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注释interface/class/enum/struct etc.
/*! /interface IExporter
For the usage of exporting the file to PDF/PS/XML etc.
interface IExporter
/*! /class Exporter
For the usage of exporting the file to PDF/PS/XML etc.
class Exporter : public IExporter
/*! /enum kFileType
The file type.
enum kFileType
/*! /struct PageSetting
The setting for the creation of a page.
struct PageSetting
//! Export the file to PDF
/param filename The full path of the file being exported
/param pdfFilename The full path of the exported PDF file
/return True for success,false for failure.
bool ExportPDF(const wchar_t* filename,const wchar_t* pdfFilename);
//! Export the file to PDF
/param filename The full path of the file being exported
/param pdfFilename The full path of the exported PDF file
/return True for success,false for failure.
IExporter* pExporter = new PDFExporter();
pExporter-> ExportPDF(filename,pdfFilename);
bool ExportPDF(const wchar_t* filename,const wchar_t* pdfFilename);
/*! /struct PageSetting
The setting for the creation of a page.
struct PageSetting
double Height; //!< The height of the page
double Width; //!< The width of the page
/*! /enum kCharacterCodeType
The code type of the character .
enum kCharacterCodeType
kCharacterCodeType_Unicode, //!< Unicode
kCharacterCodeType_Ansi, //!< Ansi
kCharacterCodeType_GBK, //!< GBK