Agile - ScrumButs and Modifying Scrum(Scrum但是)

ScrumButs are reasons why teams can’t take full advantage of Scrum to solve their problems and realize the full benefits of product development using Scrum. Every Scrum role, rule, and timebox is designed to provide the desired benefits and address predictable recurring problems. ScrumButs mean that Scrum has exposed a dysfunction that is contributing to the problem, but is too hard to fix. A ScrumBut retains the problem while modifying Scrum to make it invisible so that the dysfunction is no longer a thorn in the side of the team.

A ScrumBut has a particular syntax: (ScrumBut)(Reason)(Workaround)

ScrumBut Examples:
"(We use Scrum, but) (having a Daily Scrum every day is too much overhead,) (so we only have one per week.)"
"(We use Scrum, but) (Retrospectives are a waste of time,) (so we don't do them.)"
"(We use Scrum, but) (we can't build a piece of functionality in a month,) (so our Sprints are 6 weeks long.)"
"(We use Scrum, but) (sometimes our managers give us special tasks,) (so we don't always have time to meet our definition of done.)"

Sometimes organizations make short term changes to Scrum to give them time to correct deficiencies. For example, "done" may not initially include regression and performance testing because it will take several months to develop automated testing. For these months, transparency is compromised, but restored as quickly as possible.

Ken Schwaber On ScrumBut. Ken talks about what it means to adopt "Scrum...but," or ScrumBut.
Ken Schwaber On ScrumBut Examples. Examples of ScrumBut so you can better recognize them in your company.
转自: ScrumButs and Modifying Scrum

realize['riəlaiz] 第三人称单数: realizes动词过去式: realized过去分词: realized现在分词: realizing vt. 了解, 实现, 使显得逼真, 变卖
desired adj. 渴望的, 想得到的 期望的
exposed[ik'spəuzd] adj. 暴露的, 无掩蔽的, 暴露于风雨中的
dysfunction[dis'fʌŋkʃən] n. 机能不良, 机能障碍, 功能障碍, 功能不良
thorn[θɔ:n] n. 荆棘, 刺
overhead['əuvəhed] adj. 在头上的, 高架的 adv. 在头顶上, 在空中, 在高处 n. 经常开支, 普通用费
deficiency[di'fiʃənsi] 名词复数: deficiencies n. 缺乏, 不足
compromise['kɔmprəmaiz] n. 妥协, 折衷, 和解, 折衷案 vt. 危害 vi. 妥协处理


Scrum的实践者大多都会认同“Scrum但是”的伤害。 Scrum是一个帮助发现问题和解决问题的框架,这个框架如果少了一块,就不能如期帮助你透明地发现问题并解决问题。也就是你屈服于当前存在的问题,而不是去面对它,解决它。但事实上,绝大多数人又确实在用“Scrum但是”,因为很多历史遗留问题确实很难解决。

