作者 Abel Avram ,译者 臧秀涛 发布于 五月 20, 2013
在Google I/O 2013大会上,Google宣布了预期加入的PNaCl(Portable NaCl,读作“pinnacle”),继续推进对Chrome中原生应用的支持。PNaCl修改了原来的工具链,与之前为每种目标平台编译C/C++应用不同,现在开发者只需生成一份LLVM位码,之后位码可以由任一Chrome客户端加载,在本地转换为原生代码、验证和执行。
目前,x86-32、x86-64和ARM架构上的Chrome 29已支持PNaCl。在PNaCl完整发布之后,Chrome客户端能够在任意页面上运行原生模块,而无需将其打包为面向Chrome Web Store的应用。此外,PNaCl模块无需重新编译即可在未来的架构上运行。更为有趣的是,尽管目前只支持C/C++,理论上PNaCl模块可以以任何能够编译为LLVM位码的语言编写,包括ActionScript、Ada、D、Fortran、Haskell、Java字节码、Objective-C、Python、Ruby、Rust、Scala和C#等,拓宽了可以在Chrome中运行的遗留的和较新的原生应用的使用范围,这些应用只需要很小的调整,甚至无需调整。
查看英文原文:PNaCl: Google Adds More Native Support to Chrome via LLVM
May 15, 2013
Portable Native Client (PNaCl, pronounced "pinnacle"), is an architecture-independent version of Native Client. Traditional C and C++ development uses a "compile → link" workflow that produces a platform- and architecture-dependent executable. In contrast, PNaCl development uses an LLVM compiler infrastructure with a "compile → link → translate" workflow. This workflow produces a "linked" binary that is provided as intermediate representation (IR) bitcode; the bitcode is then translated locally for a specific end-user system architecture. In conjunction with Native Client's POSIX-like environment and the Pepper API for media interfaces, PNaCl provides complete platform independence. With PNaCl, developers can create a single executable for all users. Because translation happens at the client, developers get the benefit of translations for new architectures, as well as new translation optimizations, for free, as such features become available and without the need to rebuild their applications. Once PNaCl is fully released, users will be able to run PNaCl modules on any web page – applications will not need to be deployed through the Chrome Web Store in order to run PNaCl modules.
For background information about PNacl, see PNaCl: Portable Native Client Executables (PDF). For current release information, see the release notes.