l assertEquals
l assertFalse
l assertNotNull
l assertNotSame
l assertNull
l assertSame
l assertTrue
l fail
public void testMax() { final int a = 1; final int b = 2; final int expected = b; final int actual = Math.max(a, b); assertEquals("Expection " + expected + " but was " + actual, expected, actual); } |
l assertBaselineAligned: Asserts that two views arealigned on their baseline, that is their baselines are on the same y location.
l assertBottomAligned: Asserts that two views arebottom aligned, that is their bottom edges are on the same y location.
l assertGroupContains: Asserts that the specifiedgroup contains a specific child once and only once.
l assertGroupIntegrity: Asserts the specified group'sintegrity. The children count should be >= 0 and each child should benon-null.
l assertGroupNotContains: Asserts that the specifiedgroup does not contain a specific child.
l assertHasScreenCoordinates: Asserts that a view hasa particular x and y position on the visible screen.
l assertHorizontalCenterAligned: Asserts that the testview is horizontally center aligned with respect to the reference view.
l assertLeftAligned: Asserts that two views are leftaligned, that is their left edges are on the same x location. An optionalmargin can also be provided.
l assertOffScreenAbove: Asserts that the specifiedview is above the visible screen.
l assertOffScreenBelow: Asserts that the specifiedview is below the visible screen.
l assertOnScreen: Asserts that a view is on thescreen.
l assertRightAligned: Asserts that two views areright-aligned, that is their right edges are on the same x location. Anoptional margin can also be specified.
l assertTopAligned: Asserts that two views aretop-aligned, that is their top edges are on the same y location. An optionalmargin can also be specified.
l assertVerticalCenterAligned: Asserts that the testview is vertically center aligned with respect to the reference view.
l Clicking on a View and releasing it
l Tapping on a View, that is touching it and quicklyreleasing
l Long clicking on a View
l Dragging the screen
public void testListScrolling() { mListView.scrollTo(0, 0); TouchUtils.dragQuarterScreenUp(this, mActivity); TouchUtils.dragQuarterScreenUp(this, mActivity); TouchUtils.dragQuarterScreenUp(this, mActivity); TouchUtils.dragQuarterScreenUp(this, mActivity); TouchUtils.tapView(this, mListView); final int expectedItemPosition = 6; final int actualItemPosition = mListView.getFirstVisiblePosition(); assertEquals("Wrong position", expectedItemPosition, actualItemPosition); final String expected = "Anguilla"; final String actual = mListView.getAdapter(). getItem(expectedItemPosition).toString(); assertEquals("Wrong content", actual, expected); } |
l MockApplication: A mock implementation of the Application class. All methods arenon-functional and throw UnsupportedOperationException.
l MockContentProvider: A mock implementation of ContentProvider. All methods arenon-functional and throw UnsupportedOperationException.
l MockContentResolver: A mock implementation of the ContentResolver class that isolatesthe test code from the real content system. All methods are non-functional andthrow UnsupportedOperationException.
l MockContext: A mock Context class. This can be used to inject otherdependencies. All methods are non-functional and throwUnsupportedOperationException.
l MockCursor: A mock Cursor class that isolates the test code from real Cursorimplementation. All methods are non-functional and throwUnsupportedOperationException.
l MockDialogInterface: A mock implementation of DialogInterface class. All methods arenon-functional and throw UnsupportedOperationException.
l MockPackageManager: A mock implementation of PackageManager class. All methods arenon-functional and throw UnsupportedOperationException.
l MockResources: A mock Resources class. All methods are non-functional and throw UnsupportedOperationException.
当你需要用到Activity Context的时候就使用这个类,比如Resources,database,file system,你可以是用mContext来是用context。你可以用ontext.startActivity()来启动多个Activity。
l ApplicationTestCase<T extends Application>
l ProviderTestCase2<T extends ContentProvider>
l ServiceTestCase<T extends Service>
l 我们可以是用Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor来监测一个Activity。例如:
public void testFollowLink() { final Instrumentation inst = getInstrumentation(); IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intentFilter.addDataScheme("http"); intentFilter.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_BROWSABLE); ActivityMonitor monitor = inst.addMonitor( IntentFilter, null, false); assertEquals(0, monitor.getHits()); TouchUtils.clickView(this, mLink); monitor.waitForActivityWithTimeout(5000); assertEquals(1, monitor.getHits()); inst.removeMonitor(monitor); } |
l 使用Instrumentation来测试activities,它的生命周期的函数不会自动调用,只有onCreate方法会自动调用,你可以调用其他的生命周期通过getInstrumentation().callActivityOnXXX。
l ActivityTestCase
l ProviderTestCase2<T extends ContentProvider>
l SingleLaunchActivityTestCase<T extends Activity>
l SyncBaseInstrumentation
l ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<T extends Activity>
l ActivityUnitTestCase<T extends Activity>
package com.vogella.android.test.simpleactivity;
import android.app.Activity; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View;
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); }
public void onClick(View view) { Intent intent = new Intent(this, SecondActivity.class); intent.putExtra("URL", "http://www.vogella.com"); startActivity(intent); } } |
package com.vogella.android.test.simpleactivity.test;
import android.content.Intent; import android.test.TouchUtils; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest; import android.widget.Button;
import com.vogella.android.test.simpleactivity.MainActivity;
public class MainActivityUnitTest extends android.test.ActivityUnitTestCase<MainActivity> {
private int buttonId; private MainActivity activity;
public MainActivityUnitTest() { super(MainActivity.class); } @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); Intent intent = new Intent(getInstrumentation().getTargetContext(), MainActivity.class); startActivity(intent, null, null); activity = getActivity(); }
public void testLayout() { buttonId = com.vogella.android.test.simpleactivity.R.id.button1; assertNotNull(activity.findViewById(buttonId)); Button view = (Button) activity.findViewById(buttonId); assertEquals("Incorrect label of the button", "Start", view.getText()); }
public void testIntentTriggerViaOnClick() { buttonId = com.vogella.android.test.simpleactivity.R.id.button1; Button view = (Button) activity.findViewById(buttonId); assertNotNull("Button not allowed to be null", view);
// TouchUtils cannot be used, only allowed in // InstrumentationTestCase or ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2
// Check the intent which was started Intent triggeredIntent = getStartedActivityIntent(); assertNotNull("Intent was null", triggeredIntent); String data = triggeredIntent.getExtras().getString("URL");
assertEquals("Incorrect data passed via the intent", "http://www.vogella.com", data); }
} |
package com.vogella.android.test.simpleactivity.test;
import android.app.Activity; import android.app.Instrumentation; import android.app.Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor; import android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2; import android.test.TouchUtils; import android.test.ViewAsserts; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.TextView;
import com.vogella.android.test.simpleactivity.R;
import com.vogella.android.test.simpleactivity.MainActivity; import com.vogella.android.test.simpleactivity.SecondActivity;
public class MainActivityFunctionalTest extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<MainActivity> {
private MainActivity activity;
public MainActivityFunctionalTest() { super(MainActivity.class); } @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); setActivityInitialTouchMode(false); activity = getActivity(); }
public void testStartSecondActivity() throws Exception {
// add monitor to check for the second activity ActivityMonitor monitor = getInstrumentation(). addMonitor(SecondActivity.class.getName(), null, false);
// find button and click it Button view = (Button) activity.findViewById(R.id.button1);
// TouchUtils handles the sync with the main thread internally TouchUtils.clickView(this, view);
// to click on a click, e.g., in a listview // listView.getChildAt(0);
// wait 2 seconds for the start of the activity SecondActivity startedActivity = (SecondActivity) monitor .waitForActivityWithTimeout(2000); assertNotNull(startedActivity);
// search for the textView TextView textView = (TextView) startedActivity.findViewById(R.id.resultText);
// check that the TextView is on the screen ViewAsserts.assertOnScreen(startedActivity.getWindow().getDecorView(), textView); // validate the text on the TextView assertEquals("Text incorrect", "Started", textView.getText().toString());
// press back and click again this.sendKeys(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK);
TouchUtils.clickView(this, view); } } |
public void testDisplayWhiteBox() {
//Defining our own values to multiply float vFirstNumber = 10; float vSecondNumber = 20; float vResutl = vFirstNumber * vSecondNumber ;
//Access First value (edit-filed) and putting firstNumber value in it EditText vFirstEditText = (EditText) solo.getView(R.id.EditText01); solo.clearEditText(vFirstEditText); solo.enterText(vFirstEditText, String.valueOf(vFirstNumber));
//Access Second value (edit-filed) and putting SecondNumber value in it EditText vSecondEditText = (EditText) solo.getView(R.id.EditText02); solo.clearEditText(vSecondEditText); solo.enterText(vSecondEditText, String.valueOf(vSecondNumber));
//Click on Multiply button solo.clickOnButton("Multiply");
assertTrue(solo.searchText(String.valueOf(vResutl))); TextView outputField = (TextView) solo.getView(R.id.TextView01); //Assert to verify result with visible value assertEquals(String.valueOf(vResutl), outputField.getText().toString()); } |
Robotium是一款国外的Android自动化测试框架,主要针对Android平台的应用进行黑盒自动化测试,它提供了模拟各种手势操作(点击、长按、滑动等)、查找和断言机制的API,能够对各种控件进行操作。Robotium结合Android官方提供的测试框架达到对应用程序进行自动化的测试。另外,Robotium 4.0版本已经支持对WebView的操作。Robotium 对Activity,Dialog,Toast,Menu 都是支持的。
Solo类中提供了自动点击、取得、拖拽、搜索等各种方法。 声明Solo类型的成员变量privateSolo solo;
assertCurrentActivity(text,Activity.class)- Ensure that the current activity equals the second parameter.
getCurrentActivity() .getFragmentManager().findFragmentById()-S earches for a fragment.
waitForActivity(SecondActivity.class,2000)- Waits for the specified activity for 2 seconds
clickOnButton(int)—Clickson a Button with a given index.
clickOnButton(String)—Clickson a Button with a given text. clickOnCheckBox(int)—Clicks on a CheckBox with agiven index. clickOnView(View)—Clicks ona given View.
clickOnText(String)—Clickson a View displaying a given text. clickLongOnText(String)—Long clicks on agiven View. clickOnRadioButton(int)—Clicks on a RadioButton with a given index.clickOnScreen(float, float)—Clicks on a given coordinate on the screen.
clickInList(x);-Click on item number x in a ListView
clickOnSearch-Allows to click on part of the screen.
pressSpinnerItem(0,2);-Presses an item in a Spinner
sendKey(Solo.MENU);-Sends the menu key event.
goBack()-Pressthe back button
getCurrentActivity()—Returnsthe current Activity.
GetText(String)—Returnsa TextView which shows a given text.
getView(int)—Returnsa View with a given id.
getEditText(String)—Returnsan EditText which shows a given text. getImage(int)—Returns an ImageView with a given index.
drag(float,float, float, float, int)—Simulate touching a given location and dragging it toa new location.
searchText(String)—Searchesfor a text string and returns true if at least one item is found with theexpected text.
searchEditText(String)—Searchesfor a text string in the EditText objects located in the current Activity. S
earchButton(String,boolean)—Searches for a Button with the given text string and returns true ifat least one Button is found.
enterText()-Entersa text.
isCheckBoxChecked()-Checksif the checkbox is checked.
takeScreenshot()-Savesa screenshot on the device inthe /sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/ folder. Requiresthe android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission in theAndroidManifest.xml ofthe application under test.
1. 在不知道ID的情况下怎么获取特定的view?
答:例如,ArrayList<TextView> aa = solo.getCurrentViews(TextView.class), 然后断点调试查看是哪个view,TextViewtextview = aa.get(5);
2. 如何滚动和拖动?
答:solo.scrollXXX();solo.drag(初始X坐标,目标X坐标,Y,toY,步数); X,Y坐标可以通过HierarchyViewer工具获得,也可以通过Year.getLocationOnScreen(zuobiao)。
3. Robotium和robolectric区别?
Robolectric 是单元测试框架,好处是第一运行在JVM上,速度、性能高;
4. 如何识别webview对象?
solo.enterTextInWebElement(By.id(text), s);
# jMock
# EasyMock
# Mockito
final classes
anonymous classes
primitive types
@Test public void test1() { MyClass test = Mockito.mock(MyClass.class); // define return value for method getUniqueId() test.when(test.getUniqueId()).thenReturn(43);
// TODO use mock in test....
// now check if method testing was called with the parameter 12 Mockito.verify(test).testing(Matchers.eq(12));
// was the method called twice? Mockito.verify(test, Mockito.times(2));
} |
public class TestServiceImpl { public int getOrderCounts() { return 10; } } @Test public void MockVsSpy() { TestServiceImpl service = mock(TestServiceImpl.class); //输出0,因为该函数被Mockito改写了 System.out.println("Order counts of mock object" + service.getOrderCounts()); when(service.getOrderCounts()).thenReturn(2); //输出2, 因为我们给这个函数打了桩 System.out.println("Order counts of mock object AFTER stubs " + service.getOrderCounts());
service = new TestServiceImpl(); service = spy(service); //输出10, 因为Mockito spy 不会改写已有的函数 System.out.println("Order counts of spy object" + service.getOrderCounts()); when(service.getOrderCounts()).thenReturn(2); //输出2, 因为我们给这个函数打了桩 System.out.println("Order counts of spy object AFTER stubs " + service.getOrderCounts()); } |
public class Account { private String name; private String adddress;
public Account(String name, String address) { this.name = name; this.adddress = address; } ...get/set 函数 } public interface AccountDao { public void addAccount(Account a); }
public class AccountServiceImpl { AccountDao dao;
public AccountServiceImpl(AccountDao dao) { this.dao = dao; }
public void addAccount(String name, String address) { dao.addAccount(new Account(name, address)); } }
public class AccountServiceImplTest { @Test public void addAccount() { AccountDao dao = mock(AccountDao.class); AccountServiceImpl service = new AccountServiceImpl(dao);
service.addAccount("obama", "white house");
verify(dao).addAccount(new Account("obama", "white house")); } } |
verify(dao).addAccount(refEq(new Account("obama", "white house")));
verify(dao).addAccount(argThat(new ArgumentMatcher<Account>() { @Override public boolean matches(Object argument) { Account person = (Account)argument; return person.getName().equals("obama") && person.getAddress().equals("white house") ? true : false; } })); |