Django Apache2 配置

在配置Django 与Apache2 过程中遇到的问题,以及总结的解决方案

Bug#1 attempt to write a readonly 

解决方案: sudo chown www-data. sqlite.db

Bug#2 Invalid command 'RewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
原因: Apache2 没有开启rewrite 模块
解决方案: sudo a2enmod rewrite

Bug#3 attempt to make remote request from mod_rewrite without proxy enabled
Step1: sudo a2enmod proxy    //开启带来模块
Step2: sudo a2enmod proxy_http  //开启代理子模块

Bug#4 wap 站点下无法下载.dtp, .dwp文件

Step1: 在/etc/mime.type 文件中,添加如下两行:
application/zip dtp
application/zip dwp

Step2:在/etc/apache2/mods-available/mime.conf 文件中,添加如下两行
AddType application/zip .dtp
AddType application/zip .dwp

Step3: sudo service apache2 restart

Bug#5 上传文件没有写权限:Errno 13 Permission denied: media folder 
When you use runserver, the process is running as your normal user; and this user has access to /home/username/ to create folders and files.

When you run it under Apache, then the code is running as the apache process - typically www-data, and that user doesn't have access to create folders under your home directory.

The solution is not to chmod 777 even though this works. There are two better ways to approach this:

1.For production use, change the file paths to a directory where the www-data user normally has rights; and this should not be your home directory.

2. If you must use a location under your home directory; create a new path and set its parent's owner to www-data:www-data. This will allow it to work without giving the blanket 777 permissions.

Step1: sudo chown www-data. skins

Bug#6 Django调用bash 脚本, bash脚本里面调用了一个aapt工具,在~/.bashrc环境变量里面配置着, 当前用户可以访问,但是对于apache的www-data 用户或是sudo 用户都不能访问.
解决方案:把aapt工具放入系统/bin 目录下面,赋予777权限即可。

Bug#7 UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0x8f in position 1: ordinal
not in range(128)

当在python中拼接类似这样的字符串时:params= '%s/ "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s"' %(pathPrefix, source_path,
            output_path, settings.THEME_CONFIG_PATH, skin, skin_id, skin_version, skin_compatibility)

解决方案: Step1: 打印出所有变量的类型
        print type(pathPrefix)
        print type(source_path)
        print type(output_path)        
        print type(settings.THEME_CONFIG_PATH)
        print type(skin)  
        print type(skin_id)
        print type(skin_version)  
        print type(skin_compatibility)
        pathPrefix = settings.EXEC_PATH_PREFIX.encode('utf-8')
        source_path = source_path.encode('utf-8')
   Step3: 一切就OK了。
备注:python的str, unicode对象的encode和decode方法。
python中的str对象其实就是"8-bit string",字节字符串, 等同与java中的byte[]
python中的unicode对象等同与Java中的String对象,或者java 的char[]
s.decode('utf-8') ---> 将str转换成unicode, 这和unicode(s, encodename)等同。
u.encode('utf-8') ---> 将unicode转换成str。参数指定使用的编码方式。


PS:Apache2 中,启动某个配置时,使用a2ensite skin.config

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