
服务:订阅服务 market_subscriber 和 发布服务 market_publisher
功能:market_subscriber 能够向 market_publisher 请求订阅某些类型的消息,当 market_publisher 有该类型的消息时,需要把它推送给订阅服务。
流程:1. market_publisher 服务启动,监听端口,注册事件处理函数,处理订阅请求消息。
         2. market_subscriber 服务启动,监听端口,注册事件处理函数,处理接收推动来的消息。
         3. market_subscriber 向 market_publisher 发起订阅请求,market_publisher 根据订阅请求参数,长连接 market_subscriber 提供的消息接收端口。
         4. market_publisher 通过长连接向 market_subscriber 推送消息。
注意:1. market_publisher 到 market_subscriber 的长连接的维护:
            (1)market_subscriber 一定时间内未收到 market_publisher 的推送消息,尝试重新发起订阅请求。
            (2)market_publisher 推送订阅消息时,发现连接断开,尝试重连。 考虑 market_publisher 有重启的情况,收到的订阅请求参数需要做持久化。 ==> TODO:增加一个 market_subscriber 到 market_publisher 的取消订阅的请求。

1. market_subscriber.thrift  -- market_subscriber 实现的服务接口
namespace cpp market_subscriber
namespace java market_subscriber
namespace perl market_subscriber
namespace php market_subscriber

struct Snapshot
    1: i32 nSecurityID;               /// < 证券ID
    2: i32 nTime;                     /// < 序号/时间/日期 HHMMSSmmm
    3: i32 nTradingPhaseCode;         /// < 0:开市前  1:开盘集合竞价 2:连续竞价 3:临时停盘 4:收盘集合竞价 5:集中竞价闭市  6:协议转让结束  7:闭市
    4: i32 nPreClosePx;               /// < 昨收价 * 10000
    5: i32 nOpenPx;                   /// < 开盘价 ..
    6: i32 nHighPx;                   /// < 最高价 ..
    7: i32 nLowPx;                    /// < 最低价 ..
    8: i32 nLastPx;                   /// < 最新价 ..
    9: i64 llTradeNum;                /// < 成交笔数
    10: i64 llVolume;                  /// < 成交量
    11: i64 llValue;                   /// < 成交额(*10000)

service SubscriberService
     //  推送消息
//  Oneway means the client only makes request and does not listen for any response at all. Oneway methods must be void.
    oneway  void sendSnapshot(1:list<Snapshot> lstSnapshot);

2. market_publisher.thrift -- market_publisher 实现的服务接口
namespace cpp market_publisher
namespace java market_publisher
namespace perl market_publisher
namespace php market_publisher

struct SubscribeMarketParam
    1:  string user_name;
    2:  string password;
    3: i32 type;  //  订阅类型
    4:  string ip;  //  接收推送数据的ip
    5: i16 port;  //  接收推送数据的port

struct SubscribeMarketAck
    1: required i32 error_code;  //  0,成功; 其它,失败
    2: optional  string error_info;

struct GetStockBaseInfoParam
    1: required i32 stock_code;

struct GetStockBaseInfoAck
    1: required i32 error_code;
    2: optional  string error_info;
    3: optional  string stock_name;

service PublisherService
     //  订阅请求:订阅行情信息
    SubscribeMarketAck subscribeMarket(1:SubscribeMarketParam param);

    GetStockBaseInfoAck getStockBaseInfo(1:GetStockBaseInfoParam param);

3. subscriber_server.cpp
 * Main.cpp

#include "../gen-cpp/SubscriberService.h"
#include "../gen-cpp/PublisherService.h"
#include <thrift/protocol/TBinaryProtocol.h>
#include <thrift/server/TSimpleServer.h>
#include <thrift/transport/TSocket.h>
#include <thrift/transport/TServerSocket.h>
#include <thrift/transport/TBufferTransports.h>
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>

using  namespace ::apache::thrift;
using  namespace ::apache::thrift::protocol;
using  namespace ::apache::thrift::transport;
using  namespace ::apache::thrift::server;

using boost::shared_ptr;

using  namespace  ::market_subscriber;
using  namespace  ::market_publisher;

class SubscriberServiceHandler :  virtual  public SubscriberServiceIf {
  SubscriberServiceHandler() {
     //  Your initialization goes here

   void sendSnapshot( const std::vector<Snapshot> & lstSnapshot) {
     //  Your implementation goes here
    std::cout << "Received snapshots' number: " << lstSnapshot.size() << std::endl;
     for (std::vector<Snapshot>::const_iterator iter = lstSnapshot.begin();
            iter != lstSnapshot.end(); iter++)
        std::cout << "nSecurityID: " << iter->nSecurityID << "\t";
        std::cout << "nTime: " << iter->nTime << "\t";
        std::cout << std::endl;


const  char* CLIENT_LISTNE_IP = "";
const  short CLIENT_LISTNE_PORT = 9060;

void subscriberServiceThread()
    shared_ptr<SubscriberServiceHandler> handler( new SubscriberServiceHandler());
    shared_ptr<TProcessor> processor( new SubscriberServiceProcessor(handler));
    shared_ptr<TServerTransport> serverTransport( new TServerSocket(CLIENT_LISTNE_PORT));
    shared_ptr<TTransportFactory> transportFactory( new TBufferedTransportFactory());
    shared_ptr<TProtocolFactory> protocolFactory( new TBinaryProtocolFactory());

    TSimpleServer server(processor, serverTransport, transportFactory,

int main( int argc,  char **argv)
    boost::thread thrd(&subscriberServiceThread);
     //  wait for subscriberServiceThread ready

    boost::shared_ptr<TSocket> socket( new TSocket("", 9090));
    boost::shared_ptr<TTransport> transport( new TBufferedTransport(socket));
    boost::shared_ptr<TProtocol> protocol( new TBinaryProtocol(transport));
    PublisherServiceClient client(protocol);


        SubscribeMarketAck ack;
        SubscribeMarketParam param;

        client.subscribeMarket(ack, param);
        std::cout << "subscribeMarket(), error code: " << ack.error_code << std::endl;

     catch (TException& tx)
        std::cout << "ERROR: " << tx.what() << std::endl;

     return 0;

4. pubsher_server.cpp
 * Main.cpp

#include "../gen-cpp/SubscriberService.h"
#include "../gen-cpp/PublisherService.h"
#include <thrift/protocol/TBinaryProtocol.h>
#include <thrift/server/TSimpleServer.h>
#include <thrift/transport/TSocket.h>
#include <thrift/transport/TServerSocket.h>
#include <thrift/transport/TBufferTransports.h>
#include <thrift/concurrency/ThreadManager.h>
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>

using  namespace ::apache::thrift;
using  namespace ::apache::thrift::protocol;
using  namespace ::apache::thrift::transport;
using  namespace ::apache::thrift::server;
using  namespace ::apache::thrift::concurrency;

using boost::shared_ptr;
using  namespace  ::market_publisher;
using  namespace  ::market_subscriber;

std::list<boost::shared_ptr<SubscriberServiceClient> > g_lstSubscriberServiceClient;
boost::mutex g_mutexSubscriberServiceClient;

class PublisherServiceHandler :  virtual  public PublisherServiceIf {
  PublisherServiceHandler() {
     //  Your initialization goes here

   void subscribeMarket(SubscribeMarketAck& _return,  const SubscribeMarketParam& param) {
     //  Your implementation goes here
    std::cout << "subscribeMarket, ip=" << param.ip << ", port=" << param.port << "." << std::endl;

    boost::shared_ptr<TSocket> socket( new TSocket(param.ip, param.port));
    boost::shared_ptr<TTransport> transport( new TBufferedTransport(socket));
    boost::shared_ptr<TProtocol> protocol( new TBinaryProtocol(transport));
    boost::shared_ptr<SubscriberServiceClient> client( new SubscriberServiceClient(protocol));

     int error_code = 1;  //  fail to open
        error_code = 0;

        {  //  add to subscribes list
            boost::mutex::scoped_lock  lock(g_mutexSubscriberServiceClient);
     catch (TException& e)
        std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
     catch (std::exception& e)
        std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
     catch ( )
         char buff[100];
        snprintf(buff, 99, "fail to open %s:%d.", param.ip.c_str(), param.port);
        std::cout << "Exception: " << buff << std::endl;

   void getStockBaseInfo(GetStockBaseInfoAck& _return,  const GetStockBaseInfoParam& param) {
     //  Your implementation goes here


int32_t getCurTime()
    time_t t = time(0);
     char tmp[64];
    strftime(tmp,  sizeof(tmp), "%H%M%S", localtime(&t));
     return atoi(tmp);

//  send markets to subscribers.
void publisherServiceThread()
     while (1)
        std::vector<Snapshot> lstSnapshot;
        Snapshot snapshot;
        snapshot.nSecurityID = 100000001;
        snapshot.nTime = getCurTime() * 1000 + rand() % 1000;
        snapshot.nTradingPhaseCode = 2;
        snapshot.nPreClosePx = 240500;
        snapshot.nOpenPx = 250500;
        snapshot.nHighPx = 250800;
        snapshot.nLowPx = 240800;
        snapshot.nLastPx = 250300;
        snapshot.llTradeNum = 15000;
        snapshot.llVolume = 6000000;
        snapshot.llValue = 15030000000;

        boost::mutex::scoped_lock  lock(g_mutexSubscriberServiceClient);
        std::list<boost::shared_ptr<SubscriberServiceClient> >::iterator iter = g_lstSubscriberServiceClient.begin();
         while (iter != g_lstSubscriberServiceClient.end())
             catch (TException& e)
                std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
                iter = g_lstSubscriberServiceClient.erase(iter);
             catch (std::exception& e)
                std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
                iter = g_lstSubscriberServiceClient.erase(iter);
             catch ( )
                std::cout << "Exception: fail to call sendSnapshot()." << std::endl;
                iter = g_lstSubscriberServiceClient.erase(iter);


int main( int argc,  char **argv)
     int port = 9090;
    shared_ptr<PublisherServiceHandler> handler( new PublisherServiceHandler());
    shared_ptr<TProcessor> processor( new PublisherServiceProcessor(handler));
    shared_ptr<TServerTransport> serverTransport( new TServerSocket(port));
    shared_ptr<TTransportFactory> transportFactory(
             new TBufferedTransportFactory());
    shared_ptr<TProtocolFactory> protocolFactory( new TBinaryProtocolFactory());

    TSimpleServer server(processor, serverTransport, transportFactory,

    boost::thread thrd(&publisherServiceThread);

    printf("Starting the server \n");
     return 0;
