Dino Windows 8 学习笔记(七)-- 关于GridView的设置问题

Dino Windows 8 学习笔记(七)-- 关于GridView的设置问题

       如果在GroupStyle.Panel里面设置了ItemHeight  ItemWidth,并且设置了MaxColumOrRow的话,会自动计算,比如设置了100,200,5的话,那么现在算出来,这个Group的宽是1000,高是500,如果同时在GroupStyle.Container里面设置的<Setter Property="Width" value="1000"/> <Setter Property="Heigh" Value="500"/>的话,那么刚合适。
       如果Container里面设置的是width=800, height=400的话,将会有一部分不会显示.

GroupStyle: Describes how to display the grouped items in a collection. If a gridview have two groups, this groupstyle is purposed to display how these two gropu display in gridview. It has some properties need to be setted in XAML file.

ContainerStyle: Gets or sets style that is applied to the GroupItem genarated or each item. Means set each groups border, margin, or background e.t.
HeaderTemplate: Gets or sets the template that is used to display the group header.
HidesIfEmpty : indicates whether items corresponding to empty groups should be display.
Panel: a template that creates the panel used to lay out the items.
It looks like similar with ItemsPanel, because the definition is:
property ItemsPanelTemplate^ Panel{
    ItemsPanelTemplate^ get();
    void set(ItemsPanelTemplate^ value);
But even this, they're different.
I'v try modify <GroupStyle.Panel><ItemsPanelTemplate><VeriableGrid ...></..></..>. It didn't affect the items layout in a Group.
Other wise, If you modify ItemsPanel, a property of GridView, you can obviously notify the difference. 
So my suggestion is if you want change layout of items, just use  ItemsPanel="{StaticResource someTemplate}".

if you set a Itemspanel and then you also set a  GroupStyle.Panel, you will got a wrong layout. Seggestion is set GoupStyle and don't set ItemsPanel

                <Style TargetType="GridViewItem">
                    <Setter Property="Background" Value="Red"/>
                    <Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="Green"/>
                    <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="5"/>
                    <Setter Property="Margin" Value="60"/>
                    <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Black"/>
                    <Setter Property="Name" Value="Hello"/>


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