Fill list until there is no more memory in the buffer try{ while(1) { mylist->insert(mylist->begin(), 0); } } catch(const bad_alloc &){ //memory is full } //Let's obtain the new size of the list MyList::size_type new_size = mylist->size(); assert(new_size > old_size); //Destroy list heap_memory.destroy_ptr(mylist); return 0; }
所有托管内存片段具有相似的能力(内存片段内的内存分配、具名对象构建),但在managed_shared_memory, managed_mapped_file和managed_heap_memory, managed_external_file之间还是有一些显著的区别。
//This test creates a in memory data-base using Interprocess machinery and //serializes it through a message queue. Then rebuilds the data-base in //another buffer and checks it against the original data-base bool test_serialize_db() { //Typedef data to create a Interprocess map typedef std::pair<const std::size_t, std::size_t> MyPair; typedef std::less<std::size_t> MyLess; typedef node_allocator<MyPair, managed_external_buffer::segment_manager> node_allocator_t; typedef map<std::size_t, std::size_t, std::less<std::size_t>, node_allocator_t> MyMap; //Some constants const std::size_t BufferSize = 65536; const std::size_t MaxMsgSize = 100; //Allocate a memory buffer to hold the destiny database using vector<char> std::vector<char> buffer_destiny(BufferSize, 0); message_queue::remove(test::get_process_id_name()); { //Create the message-queues message_queue mq1(create_only, test::get_process_id_name(), 1, MaxMsgSize); //Open previously created message-queue simulating other process message_queue mq2(open_only, test::get_process_id_name()); //A managed heap memory to create the origin database managed_heap_memory db_origin(buffer_destiny.size()); //Construct the map in the first buffer MyMap *map1 = db_origin.construct<MyMap>("MyMap") (MyLess(), db_origin.get_segment_manager()); if(!map1) return false; //Fill map1 until is full try{ std::size_t i = 0; while(1){ (*map1)[i] = i; ++i; } } catch(boost::interprocess::bad_alloc &){} //Data control data sending through the message queue std::size_t sent = 0; message_queue::size_type recvd = 0; message_queue::size_type total_recvd = 0; unsigned int priority; //Send whole first buffer through the mq1, read it //through mq2 to the second buffer while(1){ //Send a fragment of buffer1 through mq1 std::size_t bytes_to_send = MaxMsgSize < (db_origin.get_size() - sent) ? MaxMsgSize : (db_origin.get_size() - sent); mq1.send( &static_cast<char*>(db_origin.get_address())[sent] , bytes_to_send , 0); sent += bytes_to_send; //Receive the fragment through mq2 to buffer_destiny mq2.receive( &buffer_destiny[total_recvd] , BufferSize - recvd , recvd , priority); total_recvd += recvd; //Check if we have received all the buffer if(total_recvd == BufferSize){ break; } } //The buffer will contain a copy of the original database //so let's interpret the buffer with managed_external_buffer managed_external_buffer db_destiny(open_only, &buffer_destiny[0], BufferSize); //Let's find the map std::pair<MyMap *, managed_external_buffer::size_type> ret = db_destiny.find<MyMap>("MyMap"); MyMap *map2 = ret.first; //Check if we have found it if(!map2){ return false; } //Check if it is a single variable (not an array) if(ret.second != 1){ return false; } //Now let's compare size if(map1->size() != map2->size()){ return false; } //Now let's compare all db values MyMap::size_type num_elements = map1->size(); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i){ if((*map1)[i] != (*map2)[i]){ return false; } } //Destroy maps from db-s db_origin.destroy_ptr(map1); db_destiny.destroy_ptr(map2); } message_queue::remove(test::get_process_id_name()); return true; }