首先声明,MOD不是取模函数!MOD是字典学习和sparse coding的一种方法… 最近在看KSVD,其简化版就是MOD(method of directions),这么说吧,KSVD和MOD的优化目标函数是相同的,MOD之所以可以称作KSVD的简化版是因为KSVD在MOD的基础上做了顺序更新列的优化。关于KSVD和MOD的理论知识请见下面我给出的一页note和referenc中的paper。本文主要给出其基本思想及我的代码,已经过测试,如有bug欢迎提出。
<<From Sparse Solutions of Systems of Equations to Sparse Modeling of Signals and Images>>, Page 68~70
KSVD & MOD's principle & objective function
简单来说,其优化就是一个OMP(orthogonal matching pursuit)与Regression的迭代过程,因此代码包括一个OMP.m, regression.m.
Objective Function & the variation from MOD to KSVD:
运行Main(Main中通过MOD)学习字典和稀疏表示,MOD迭代调用Regression学习字典,调用和OMP获得sparse representation.
%% Main.m clc; clear; P = 512; N = 256; M = 128; K = 100; %% Data Generator Method 1 % sparsity_X = 0.4; % Y = randi(10,M,P); % X = floor(sprand(N,P,sparsity_X)*10); %% Data Generator Method 2 Y = randn(M,P);%Notice that Y should be full rank, that is, rank(Y) = N X = randn(N,P);% initialization of X %% Main Iteration [D,X] = MOD(Y,X,K,1e-4);
% @Function: Method Of Dirction of 2D signal % For dictionary and sparse representation learning % @CreateTime: 2013-2-22 % @Author: Rachel Zhang @ http://blog.csdn.net/abcjennifer % % @Reference: From Sparse Solutions of Systems of Equations to % Sparse Modeling of Signals and Images function [ D , X ] = MOD( Y ,X ,K ,ErrorThreshold ) %MOD Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here % Sample_Data is Y % Coefficient is X % Dictionary is D % sparsity is K disp('Run Method of directions'); iteration_time = 1; error = ErrorThreshold+1; while error>=ErrorThreshold; disp(['iteration time = ' num2str(iteration_time)]); D = Regression(Y,X); X = OMP(Y,D,K); iteration_time = iteration_time+1; error = sum(sum(abs(Y-D*X))) end end
% @Function: Orthogonal Matching Pursuit of 2D signal % Learning Sparse Representation Given Dictionary % @CreateTime: 2013-2-21 % @Author: Rachel Zhang @ http://blog.csdn.net/abcjennifer % % @Reference: http://www.eee.hku.hk/~wsha/Freecode/freecode.htm function [ X ] = OMP( Y,D,K ) % Y is the sample data to be recovered M*P % D is the dictionary M*N % X is the sparse coefficient N*P % K is the sparsity if nargin==2 K = size(D,2); end; M = size(D,1); P = size(Y,2); N = size(D,2); m = K*2; % execute iterations for idx = 1:P % recover the idx-th column sample y = Y(:,idx); residual = y; Aug_D = []; D1 = D; for times = 1:m; product = abs(D1'*residual); [~,pos] = max(product); % 最大投影系数对应的位置 Aug_D = [Aug_D, D1(:,pos)]; D1(:,pos) = zeros(M,1); %去掉选中的列 indx(times) = pos; Aug_x = (Aug_D'*Aug_D)^-1*Aug_D'*y; % 最小二乘,使残差最小,i.e. x = pinv(Aug_D)*y residual = y - Aug_D*Aug_x; if sum(residual.^2)<1e-6 break; end end temp = zeros(N,1); temp(indx(1:times)) = Aug_x; X(:,idx) = sparse(temp); end end
% @Function: Dictionary learning & Regression % Learning Dictionary Given Sparse Representation % @CreateTime: 2013-2-21 % @Author: Rachel Zhang @ http://blog.csdn.net/abcjennifer % function [ D ] = Regression( Y,X ) % Y is the sample data to be recovered M*P % D is the dictionary M*N % X is the sparse coefficient N*P % P>N>M %由于X是扁矩阵,需要转置求D0 = min(D) ||Y^T-X^TD^T|| %这样就是N个未知数,P个方程去求解; %每次解得D中的一列,共解M次 Y = Y'; X = X'; P = size(Y,1); N = size(X,2); M = size(Y,2); D = zeros(N,M); for i = 1:M; y = Y(:,i); D(:,i) = regress(y,X); end D = D'; end
function [Dictionary,output] = KSVD(... Data,... % an nXN matrix that contins N signals (Y), each of dimension n. param) % ========================================================================= % K-SVD algorithm % ========================================================================= % The K-SVD algorithm finds a dictionary for linear representation of % signals. Given a set of signals, it searches for the best dictionary that % can sparsely represent each signal. Detailed discussion on the algorithm % and possible applications can be found in "The K-SVD: An Algorithm for % Designing of Overcomplete Dictionaries for Sparse Representation", written % by M. Aharon, M. Elad, and A.M. Bruckstein and appeared in the IEEE Trans. % On Signal Processing, Vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 4311-4322, November 2006. % ========================================================================= % INPUT ARGUMENTS: % Data an nXN matrix that contins N signals (Y), each of dimension n. % param structure that includes all required % parameters for the K-SVD execution. % Required fields are: % K, ... the number of dictionary elements to train % numIteration,... number of iterations to perform. % errorFlag... if =0, a fix number of coefficients is % used for representation of each signal. If so, param.L must be % specified as the number of representing atom. if =1, arbitrary number % of atoms represent each signal, until a specific representation error % is reached. If so, param.errorGoal must be specified as the allowed % error. % preserveDCAtom... if =1 then the first atom in the dictionary % is set to be constant, and does not ever change. This % might be useful for working with natural % images (in this case, only param.K-1 % atoms are trained). % (optional, see errorFlag) L,... % maximum coefficients to use in OMP coefficient calculations. % (optional, see errorFlag) errorGoal, ... % allowed representation error in representing each signal. % InitializationMethod,... mehtod to initialize the dictionary, can % be one of the following arguments: % * 'DataElements' (initialization by the signals themselves), or: % * 'GivenMatrix' (initialization by a given matrix param.initialDictionary). % (optional, see InitializationMethod) initialDictionary,... % if the initialization method % is 'GivenMatrix', this is the matrix that will be used. % (optional) TrueDictionary, ... % if specified, in each % iteration the difference between this dictionary and the trained one % is measured and displayed. % displayProgress, ... if =1 progress information is displyed. If param.errorFlag==0, % the average repersentation error (RMSE) is displayed, while if % param.errorFlag==1, the average number of required coefficients for % representation of each signal is displayed. % ========================================================================= % OUTPUT ARGUMENTS: % Dictionary The extracted dictionary of size nX(param.K). % output Struct that contains information about the current run. It may include the following fields: % CoefMatrix The final coefficients matrix (it should hold that Data equals approximately Dictionary*output.CoefMatrix. % ratio If the true dictionary was defined (in % synthetic experiments), this parameter holds a vector of length % param.numIteration that includes the detection ratios in each % iteration). % totalerr The total representation error after each % iteration (defined only if % param.displayProgress=1 and % param.errorFlag = 0) % numCoef A vector of length param.numIteration that % include the average number of coefficients required for representation % of each signal (in each iteration) (defined only if % param.displayProgress=1 and % param.errorFlag = 1) % ========================================================================= if (~isfield(param,'displayProgress')) param.displayProgress = 0; end totalerr(1) = 99999; if (isfield(param,'errorFlag')==0) param.errorFlag = 0; end if (isfield(param,'TrueDictionary')) displayErrorWithTrueDictionary = 1; ErrorBetweenDictionaries = zeros(param.numIteration+1,1); ratio = zeros(param.numIteration+1,1); else displayErrorWithTrueDictionary = 0; ratio = 0; end if (param.preserveDCAtom>0) FixedDictionaryElement(1:size(Data,1),1) = 1/sqrt(size(Data,1)); else FixedDictionaryElement = []; end % coefficient calculation method is OMP with fixed number of coefficients if (size(Data,2) < param.K) disp('Size of data is smaller than the dictionary size. Trivial solution...'); Dictionary = Data(:,1:size(Data,2)); return; elseif (strcmp(param.InitializationMethod,'DataElements')) Dictionary(:,1:param.K-param.preserveDCAtom) = Data(:,1:param.K-param.preserveDCAtom); elseif (strcmp(param.InitializationMethod,'GivenMatrix')) Dictionary(:,1:param.K-param.preserveDCAtom) = param.initialDictionary(:,1:param.K-param.preserveDCAtom); end % reduce the components in Dictionary that are spanned by the fixed % elements if (param.preserveDCAtom) tmpMat = FixedDictionaryElement \ Dictionary; Dictionary = Dictionary - FixedDictionaryElement*tmpMat; end %normalize the dictionary. Dictionary = Dictionary*diag(1./sqrt(sum(Dictionary.*Dictionary))); Dictionary = Dictionary.*repmat(sign(Dictionary(1,:)),size(Dictionary,1),1); % multiply in the sign of the first element. totalErr = zeros(1,param.numIteration); % the K-SVD algorithm starts here. for iterNum = 1:param.numIteration % find the coefficients if (param.errorFlag==0) %CoefMatrix = mexOMPIterative2(Data, [FixedDictionaryElement,Dictionary],param.L); CoefMatrix = OMP([FixedDictionaryElement,Dictionary],Data, param.L); else %CoefMatrix = mexOMPerrIterative(Data, [FixedDictionaryElement,Dictionary],param.errorGoal); CoefMatrix = OMPerr([FixedDictionaryElement,Dictionary],Data, param.errorGoal); param.L = 1; end replacedVectorCounter = 0; rPerm = randperm(size(Dictionary,2)); for j = rPerm [betterDictionaryElement,CoefMatrix,addedNewVector] = I_findBetterDictionaryElement(Data,... [FixedDictionaryElement,Dictionary],j+size(FixedDictionaryElement,2),... CoefMatrix ,param.L); Dictionary(:,j) = betterDictionaryElement; if (param.preserveDCAtom) tmpCoef = FixedDictionaryElement\betterDictionaryElement; Dictionary(:,j) = betterDictionaryElement - FixedDictionaryElement*tmpCoef; Dictionary(:,j) = Dictionary(:,j)./sqrt(Dictionary(:,j)'*Dictionary(:,j)); end replacedVectorCounter = replacedVectorCounter+addedNewVector; end if (iterNum>1 & param.displayProgress) if (param.errorFlag==0) output.totalerr(iterNum-1) = sqrt(sum(sum((Data-[FixedDictionaryElement,Dictionary]*CoefMatrix).^2))/prod(size(Data))); disp(['Iteration ',num2str(iterNum),' Total error is: ',num2str(output.totalerr(iterNum-1))]); else output.numCoef(iterNum-1) = length(find(CoefMatrix))/size(Data,2); disp(['Iteration ',num2str(iterNum),' Average number of coefficients: ',num2str(output.numCoef(iterNum-1))]); end end if (displayErrorWithTrueDictionary ) [ratio(iterNum+1),ErrorBetweenDictionaries(iterNum+1)] = I_findDistanseBetweenDictionaries(param.TrueDictionary,Dictionary); disp(strcat(['Iteration ', num2str(iterNum),' ratio of restored elements: ',num2str(ratio(iterNum+1))])); output.ratio = ratio; end Dictionary = I_clearDictionary(Dictionary,CoefMatrix(size(FixedDictionaryElement,2)+1:end,:),Data); if (isfield(param,'waitBarHandle')) waitbar(iterNum/param.counterForWaitBar); end end output.CoefMatrix = CoefMatrix; Dictionary = [FixedDictionaryElement,Dictionary]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % findBetterDictionaryElement %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [betterDictionaryElement,CoefMatrix,NewVectorAdded] = I_findBetterDictionaryElement(Data,Dictionary,j,CoefMatrix,numCoefUsed) if (length(who('numCoefUsed'))==0) numCoefUsed = 1; end relevantDataIndices = find(CoefMatrix(j,:)); % the data indices that uses the j'th dictionary element. if (length(relevantDataIndices)<1) %(length(relevantDataIndices)==0) ErrorMat = Data-Dictionary*CoefMatrix; ErrorNormVec = sum(ErrorMat.^2); [d,i] = max(ErrorNormVec); betterDictionaryElement = Data(:,i);%ErrorMat(:,i); % betterDictionaryElement = betterDictionaryElement./sqrt(betterDictionaryElement'*betterDictionaryElement); betterDictionaryElement = betterDictionaryElement.*sign(betterDictionaryElement(1)); CoefMatrix(j,:) = 0; NewVectorAdded = 1; return; end NewVectorAdded = 0; tmpCoefMatrix = CoefMatrix(:,relevantDataIndices); tmpCoefMatrix(j,:) = 0;% the coeffitients of the element we now improve are not relevant. errors =(Data(:,relevantDataIndices) - Dictionary*tmpCoefMatrix); % vector of errors that we want to minimize with the new element % % the better dictionary element and the values of beta are found using svd. % % This is because we would like to minimize || errors - beta*element ||_F^2. % % that is, to approximate the matrix 'errors' with a one-rank matrix. This % % is done using the largest singular value. [betterDictionaryElement,singularValue,betaVector] = svds(errors,1); CoefMatrix(j,relevantDataIndices) = singularValue*betaVector';% *signOfFirstElem %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % findDistanseBetweenDictionaries %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [ratio,totalDistances] = I_findDistanseBetweenDictionaries(original,new) % first, all the column in oiginal starts with positive values. catchCounter = 0; totalDistances = 0; for i = 1:size(new,2) new(:,i) = sign(new(1,i))*new(:,i); end for i = 1:size(original,2) d = sign(original(1,i))*original(:,i); distances =sum ( (new-repmat(d,1,size(new,2))).^2); [minValue,index] = min(distances); errorOfElement = 1-abs(new(:,index)'*d); totalDistances = totalDistances+errorOfElement; catchCounter = catchCounter+(errorOfElement<0.01); end ratio = 100*catchCounter/size(original,2); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % I_clearDictionary %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function Dictionary = I_clearDictionary(Dictionary,CoefMatrix,Data) T2 = 0.99; T1 = 3; K=size(Dictionary,2); Er=sum((Data-Dictionary*CoefMatrix).^2,1); % remove identical atoms G=Dictionary'*Dictionary; G = G-diag(diag(G)); for jj=1:1:K, if max(G(jj,:))>T2 | length(find(abs(CoefMatrix(jj,:))>1e-7))<=T1 , [val,pos]=max(Er); Er(pos(1))=0; Dictionary(:,jj)=Data(:,pos(1))/norm(Data(:,pos(1))); G=Dictionary'*Dictionary; G = G-diag(diag(G)); end; end;
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