<strong><span style="font-weight: bold;"> </span>txtSQL = "select * from student_Info where userID = '" & ComUserID.Text & "'" & " " & "and Ischeck = '" & "未结账" & "'" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) If mrc.BOF And mrc.EOF Then MsgBox "没有工作记录,请重新选择!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "友好提示" Exit Sub End If With MSHFlexGrid1 .Rows = 1 .ColAlignment = 4 .CellAlignment = 4 .TextMatrix(0, 0) = "学号" .TextMatrix(0, 1) = "卡号" .TextMatrix(0, 2) = "日期" .TextMatrix(0, 3) = "时间" Do While Not mrc.EOF .Rows = .Rows + 1 .ColAlignment = 4 .CellAlignment = 4 .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 0) = Trim(mrc.Fields(1)) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 1) = Trim(mrc.Fields(0)) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 2) = Trim(mrc.Fields(12)) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 3) = Trim(mrc.Fields(13)) mrc.MoveNext Loop End With Call AdjustColWidth(frmCheckout, MSHFlexGrid1) '这一部分是调用自己写模块中的内容,目的使mshflexgrid1中内容居中 mrc.Close<strong> </strong></strong>在其之后的充值,退卡,以及临时用户和其大同小异,故就举售卡一例
<strong><strong>'售卡张数 txtSQL = "select count(cardno) from student_Info where userID = '" & ComUserID.Text & "'" & " " & "and Ischeck = '" & "未结账" & "'" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) If mrc.BOF And mrc.EOF Then Register = 0 Else If IsNull(Trim(mrc.Fields(0))) Then Register = 0 Else Register = mrc.Fields(0) End If End If txtshouka.Text = Register '退卡张数 txtSQL = "select count(cardNo) from CancelCard_Info where userID = '" & ComUserID.Text & "'" & " " & "and status = '" & "未结账" & "'" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) If mrc.BOF And mrc.EOF Then Backcard = 0 Else If IsNull(Trim(mrc.Fields(0))) Then Backcard = 0 Else Backcard = mrc.Fields(0) End If End If txttuika.Text = Backcard '充值金额 txtSQL = "select sum(addmoney) from ReCharge_Info where userID = '" & ComUserID.Text & "'" & " " & "and status = '" & "未结账" & "'" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) If mrc.BOF And mrc.EOF Then Charge = 0 Else If IsNull(Trim(mrc.Fields(0))) Then Charge = 0 Else Charge = mrc.Fields(0) End If End If txtchongka.Text = Charge '退卡金额 txtSQL = "select sum(CancelCash)from CancelCard_Info where userID = '" & ComUserID.Text & "'" & " " & "and status = '" & "未结账" & "'" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) If mrc.BOF And mrc.EOF Then Refund = 0 Else If IsNull(Trim(mrc.Fields(0))) Then Refund = 0 Else Refund = mrc.Fields(0) End If End If txttuiyue.Text = Refund '临时金额 txtSQL = "select cardno from student_Info where userID = '" & ComUserID.Text & "'" & " " & "and Ischeck = '" & "未结账" & "'" & " " & "and type = '" & "临时用户" & "'" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) If mrc.BOF And mrc.EOF Then temPorary = 0 Else i = mrc.RecordCount For j = 1 To i cardid = mrc.Fields(0) txtSQL1 = "select sum(cash) from line_Info where Ischeck = '" & "未结账" & "'" & _ " " & "and cardno = '" & cardid & "'" Set mrcc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL1, MsgText1) If mrcc.BOF And mrcc.EOF Then temPorary = 0 Else If IsNull(mrcc.Fields(0)) Then mrcc.Fields(0) = 0 End If temPorary = mrcc.Fields(0) + temPorary End If mrc.MoveNext Next End If txtlinshi.Text = temPorary <span style="color:#ffffff;"> </strong></span></strong>
<strong><strong>Private Sub cmdCheckout_Click() Dim txtSQL As String Dim MsgText As String Dim mrc As ADODB.Recordset Dim strSQL As String Dim strMsg As String Dim strMrc As ADODB.Recordset Dim lastmoney As Single '更新学生表 txtSQL = "select * from student_Info where userID = '" & ComUserID.Text & "'" & " " & "and Ischeck = '" & "未结账" & "'" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) Do While mrc.EOF = False mrc!IsCheck = "已结账" mrc.MoveNext Loop mrc.Close '更新充值表 txtSQL = "select * from ReCharge_Info where userID = '" & ComUserID.Text & "'" & " " & "and status = '" & "未结账" & "'" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) Do While mrc.EOF = False mrc!Status = "已结账" mrc.MoveNext Loop mrc.Close '更新退卡表 txtSQL = "select * from CancelCard_Info where userID = '" & ComUserID.Text & "'" & " " & "and status = '" & "未结账" & "'" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) Do While mrc.EOF = False mrc!Status = "已结账" mrc.MoveNext Loop mrc.Close '消费金额 txtSQL = "select sum(consume)from line_Info where userID = '" & ComUserID.Text & "'" & " " & "and status = '" & "未结账" & "'" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText) If mrc.BOF And mrc.EOF Then Charge = 0 Else If IsNull(Trim(mrc.Fields(0))) Then Consume = 0 Else Consume = mrc.Fields(0) End If End If txtConsume.Text = Consume '总售卡张数 txtzongshouka.Text = Register - Backcard '总的收费金额 Total = Charge - Refund txtyingshou.Text = Total strSQL = "select * from CheckDay_Info " Set strMrc = ExecuteSQL(strSQL, strMsg) strMrc.MoveLast lastmoney = strMrc.Fields(4) strMrc.AddNew strMrc.Fields(0) = lastmoney strMrc.Fields(1) = Charge strMrc.Fields(2) = Consume strMrc.Fields(3) = Refund strMrc.Fields(4) = Total strMrc.Fields(5) = Date strMrc.Update strMrc.Close MsgBox "结账成功!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "恭喜您" Call notuse '这个过程使结账之后的文本框变为不可用,避免用户随意的改变(其实改也没关系,添加到数据库的数据还是查询内容为主,就是为了避免给用户一个误以为可以改动的错觉) End Sub</strong></strong>到现在为止,结账过程基本过程完成。当然需要不断的后续改进和优化,时刻保持为人民服务的原则,让程序可以做的更加完美。