菜单里Edit->Output stytles-> 比如选中Edit "IEEE”,Author lists,选中"List all authors”即可

Remove field codes、Editor如何查找
(1)     Remove field codes在Endnote X4中,在word2007,Endnote X4菜单,中间Bibilography,在Convert citations and Bibilography的Convert  to plain text
(2)     AI in medicine 这个杂志要求: Add the editors in reference of conference proceedings 。怎么找会议的 editor 呢?

         以The 2007 International Conference of Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering为例,怎么查找editor?到该会议主页,contact us->Editorial board->Editors


         但是NIPS 2004 没找到

          要求添加Semi-supervised learning using Gaussian fields and harmonic functions.这篇论文的:the editors, the publishing company, and the place of the publishing company in references of conference proceedings.解决方案:到谷歌上搜索www.informatik.uni-trier.de    icml  2003   就能找到。
         多日想不出此问题的解决方案,经过shuling wang老师提醒,终结解决方案:到web of science上搜,editors和publisher这些信息均能找到,如NIPS上论文learning with local and global consistency和Feature extraction from tumor gene expression profiles using DCT and DFT均能找到



EndNote在LaTeX中的运用   (Understand completely)

BibTeX Export_Sww.ens.     
首次:在Endnote菜单中选择Edit->Output sytle-> Open style manger->  选中BibTex export;以后:只要Edit->Output sytle-> BibTex export ,则Endnote中的文献以Latex的方式呈现

