HDU 3471 England vs Germany 【三维线段判定】
2010MU(ACM2010多校联合训练)-Fourth-UESTC-C Problem-England vs Germany-Solution Report
The big fight between England and Germany was destroyed by the guy called Larrionda. England could have made a tie of 2:2. But that poor guy disqualified Lampard's wonderful goal. The ball passed through the goal line by half a meter, however, Larrionda turned a blind eye to this goal.
As a fan of Three Lion Regimen, silentsky want to develop a system which uses sensors to get the information to check if it scored or not.
The information includes a point as the location of ball, a vector as the velocity and a cuboid as the goal.
The first line gives an integer t (t<=10000) indicating the number of test cases.
For each case:
The first line gives three real numbers x, y , z, indicating a point to represent the ball.
The second line gives three real numbers a, b, c. indicates a vector to represent the velocity.
The following 8 lines give 8 points according the sequence A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H as is shown in the figure.
Absolute value of all real numbers are smaller than 10000.
It is guaranteed that the initial location of the ball is not inside the goal.
确保球的初始位置不在球门内。 (这句话是让无数人WA的关键。实际的测试数据中给出了在球门内的数据。)(怎么说呢。是写解题报告和出题的人没有和写标程测试数据的人统一好意见呢。还是根本就没认真对待出题这种神圣的事情,纯粹2B了呢?!)
if it scored then output “Case X: Stupid Larrionda!!!”.otherwise output “Case X: Intelligent Larrionda!!!”.(X is the case number starting from 1).
(We consider ABCD as the front of the goal and AB,BC,CD,DA as the goalposts. A shoot scores if and only if it passes through the front of the goal and doesn't crash on the goalpost)
译文:如果球进了,我们就输出“Case X: Stupid Larrionda!!!”(第X种情况:愚蠢的拉里昂达!!!)否则就输出 “Case X: Intelligent Larrionda!!!”(第X种情况:聪明的拉里昂达!!!)(X从1开始计数)
Sample Input:
20 0 5
-10 5 0
10 0 10
10 10 10
10 10 0
10 0 0
0 0 10
0 10 10
0 10 0
0 0 0
Sample Output:
Case 1: Stupid Larrionda!!!
题目链接: http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=3471
#include < cstring >
#include < cmath >
#include < cstdio >
#include < cctype >
#include < cstdlib >
#include < algorithm >
#include < vector >
#define MAX 1<<30
using namespace std;
const double eps = 1e - 8 ;
typedef long long ll;
int main()
typedef struct
double x;
double y;
double z;
} plus; // 三维点坐标的结构。。话说有没有这样的STL啊?
plus r[ 100 ],xa[ 100 ],p[ 100 ];
// 下面是我比赛的时候去恶补的高数知识。。下学期高数没学好啊。几何部分一窍不通。泪目。。。
/* 面法向量(本题中简易做法是AEvector)
* 本题中因为给出的是严格长方体,所以ABCD面法向量就是AEvector
* 下面的法向量求法就没用了,不过学会了更好,我这个数学2B
* x0=(y2-y1)*(z3-z1)-(z2-z1)*(y3-y1),
* y0=(z3-z1)*(x2-x1)-(x3-x1)*(z2-z1),
* z0=(x2-x1)*(y3-y1)-(x3-x1)*(y2-y1)
* x0*(x-x1)+y0(y-y1)+z0(z-z1)=0
* 直线参数方程是本题中判断球所在位置的关键
* 直线参数方程 (p为始点,f为末点,即交点)
* xf=xp+mt
* yf=yp+nt
* zf=zp+qt
* 以下为求参数方程中t的关键
* 线面相交方程
* x0*(xp+mt-x1)+y0*(yp+nt-y1)+z0*(zp+qt-z1)=0
* (x0*m+y0*n+z0*q)t=(x1-xp)*x0+(y1-yp)*y0+(z1-zp)*z0
* 参数解法(即,交点确定方法) */
// freopen("eg.in","r",stdin);
// freopen("fuck3.out","w",stdout);
int t,i,j,k,ca = 0 ;
double temp[ 6 ],pp[ 100 ]; // ,r[4],l;
plus o,v,m,f;
scanf( " %d " , & t);
while (t -- )
scanf( " %lf%lf%lf " , & o.x, & o.y, & o.z);
scanf( " %lf%lf%lf " , & v.x, & v.y, & v.z);
printf( " Case %d: " , ++ ca);
for (i = 0 ;i < 8 ;i ++ )
scanf( " %lf%lf%lf " , & p[i].x, & p[i].y, & p[i].z);
m.x = p[ 4 ].x - p[ 0 ].x;
m.y = p[ 4 ].y - p[ 0 ].y;
m.z = p[ 4 ].z - p[ 0 ].z; // AEvector
// 将AEvector与速度矢量进行点积,判断速度与法向量是否同向
// 从而判断球是否射向球门内
if (m.x * v.x + m.y * v.y + m.z * v.z <= eps)
printf( " Intelligent Larrionda!!!\n " );
continue ;
// 求由球点与速度矢量确定的直线方程与ABCD及EFGH面的交点
// temp[0]为与ABCD的交点的参数t的值
// temp[1]为与EFGH的交点的参数t的值
temp[ 0 ] = ( (p[ 0 ].x - o.x) * m.x + (p[ 0 ].y - o.y) * m.y + (p[ 0 ].z - o.z) * m.z ) / (m.x * v.x + m.y * v.y + m.z * v.z);
temp[ 1 ] = ( (p[ 4 ].x - o.x) * m.x + (p[ 4 ].y - o.y) * m.y + (p[ 4 ].z - o.z) * m.z ) / (m.x * v.x + m.y * v.y + m.z * v.z);
/* 判断球是否在球网EFGH的后面
* 本来我只判断了球是否在球门之后,毕竟题目里说了球初始点不可能在球门内
* 可是我事后去翻看了标程以及标程数据生成器,果然有这样的数据存在
* 所以一开始sunyuqi和linyiyong同学竟然能把这道题过了,我表示非常震惊
* 他们这叫歪打正着呢?还是有先见之明?
* 学长们,以及我,都被那组不符合题意的数据卡死了。10+的WA。光辉的一B啊!
* 1W组数据中的100组。被那2B的标程搞死。NND。
if (temp[ 0 ] <= eps && temp[ 1 ] <= eps)
printf( " Intelligent Larrionda!!!\n " );
continue ;
// 前面一路判断都为真的话,则求ABCD与射球轨迹的交点
f.x = o.x + temp[ 0 ] * v.x;
f.y = o.y + temp[ 0 ] * v.y;
f.z = o.z + temp[ 0 ] * v.z;
* 现在判断交点是否在ABCD面内
* 想法是,求出FAvector,FBvector,FCvector,FDvector(交点在F)
* 再顺时针对这四个矢量求叉积,叉积即该平面(ABCD)的一侧法向量
* 再判断这四个法向量是否在同侧即可
* 判断方法为这四个叉积所得向量进行顺时针点积。均为正,则同向。
for (i = 0 ;i < 4 ;i ++ )
r[i].x = p[i].x - f.x;
r[i].y = p[i].y - f.y;
r[i].z = p[i].z - f.z;
for (i = 0 ;i < 3 ;i ++ )
xa[i].x = r[i + 1 ].z * r[i].y - r[i + 1 ].y * r[i].z;
xa[i].y = r[i + 1 ].x * r[i].z - r[i + 1 ].z * r[i].x;
xa[i].z = r[i + 1 ].y * r[i].x - r[i + 1 ].x * r[i].y;
xa[ 3 ].x =- ( r[ 3 ].z * r[ 0 ].y - r[ 3 ].y * r[ 0 ].z);
xa[ 3 ].y =- ( r[ 3 ].x * r[ 0 ].z - r[ 3 ].z * r[ 0 ].x);
xa[ 3 ].z =- ( r[ 3 ].y * r[ 0 ].x - r[ 3 ].x * r[ 0 ].y);
for (i = 0 ;i < 3 ;i ++ )
if (xa[i].x * xa[i + 1 ].x + xa[i].y * xa[i + 1 ].y + xa[i].z * xa[i + 1 ].z > 0 );
{printf( " Intelligent Larrionda!!!\n " ); break ;}
if (i == 3 )
printf( " Stupid Larrionda!!!\n " );
// system("pause");
// fclose(stdin);
// fclose(stdout);
return 0 ;
/* 本题,我中间错了无数次。
* 算法一改再改,从一开始判断球与球门的相对位置时计算点面距离,到中间的通过叉积矢量xyz坐标单纯相加判断是否同向,本人对高数以及计算几何进行了各种各样的练习。
* 这还不算上,对于测试文件输入输出的学习,对于标程与自己程序对拍方法的学习。
* 这道题消耗了我一天的时间,但是我觉得值,因为我深入理解了这个问题。虽然不代表我以后遇到这类问题能照AC不误,但至少,我从中收获了不少东西。
* 顺便鄙视一下某些出题人。
* 另外,本人的队友sunyuqi同学,做这题时运用了三维矩阵坐标变换的方法,鉴于本人线性代数超烂,故没学会,也就不摆上来献丑了。等以后学会了再来研究一下不迟。
* 第一次写解题报告,如有错误,烦请指正。
* 感谢各位百忙之中浏览本文。