First number is the rank of the impact factor among all computer science journals and conference proceedings. Selected from:
Rank Conference Full Name Conference:
Geospatial cs conference
225 SSTD International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases
676 SSD Symposium on Large Spatial Databases
726 AGDM Advanced Geographic Data Modelling
873 COSIT Conference On Spatial Information Theory
910 JGS Journal of Geographical Systems
1044 IJGIS International Journal of Geographic Information Systems
1048 ScanGIS Scandinavian Research Conference on Geographical Information Science
1167 Spatial Cognition Spatial Cognition
1415 GEOS GeoSpatial Semantics
wwwIR cs conferece
22 WWW International World Wide Web Conference
40 EC ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce
42 TOIS ACM Transactions on Information Systems
48 SIGIR Research and Development in Information Retrieval
81 Internet Measurement Workshop Internet Measurement Workshop
166 CIKM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
179 Hypertext ACM Conference on Hypertext
190 ECIR European Conference on Information Retrieval
233 WIDM Web Information and Data Management
272 TREC Text REtrieval Conference
303 JCDL ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
354 WES Web Services, E-Business, and the Semantic Web
394 ICWS International Conference on Web Services
406 DIWeb Data Integration over the Web
419 FQAS Flexible Query-Answering Systems
429 Web3D International Conference on 3D Web Technology
446 AH Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems
467 SAINT Symposium on Applications and the Internet
477 SPIRE Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval
487 ECDL European Conference on Digital Libraries
534 WebDB International Workshop on the Web and Databases
543 EXTREME Extreme Markup Languages
571 WI Web Intelligence
676 WAIM Web-Age Information Management
692 CEC(WECWIS) Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web/based Information Systems/Conference on Electronic Commerce
706 CLEF Cross-Language Evaluation Forum
759 IICS Innovative Internet Computing Systems
806 QofIS Quality of Future Internet Services
818 ICADL International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries
975 IADIS International Association for Development of the Information Society
1089 NDDL New Developments in Digital Libraries
1099 AIRS Asia Information Retrieval Symposium
1124 WSMAI Web Services: Modeling, Architecture and Infrastructure
1138 AMR Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval
1210 AWIC Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference
1252 APWeb Asia-Pacific Web Conference
1278 PPSWR Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning
1303 ICWE International Conference on Web Engineering
1356 MIR ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval
1523 IEEESCC IEEE International Conference on Services Computing
ML&PR cs conference
25 JMLR Journal of Machine Learning Research
44 JAIR Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
69 COLT Conference on Learning Theory
73 ICML International Conference on Machine Learning
106 UAI Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
142 NIPS Neural Information Processing Systems
187 Machine Learning Machine Learning
210 TCS Theoretical Computer Science
216 ECML European Conference on Machine Learning
227 ILP International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming
239 NC Neural Computation
310 ICDAR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition
346 ALT Algorithmic Learning Theory
381 DAS Document Analysis Systems
475 IC International Conference on Internet Computing
580 MLDM International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining
587 DS Discovery Science
639 ICGI International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference
663 DAGM Symposium Symposium for Pattern Recognition DAGM Symposium Symposium for Pattern Recognition
695 ESANN The European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks
740 ICBA International Conference on Biometric Authentication
793 ISNN International Symposium on Neural Networks
807 ICANN International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks
842 ICPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition
861 IWAN Active Networks
926 ICVGIP Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics & Image Processing
956 PRIS Pattern Recognition in Information Systems
995 Reading and Learning Reading and Learning
1096 ICAPR Advances in Pattern Recognition
1180 DSMML Deterministic and Statistical Methods in Machine Learning
1228 ICA Independent Component Analysis
1306 ICONIP International Conference on Neural Information Processing
1347 NCI Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence
1380 CIARP Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
1402 WIRN Italian Workshop on Neural Neural Nets
1445 ICNC International Conference on Natural Computation
1487 SINOBIOMETRICS Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition
1496 ALART Automatic Learning and Real-Time
1531 ESSMAC European Summer School on Multi-Agent Control
1564 International Workshop on Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition International Workshop on Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition
NLP conference
26 CL Computational Linguistics
85 ACL Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
184 COLING International Conference on Computational Linguistics
214 NAACL North American chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics annual meeting
331 TALIP ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing
344 EMNLP Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
556 AMTA Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas
567 EACL Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
650 NLDB Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems
693 CORR The Computing Research Repository
716 CICLing Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics
794 HLT Human Language Technology conference
1019 LACL Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics
1048 MT Machine Translation
1061 INLG International Conference on Natural Language Generation
1074 TSD Text, Speech and Dialogue
1090 RANLP Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing - RANLP
1137 NDQA New Directions in Question Answering
1189 IJCNLP International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing
1206 IJCPOL International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages
1424 FSMNLP Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing
DM conference
41 KDD Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
84 DMKD Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
103 TKDE IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
136 JIIS Journal of Intelligent Information Systems
138 SIGKDD Explorations SIGKDD Explorations
455 KIS Knowledge and Information Systems
762 IDA Intelligent Data Analysis
105 SDM SIAM International Conference on Data Mining
166 CIKM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
171 ICDM IEEE International Conference on Data Mining
248 PKDD Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
424 PAKDD Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
485 DMDW Design and Management of Data Warehouses
506 DaWaK Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery
580 MLDM International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining
587 DS Discovery Science
633 DOLAP International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP
739 IDEAL Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning
1240 KDID Knowledge Discovery in Inductive Databases
1281 EGC European Grid Conference
1334 FSKD International Conference on Fuzzy Systerms and Knowledge Discovery
1506 CINQ cInQ project
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